The challenge with Kenya edible oils is not bidco..The reason bidco imports edible oils is only that we don't produce enough oil seeds because of rain dependent agriculture.Its same as maize.So what does bidco and other oil refineries do?Import edible oils worth over 65BN annually...It's the same thing as cotton maize and rice,we don't produce enough so we have to import...After all That,bidco subcontract over 30000 Kenyan farmers to produce oil seeds,employs over 25000 and I saw back in 2017 they had annual revenue of over 50BN KES,So bidco directly and indirectly revenue to GOK are over 10BN...Instead of Kuria focusing on oil seed plantations vs palm oil import and how to supply water to these plantations,He is focusing on how to make money from being a broker of the 65BN palm oil imports to a GOVERMENT controlled corporation in oil processing business...MWIZI.