Author Topic: Year 2022 Most Eventfull year Ukraine war was my lowest my highest Ruto Victory  (Read 2335 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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Offline RV Pundit

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My children are half-kalenjin half-embu  - and they are Nairobean if you will. The future in 500yrs will have many such kids being the majority. For now they are still a minority. Then kenyan identity will slowly form beyond the flag.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Then you backword thinking . It does not require 500 years to build a Nation , it requires 3 to 4 generations . kenya is already in its 3rd generation or end of second Generation since Independence . Look at out leaders children already marrying different trines Uhurus, Raila and Rutos Children. When start creating tribal enclaves within Kenya we will have situations like Yugoslavia and USSR .
Lenin and Bolsheviks had good intentions when they decided to divide Russian empire into tribal enclaves gave part of Russia and decided to name it Ukraine just to appease Ukrainians who had been part of Austro Hungerian empire  did the same with Belarus , Georgia etc
Years later they came to claim they were Independent countries . Same thing can happen down the lane Nyanza might decide to say they are independent , North  Eastern same when they discover oil. The best way to create a Nation have people migrating and living working in different parts of Kenya . I think its one of the reason you hot an Embu else you would have remained in Bomet and married a Kalenjin.
Kenyans need to intermix and create a Kenyan identity.
Gema did the right thing by defying the so called tribal kingpin and voted for a Kenyan Kingpin , No other tribe has ever done that they always go where their kingpin is. 
Look at the crisis in Serbia now , Kosovo are trapping Serbia to a war so that Serbia is destroyed by NATO and they can gain full independence , US supports this but when Cali wanted to be independence they were warned they will be met with full force.
Georgia made the same mistake in 2008 , Abhazia and South Ossetia claimed independence from Georgia , Russia used the opportunity to create a frozen conflict so as to prevent Georgia joining NATO . Same thing with Crimea and Transnistria .
Now a new frozen conflict with Donbass Zaporijejia and Xerson having decided to join Russia any negotiation will require Ukraine accepting these regions are in Russia .This is what you are advocating for Kenya will be in perpetual war if we decide to go the regional way .we have discussed the historical injustice during creation of the provinces . How do you explain Nakuru being in Rift Valley but part of it is legally in Central ? If Rift Valley as a region decide to secede then there will be a genocide there . This is the Kenya you want because you believe you are bound to benefit by a genocide.
From history and the current conflicts its evident Kenya is best as a Unitary state .

My children are half-kalenjin half-embu  - and they are Nairobean if you will. The future in 500yrs will have many such kids being the majority. For now they are still a minority. Then kenyan identity will slowly form beyond the flag.

Offline RV Pundit

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First of all I didnt marry nor does anyone marry because of they want to create a non-tribal identity or because inter-marriages are okay. People marry because they fall in love.  It has no other objective. It directionless.

Secondly understand what exist and what you desire.

In kenya 42 tribes exist. In Russisa and eastern europe many tribes exist.

In the UK - it's only welsh, irish, english and scottish.

In the US - apart from say Hawaian and Puertico - pretty much the rest have jelled into speaking English americans.

If tribes or nations already exist - federalism or devolution- is inevitable - otherwise you will have civil war and endless conflict.

Once they dont exist - like Italy or France or Germany - now -  then you can form unitary gov.

It's possible our tribes will die in 500yrs; that is maybe 100 generations - then a unitary gov will work.

Before that devolution and federalism are not avoiadable. They are absolutely neccessary.

If Ukrainans had given more powers to Russian speaking Eastern region - they would have avoided this war.

Their attempt to push for united Ukraine has resulted in this civil war - that Russia and NATO has invited themselves to - and made it even worse.

Solution for kenya and Ukraine - federalism. Let Donbash region have as much self-governce as possible  and they will be happy to be ukraine - but self-governing russian speaking/culture Donbash region of Ukraine.

Kenya has become more stable with devolution. Now Azimio people dont feel they've lost it all and can process their losses. Now imagine like 2007 - people see an election loss as total blackout in 5yrs - you start to get kenya 2007, Ukraine 2004, 2014, and pretty much after every ukraine election - minorities want out

