Author Topic: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying  (Read 1695 times)

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2023, 04:33:10 PM »

Civil war was as a result of Raila incitement , he is trying to cause another civil war now with Maandamano . Raila and his followers like you believe violence is a means to achieve goals

This eventually boiled over in 2007 into a civil war.

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2023, 04:33:25 PM »
Youre using the discredited 2007 election to make the usual false premise.

2005 - Kibaki lost the referendum - 42 % versus 58%.

Just after he had won 2002 by 67%.

Another Raila lie
Bukusus were with Kibaki all the way check 2007 results
40% kambas were with Kibaki something even Ruto couldnt get in 2022 elections
Luos and Kalenjins were an item called ODM which its in your core heart
Ruto left ODM immediately after 2007 elections the hardcore anti GEMA kalenjins like you are still rooted in ODM

Instead by 2005 - Kenya was tribal war zone.
LDP crew of mostly Luos/Kambas/Luhyas joined bitter Kalenjin in KANU to isolate Kibaki.

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2023, 04:36:58 PM »
Like Ndii explained - Kibaki got undone by 2005. From there it was DOWHILL for him and Kenya. He ended causing millions of suffering and soiled his legacy.

It the most epic capitulation.

From winning by almost 70% in 2003 - and 2yrs - he had isolated himself.

From getting almost every tribe - including 1/3 of Kalenjin - to support NARC - he immediately become an insular tribalist - and LOST the country.

Biggest COCKUP in history of kenya politics.

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2023, 12:02:44 AM »
Typical ODmer you are  , Ruto lost 2010 referendum but won 2013 elections  a fact.
Who goes to vote in a referendum ? Ruto won 2022 with slightly over than 1% should he rule Kenya ?

Youre using the discredited 2007 election to make the usual false premise.

2005 - Kibaki lost the referendum - 42 % versus 58%.

Just after he had won 2002 by 67%.

Another Raila lie
Bukusus were with Kibaki all the way check 2007 results
40% kambas were with Kibaki something even Ruto couldnt get in 2022 elections
Luos and Kalenjins were an item called ODM which its in your core heart
Ruto left ODM immediately after 2007 elections the hardcore anti GEMA kalenjins like you are still rooted in ODM

Instead by 2005 - Kenya was tribal war zone.
LDP crew of mostly Luos/Kambas/Luhyas joined bitter Kalenjin in KANU to isolate Kibaki.

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2023, 12:07:12 AM »
Raila made one big mistake too in 2008 like Kibaki all he needed was to accomodate Ruto.
Now he would have finished 10yrs and Ruto would be pork

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2023, 12:14:26 AM »
Uhuru used Raila to contain Ruto and thus loot , in that doing betrayed GEMA.Ruto can even decide to do the same snd he will suffer consequences come 2027.
You like having your cake and eating it, the other day you said Kibaki treated Raila with kids gloves and then today you say Kibaki betrayed Raila , Fact is Raila betrayed Moi and Kibaki with hopes of overthrowing Kibaki in 2007 , indeed he ran against Kibaki in 2007 you expected Kibaki to sit and handover power like a fool to Raila.
Ruto knows Raila will run against him in 2027 you expect him to sit and handover power . People are not as foolish as you think.

Uhuru was doing great until like kibaki in 2nd term he decided to throw Ruto under the bus.
That betrayal like 2003 Kibaki one then erupted into bitterness & hate.
Uhuru gov became dysfunctional as infighting, shouting, heckling and Jubilee chaos.
Uhuru had to spend 90 percent of his time worrying about Ruto and Ruto had to do the same.

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2023, 12:20:10 AM »
I forgot Moi betrayal.
Moron - I keep telling you this - I supported Raila for shortest period of time - from around August 2007 to Jan 2008.

After kibaki betrayal - I was for Kalonzo - like many Kalenjin.

No sane Kalenjin can ever be comfortable with Raila as a leader. 2007 was BRIEF period when bitterness & anger overtook Kalenjin nation.

You simply dont understand Kalenjin thinking, pysche and outlook.

