These were toxic ufool vile plans to counter Hasla's church foothold.
Opportunists, if not criminals, are going around telling people that economic devastation and diseases like cancer and diabetes are the result of non-payment of goats and dowry; that it is not ufool's political and economic mess.
I can bet you a big of Kikuyu core want to go back to the old days. The War between Kenyatta and Kagai was mainly due to their view of what should happen
Kenyatta wanted quick modernization of Kikuyu land rights. He believed that it was better than owning land communally. Kagai wanted land to revert to the clans and be communal
Same thing with religion majority of Kikuyu males don't are non religious becasue they believe christianity is a colonial religion
This group wants spirituality similar to the one that kikuyus had before Mzungu. The hallmark of this spirituality was ritual around female initiation, male circumcision and marriage
Gwata Ndai is a cult but it has a lot of support among the poor