Medicine is what pulled women to Mzungu.
My grandmother told me when they say the women who had gone to church get 4 kids living they went to church.
Child mortality was crazy.
People did all sort of tricks for kids to survive - including withcraft - but rarely was a family ever getting 3 kids alive.
People married many women - just to get 3 or 5 kids to live - maybe 2 or 3 per woman in their lifetime.
Population was low because kids died en masse.
It must be been painful - bearing kids - then they die.
When those who embraced mzungu started having 4 then 6 then 10 kids alive - everyone wanted in.
Soon mwafrika was having 14 kids

same thing among kikuyu only the poor and those kids seen as having less utility to the community were sent to missionary schools. Kenyatta ended there because his father had died and ngengi who had inherited the mother wad a serial abuser. Kenyatta mum fled back to her parents home.