Maybe you think we are nilotes :) and are in bed Jaluos;  Before Kikuyus knew about Jaluos; Kalenjin had lived with them for 500yrs in Kenya;

Kalenjin took a VERY HUGE LEAP OF FAITH in RAILA in 2007.

Ruto himself was NOT for Raila. He only supported him as last resort. Maybe he was for Raila for max of 4 months.

Ruto wanted Kalonzo. But Kalenjin were so angry they were unreasonable.

Kalenjin have GEMA like view on leadership - just not the selfishness.

That is where Kalenjin and GEMA differ - we dont belive in being selfish.

In 2002 - Kalenjin expected Moi to pick Saitoti or Kalonzo or maDVD. No one was ever comfortable with Raila.

Kalenjin are real men who do not like boys like Raila - we want leaders who are calm, collected, sober and peaceful.

Go to nearest border btw Jaluo and Kipsigis or Nandi - and find how many intermarriages has happened since 500yrs - almost NONE. It just recently that you find one or two.

Move to Gusii - and Kipsigis have no problem at all at all with Gusii - except for witchcraft.

Yes Kalenjin and Maa have "nilotic" fratenity as culture is similar, outlook similar, but not Luos. Luos have fraternity with Luhyas.

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2023, 12:23:47 AM »
Priort to 2002 elections GEMA had been warned that Raila was going to betray Kibaki , he immediately did that in 2003.
They user to call Raila Njamba for betraying Moi , he fought kibaki the Kigwouya from 2003 to 2005 , right now Ruto is the Njamba , if he joins hands with Raila you will be puzzled come 2027.

Hapo Pundit I  agree with you 100%. Raila though a late comer to Narc did a very good job.  I left Kenya in less than a year after Kibaki came to power and I remember as an international student how a lot of students were using the fact that Raila was demolishing properties constructed illegally to pave way for the bypasses we see today as a way of getting office of international programs to allow them more time to pay fees or take less credits.  The pretext was that they had lost family businesses/ properties to the Crack down. Whatever happened to the man Kikuyus proudly called Njamba I can't explain.  2007 campaigns were just beyond toxic. My kids who never spoke a word in kikuyu always tell me how they were escorted by the military out of the Rift valley at the wee hours of dawn. Politics of betrayal and tribalism turned neighbors to savages. I hope we never go back there again.

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2023, 12:27:59 AM »
You have morals of Koinange street slut.
Moi lied to Raila and betrayed him.
Raila took Nyachae money and betrayed him.
Kibaki betrayed Raila.

Raila has is own problems but Mgala muuwe haki mpe.

Youre one most despicable people here.

Priort to 2002 elections GEMA had been warned that Raila was going to betray Kibaki , he immediately did that in 2003.
They user to call Raila Njamba for betraying Moi , he fought kibaki the Kigwouya from 2003 to 2005 , right now Ruto is the Njamba , if he joins hands with Raila you will be puzzled come 2027.

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2023, 12:36:28 AM »
For GEMA to live happily with Kalenjin they just need to fix one think - SELFISHNESS - everything else ryhmes.
Kalenjin are generous to a fault.
Kalenjin hate selfish people.
If not hate - they look down upon a selfish person - like we do to Dorobos or Ogiek.

So quit the nonsense about 1man 1 shilling or attacking poor Somalis - that will make Kalenjin blood boil.
They will see you as sub-human good for nothing dorobo.
A dog.

At least for kipsigis - such people - are called dogs.

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #30 on: April 13, 2023, 12:48:08 AM »
One thing Kalenjin and Luo share - is of course that selfness and feeling of justice & equality.
Kalenjin like Luos believe all men are equal.
Kalenjin and Luos are by nature communal - communists.
And that is departure point with most Bantu societies who believe in hierarchy, private ownership, and capitalism.

I think Kalenjin are probably only nilotes to embrace capitalism and private ownership
Maasai, Luos, turkana - even now - dont understand that one has is own land/house/wife/kids
All land is communal - you graze your cows - without any fence.