Then you backword thinking . It does not require 500 years to build a Nation , it requires 3 to 4 generations . kenya is already in its 3rd generation or end of second Generation since Independence . Look at out leaders children already marrying different trines Uhurus, Raila and Rutos Children. When start creating tribal enclaves within Kenya we will have situations like Yugoslavia and USSR .
Lenin and Bolsheviks had good intentions when they decided to divide Russian empire into tribal enclaves gave part of Russia and decided to name it Ukraine just to appease Ukrainians who had been part of Austro Hungerian empire  did the same with Belarus , Georgia etc
Years later they came to claim they were Independent countries . Same thing can happen down the lane Nyanza might decide to say they are independent , North  Eastern same when they discover oil. The best way to create a Nation have people migrating and living working in different parts of Kenya . I think its one of the reason you hot an Embu else you would have remained in Bomet and married a Kalenjin.
Kenyans need to intermix and create a Kenyan identity.
Gema did the right thing by defying the so called tribal kingpin and voted for a Kenyan Kingpin , No other tribe has ever done that they always go where their kingpin is. 
Look at the crisis in Serbia now , Kosovo are trapping Serbia to a war so that Serbia is destroyed by NATO and they can gain full independence , US supports this but when Cali wanted to be independence they were warned they will be met with full force.
Georgia made the same mistake in 2008 , Abhazia and South Ossetia claimed independence from Georgia , Russia used the opportunity to create a frozen conflict so as to prevent Georgia joining NATO . Same thing with Crimea and Transnistria .
Now a new frozen conflict with Donbass Zaporijejia and Xerson having decided to join Russia any negotiation will require Ukraine accepting these regions are in Russia .This is what you are advocating for Kenya will be in perpetual war if we decide to go the regional way .we have discussed the historical injustice during creation of the provinces . How do you explain Nakuru being in Rift Valley but part of it is legally in Central ? If Rift Valley as a region decide to secede then there will be a genocide there . This is the Kenya you want because you believe you are bound to benefit by a genocide.
From history and the current conflicts its evident Kenya is best as a Unitary state .

My children are half-kalenjin half-embu  - and they are Nairobean if you will. The future in 500yrs will have many such kids being the majority. For now they are still a minority. Then kenyan identity will slowly form beyond the flag.

Offline Nowayhaha

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If its all about Love you could have still fallen in Love in Bomet.
Now that you bring Ukraine into the picture  lets go back to how Ukraine was formed and tie it to Kenyas situation .
After Russian revolution Lenin and Bolesheviks after winning the Civilian war decided to form Tribal republics feom the Russian empire Ukraine was born out of nowhere by incorporating some NoRussia land and some land they had won after fall of Austo Hungarian Empire and the Polish Lithuanian Alliance . This is the same thing you are advocating to create regional republics which you call them federal republics .
Now 2014 crisis and 2022 crisis was initiated by Western Governments when they decided to install a Government which was not elected by Ukrainians , Majority of Ukrainians used to live in South Eastern part of Ukraine but were forcibly chased away  and majority decided to take Russian Passports .
same thing can happen to North Eastern when they become embolded and have so much power they decide to hold a referendumn and call for North Eastern unification with Somalia.
Now would Ukraine have happened if Russia was Unitary like Russian Empire ? No it wouldnt have happened the genesis is not 2014 Maidan revolution but Lenins idea to create republics from foemwr Russian Empire.
2014 was just a misadventure by Ukrainian elites with support of Weatern governments when they decided to overthrow Yankuvich illegally , Having come from South East his people felt betrayed, Russia took advantage as it was another opportunity to create a frozen conflict which would have denied Ukraine joining European Union and NATO just like with Georgia in 2008 .
This was the ultimate goal the rest are details .
Make same mistake as Lenin did and make Kenya Regional Federal Government and in some few years either you will have many secession governments or others joining other countries.
we will have Maasai claiming Nairobi is their city  just like Polish have been claiming Lvov is their city .
People need to believe in project Kenya . I can for free tell you your Kalenjin DNA is perhaps 60% the rest if from other Kenyan tribes but you are here singing Kalenjin Nationalism you want to take us back to where you say Transzoia is a Kalenjin County but dont want to go further when it was inhabited by Maasai .
Lets start thinking as Kenyans for a start and forget these tribal enclaves .
First of all I didnt marry nor does anyone marry because of they want to create a non-tribal identity or because inter-marriages are okay. People marry because they fall in love.  It has no other objective. It directionless.

Secondly understand what exist and what you desire.

In kenya 42 tribes exist. In Russisa and eastern europe many tribes exist.

In the UK - it's only welsh, irish, english and scottish.

In the US - apart from say Hawaian and Puertico - pretty much the rest have jelled into speaking English americans.

If tribes or nations already exist - federalism or devolution- is inevitable - otherwise you will have civil war and endless conflict.

Once they dont exist - like Italy or France or Germany - now -  then you can form unitary gov.

It's possible our tribes will die in 500yrs; that is maybe 100 generations - then a unitary gov will work.

Before that devolution and federalism are not avoiadable. They are absolutely neccessary.

If Ukrainans had given more powers to Russian speaking Eastern region - they would have avoided this war.

Their attempt to push for united Ukraine has resulted in this civil war - that Russia and NATO has invited themselves to - and made it even worse.

