First nobody will buy Russia oil - unless they want to get in trouble with US and EU.
Secondly Kenya gov is going to bring back NOCK to do it's job.
Moi and Biwott killed NOCK - once they got Kenol-Kobil - working. The cartels now are likes of Rubis (who bought Kenol-Kobil) and sold it to Kenyattas.
It estimated they make 25% above what oil is sold in DUBAI. Every month some cartel buy oil cheaply in Dubai and as soon as it's landed - they make cool 25%. Tritons and small players.
Thirdly Kenya gov is trying to save 500M dollars per month - by buying fuel with long term credit - 9 months. This ease the pressure on KES.
I believe Ruto is in Dubai to seal that deal - that will save kenya serious forex in the short term - and also save the industry 25% - and return NOCK to it's role - when it was formed in 1984 - Oil crisis.
If this go - plus LPG - CHIRCHIR would have delivered big time for kenya people.
Seems its a fightback from UhuRailas regime that now new money is taking over .
But why buy expensive oil from Middle east and not cheap oil from Russia ?kicckbacks??