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #31 on: April 13, 2023, 12:55:03 AM »
When I say you are an ODmer and Railalite I mean it.This is the evidence.
You see most Raila followers reason like you. They even think its Ruto who betrayed Raila in 2008.
Why Ruto mistrusts Raila is because he know he plays politics of betrayal he knows Raila betrayed Moi and Kibaki for political expediency.
Heck he even betrayed Kalonzo in 2022 with Martha Karua for the same. I can bet that he is ready to betray Kalonzo once again if Ruto decides to handshake him .
Raila and betrayal is one term , he thinks and believes its politics for him .You as his follower you subscribe to the same philosophy.

You have morals of Koinange street slut.
Moi lied to Raila and betrayed him.
Raila took Nyachae money and betrayed him.
Kibaki betrayed Raila.

Raila has is own problems but Mgala muuwe haki mpe.

Youre one most despicable people here.

Priort to 2002 elections GEMA had been warned that Raila was going to betray Kibaki , he immediately did that in 2003.
They user to call Raila Njamba for betraying Moi , he fought kibaki the Kigwouya from 2003 to 2005 , right now Ruto is the Njamba , if he joins hands with Raila you will be puzzled come 2027.

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Re: Ndii Coming out clear again - Biggest Mistake was 2007 Railas babying
« Reply #32 on: April 13, 2023, 12:58:34 AM »
More Koinange street like morals.
Like I have said almost all politician are betrayers.
Moi lied to Raila, Kalonzo, Saitoti and MaDVD - then eventually pulled a rabbit out.
Ruto was part of the Moi deal.
Moi betrayed Raila, Kalonzo and team - that is why they quit KANU and joined LDP.
LDP then had talks with Ford-People - Raila lied to Nyachae and took his money.
On the day of signing LDP-Ford-People deal - he run to Kibaki and singed NAK-LDP deal
They formed NARC
Kibaki then betrayed Raila, Kalonzo and LDP.
They formed ODM-K with KANU.
Kalonzo was edged out by Raila - Kalenjin were the deal breakers or makers -
Kalonzo mistake was to be too soft (raila was Gachagua of then)
Kalenjin wanted someone whod bring pain to Kibaki and GEMA - and they choose Raila.
Then 2007 happened.
Kalenjin went on rampage.
Raila chickened out - Kalenjin realized they had trusted a coward who was no different from Kalonzo- he was all talk NO SHOW
Kalenjin then were going for the broke.
Ruto then realize huge mistake had happened and immediately sued for peace with GEMA - GEMA would be added 10yrs to appease them.
For Kalenjin had gone hard thinking Raila would go the whole hog.
And to avoid exposure kalenjin had caused - Kikuyus got 10 more years.

It hard arguing with someone with morals of a slut.

When you say I am pro XYZ - the only politician I have eaten his money is late Arap Ngeny - in 2001 when he was minister of water.

When I say you are an ODmer and Railalite I mean it.This is the evidence.
You see most Raila followers reason like you. They even think its Ruto who betrayed Raila in 2008.
Why Ruto mistrusts Raila is because he know he plays politics of betrayal he knows Raila betrayed Moi and Kibaki for political expediency.
Heck he even betrayed Kalonzo in 2022 with Martha Karua for the same. I can bet that he is ready to betray Kalonzo once again if Ruto decides to handshake him .
Raila and betrayal is one term , he thinks and believes its politics for him .You as his follower you subscribe to the same philosophy.

You have morals of Koinange street slut.
Moi lied to Raila and betrayed him.
Raila took Nyachae money and betrayed him.
Kibaki betrayed Raila.

Raila has is own problems but Mgala muuwe haki mpe.

Youre one most despicable people here.

Priort to 2002 elections GEMA had been warned that Raila was going to betray Kibaki , he immediately did that in 2003.
They user to call Raila Njamba for betraying Moi , he fought kibaki the Kigwouya from 2003 to 2005 , right now Ruto is the Njamba , if he joins hands with Raila you will be puzzled come 2027.