Solution for kenya and Ukraine - federalism. Let Donbash region have as much self-governce as possible  and they will be happy to be ukraine - but self-governing russian speaking/culture Donbash region of Ukraine.

Kenya has become more stable with devolution. Now Azimio people dont feel they've lost it all and can process their losses. Now imagine like 2007 - people see an election loss as total blackout in 5yrs - you start to get kenya 2007, Ukraine 2004, 2014, and pretty much after every ukraine election - minorities want out

Then you backword thinking . It does not require 500 years to build a Nation , it requires 3 to 4 generations . kenya is already in its 3rd generation or end of second Generation since Independence . Look at out leaders children already marrying different trines Uhurus, Raila and Rutos Children. When start creating tribal enclaves within Kenya we will have situations like Yugoslavia and USSR .
Lenin and Bolsheviks had good intentions when they decided to divide Russian empire into tribal enclaves gave part of Russia and decided to name it Ukraine just to appease Ukrainians who had been part of Austro Hungerian empire  did the same with Belarus , Georgia etc
Years later they came to claim they were Independent countries . Same thing can happen down the lane Nyanza might decide to say they are independent , North  Eastern same when they discover oil. The best way to create a Nation have people migrating and living working in different parts of Kenya . I think its one of the reason you hot an Embu else you would have remained in Bomet and married a Kalenjin.
Kenyans need to intermix and create a Kenyan identity.
Gema did the right thing by defying the so called tribal kingpin and voted for a Kenyan Kingpin , No other tribe has ever done that they always go where their kingpin is. 
Look at the crisis in Serbia now , Kosovo are trapping Serbia to a war so that Serbia is destroyed by NATO and they can gain full independence , US supports this but when Cali wanted to be independence they were warned they will be met with full force.
Georgia made the same mistake in 2008 , Abhazia and South Ossetia claimed independence from Georgia , Russia used the opportunity to create a frozen conflict so as to prevent Georgia joining NATO . Same thing with Crimea and Transnistria .
Now a new frozen conflict with Donbass Zaporijejia and Xerson having decided to join Russia any negotiation will require Ukraine accepting these regions are in Russia .This is what you are advocating for Kenya will be in perpetual war if we decide to go the regional way .we have discussed the historical injustice during creation of the provinces . How do you explain Nakuru being in Rift Valley but part of it is legally in Central ? If Rift Valley as a region decide to secede then there will be a genocide there . This is the Kenya you want because you believe you are bound to benefit by a genocide.
From history and the current conflicts its evident Kenya is best as a Unitary state .

My children are half-kalenjin half-embu  - and they are Nairobean if you will. The future in 500yrs will have many such kids being the majority. For now they are still a minority. Then kenyan identity will slowly form beyond the flag.

Offline RV Pundit

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Of course, it all about love and opportunity. If i was in Russia in my 20s I am sure I would be married to a Russian girl. If I was in my village - I would have kept my first girlfirend and married her. I was in Nairobi and met the first embu - and married.

Tribes be they in kenya or Russia or Ukraine deserve some form of self-governance. Also devolution is generally good even in one tribe nation - because the more power at grassroot - the more participatory democracy.

Now how do you resolve say Nakuru or Tranzoia or Nairobi.

We can do the politics we have done - where governor come from tribe A, senator tribe B.

Or we can even redraw boundary - split Tranzoia - one part into Bungoma - kalenjin parts can become part of Uasin Gishu or etc.

Such areas are few - and I can

If its all about Love you could have still fallen in Love in Bomet.
Now that you bring Ukraine into the picture  lets go back to how Ukraine was formed and tie it to Kenyas situation .
After Russian revolution Lenin and Bolesheviks after winning the Civilian war decided to form Tribal republics feom the Russian empire Ukraine was born out of nowhere by incorporating some NoRussia land and some land they had won after fall of Austo Hungarian Empire and the Polish Lithuanian Alliance . This is the same thing you are advocating to create regional republics which you call them federal republics .
Now 2014 crisis and 2022 crisis was initiated by Western Governments when they decided to install a Government which was not elected by Ukrainians , Majority of Ukrainians used to live in South Eastern part of Ukraine but were forcibly chased away  and majority decided to take Russian Passports .
same thing can happen to North Eastern when they become embolded and have so much power they decide to hold a referendumn and call for North Eastern unification with Somalia.
Now would Ukraine have happened if Russia was Unitary like Russian Empire ? No it wouldnt have happened the genesis is not 2014 Maidan revolution but Lenins idea to create republics from foemwr Russian Empire.
2014 was just a misadventure by Ukrainian elites with support of Weatern governments when they decided to overthrow Yankuvich illegally , Having come from South East his people felt betrayed, Russia took advantage as it was another opportunity to create a frozen conflict which would have denied Ukraine joining European Union and NATO just like with Georgia in 2008 .
This was the ultimate goal the rest are details .
Make same mistake as Lenin did and make Kenya Regional Federal Government and in some few years either you will have many secession governments or others joining other countries.
we will have Maasai claiming Nairobi is their city  just like Polish have been claiming Lvov is their city .
People need to believe in project Kenya . I can for free tell you your Kalenjin DNA is perhaps 60% the rest if from other Kenyan tribes but you are here singing Kalenjin Nationalism you want to take us back to where you say Transzoia is a Kalenjin County but dont want to go further when it was inhabited by Maasai .
Lets start thinking as Kenyans for a start and forget these tribal enclaves .
First of all I didnt marry nor does anyone marry because of they want to create a non-tribal identity or because inter-marriages are okay. People marry because they fall in love.  It has no other objective. It directionless.

Secondly understand what exist and what you desire.

In kenya 42 tribes exist. In Russisa and eastern europe many tribes exist.

In the UK - it's only welsh, irish, english and scottish.

In the US - apart from say Hawaian and Puertico - pretty much the rest have jelled into speaking English americans.

If tribes or nations already exist - federalism or devolution- is inevitable - otherwise you will have civil war and endless conflict.

Once they dont exist - like Italy or France or Germany - now -  then you can form unitary gov.

It's possible our tribes will die in 500yrs; that is maybe 100 generations - then a unitary gov will work.

Before that devolution and federalism are not avoiadable. They are absolutely neccessary.

If Ukrainans had given more powers to Russian speaking Eastern region - they would have avoided this war.

Their attempt to push for united Ukraine has resulted in this civil war - that Russia and NATO has invited themselves to - and made it even worse.

Solution for kenya and Ukraine - federalism. Let Donbash region have as much self-governce as possible  and they will be happy to be ukraine - but self-governing russian speaking/culture Donbash region of Ukraine.

Kenya has become more stable with devolution. Now Azimio people dont feel they've lost it all and can process their losses. Now imagine like 2007 - people see an election loss as total blackout in 5yrs - you start to get kenya 2007, Ukraine 2004, 2014, and pretty much after every ukraine election - minorities want out

Then you backword thinking . It does not require 500 years to build a Nation , it requires 3 to 4 generations . kenya is already in its 3rd generation or end of second Generation since Independence . Look at out leaders children already marrying different trines Uhurus, Raila and Rutos Children. When start creating tribal enclaves within Kenya we will have situations like Yugoslavia and USSR .
Lenin and Bolsheviks had good intentions when they decided to divide Russian empire into tribal enclaves gave part of Russia and decided to name it Ukraine just to appease Ukrainians who had been part of Austro Hungerian empire  did the same with Belarus , Georgia etc
Years later they came to claim they were Independent countries . Same thing can happen down the lane Nyanza might decide to say they are independent , North  Eastern same when they discover oil. The best way to create a Nation have people migrating and living working in different parts of Kenya . I think its one of the reason you hot an Embu else you would have remained in Bomet and married a Kalenjin.
Kenyans need to intermix and create a Kenyan identity.
Gema did the right thing by defying the so called tribal kingpin and voted for a Kenyan Kingpin , No other tribe has ever done that they always go where their kingpin is. 
Look at the crisis in Serbia now , Kosovo are trapping Serbia to a war so that Serbia is destroyed by NATO and they can gain full independence , US supports this but when Cali wanted to be independence they were warned they will be met with full force.
Georgia made the same mistake in 2008 , Abhazia and South Ossetia claimed independence from Georgia , Russia used the opportunity to create a frozen conflict so as to prevent Georgia joining NATO . Same thing with Crimea and Transnistria .
Now a new frozen conflict with Donbass Zaporijejia and Xerson having decided to join Russia any negotiation will require Ukraine accepting these regions are in Russia .This is what you are advocating for Kenya will be in perpetual war if we decide to go the regional way .we have discussed the historical injustice during creation of the provinces . How do you explain Nakuru being in Rift Valley but part of it is legally in Central ? If Rift Valley as a region decide to secede then there will be a genocide there . This is the Kenya you want because you believe you are bound to benefit by a genocide.
From history and the current conflicts its evident Kenya is best as a Unitary state .

My children are half-kalenjin half-embu  - and they are Nairobean if you will. The future in 500yrs will have many such kids being the majority. For now they are still a minority. Then kenyan identity will slowly form beyond the flag.

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Why is mwafrika afraid of contradictory ideas?? Always sees any exchange of ideas as unnecessary noise or fights?? Lack of information for any coherent discussion? Insecurity? Useless egos?

Was this supposed to be a good thread or mchogoano between 2 bozos? Get a room you two. Fuck you both...
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution