Author Topic: Year 2022 Most Eventfull year Ukraine war was my lowest my highest Ruto Victory  (Read 2347 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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Apart from personal things like loosing loved ones and loved ones going to ICU . On the political scene my lowest point was Ukraine war .
Going back in 90s to 2000s in out social studies lessons we used to be told that eventually there will be war in Ukraine because half of Ukraine is Russia and NovoRussia the other half is Romania, Poland and Hungary .
I was puzzled when Putin allowed Baltic states to enter NATO then he argued he needed  gas money and he was cheated by Merkel.
In 2014 when went I to world cup in Brazil I remember Donbass rebels had encircled Ukrainian Nazi forces Putin decided to release them and signed the Minsk agreements . I was buffled I remember telling my Brazilian friend Putin has signed  breakaway of Russia.
Now when Russia started the special operation I was like better now than in 5 years . I supported Bidden to settle Corona and Im a democrat however as with Hillary Clinton I knew Bidden will wage a war against Russia. Bidden is a war Monger from his day in senate when he made Yugoslavia break up when he was very vocal to wage war against Yugoslavia during the Kosovo crisis.

Now having said that Russia wont let Ukraine be a colony of Western powers it will be their end. There are 27 republics and autonomous oblast in Russia . The most resource rich areas are in non Rus republics. Ukrainian are more Rus than even these areas . Ulrainians are Russians and Russians are Ukrainians . They are both Rus why are they fighting is same thing which has happened over centuries Mongolians , Polski , Luthenians , Hungarians have always waged a rift between Rus . In that in between centuries have colonized Ukrainians . When Ukrainians needed help they have always gotten from Moskva .
My wish is the war ends , they reconcile Ukraine is Russia and Russia is Ukraine.

Now on Ruto by 2017 we knew he would be the president , he made the right moved abandoned listening to the likes of RV Pundit who was telling to take on BBI heads on and that he could do it without GEMA, in the current political set up with the current constitution  it simply impossible.I think Rutos win was more significant than Uhurus win in 2013 and Kibakis win in 2007. We love Ruto hopefully he changes Kenya and stay away from the likes of RV Pundit

Offline RV Pundit

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Look like you have two problems.
1) Biden - for finishing Putin's Russia.
2) Me.

You can only have problem with me if you have a problem with facts, science, common senses, sound arguments and such.
My fidelity is to facts. If facts change - I change.

You should relax. I dont speak to Ruto. RvHH speak to him.

Personally I started noticing Ruto in 2001 and I am not suprised he became PORK.

Although I hated KANU in those days - I couldnt help but notice Ruto talent. You somehow was only seeing the drunkard Uhuru in 2002 - crazy if you ask me.

Most of you just saw Ruto recently as terrific talent. Moi saw in early 1990s.

Did Ruto listen to you - of course not - Ruto fought BBI - but smartly - he was behind the court cases - and spoke against it - without expending energy.

Anyway being relatively new to Ruto camp - relax - Ruto is very very very solid. He is dependable. He is a gentleman. And he is going to teach you a lot about good manners :).

Offline Nowayhaha

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Did Ruto listen to me about BBI yes he did wont spill the beans but get the hint Ruto and Karua didnt want to work together we brought them together. Thats it for now . As for you you are good in entertainment continue praising Ruto He will never even touch one of your ideas.

Look like you have two problems.
1) Biden - for finishing Putin's Russia.
2) Me.

You can only have problem with me if you have a problem with facts, science, common senses, sound arguments and such.
My fidelity is to facts. If facts change - I change.

You should relax. I dont speak to Ruto. RvHH speak to him.

Personally I started noticing Ruto in 2001 and I am not suprised he became PORK.

Although I hate KANU in those days - I couldnt help but notice Ruto talent.

Most of you just saw Ruto recently as terrific talent. Moi saw in early 1990s.

Did Ruto listen to you - of course not - Ruto fought BBI - but smartly - he was behind the court cases - and spoke against it - without expending energy.

Any being relatively new to Ruto camp - relax - Ruto is very very very solid. He is dependable. He is a gentleman. And he is going to teach you a lot about good manners :)

Offline RV Pundit

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Then why do you have big problem with me :) I am here indeed for entertainment. I have never imagine that I am that influential.

Did Ruto touching KQ come close to your interest? Or what exactly is going on?

Did Ruto listen to me about BBI yes he did wont spill the beans but get the hint Ruto and Karua didnt want to work together we brought them together. Thats it for now . As for you you are good in entertainment continue praising Ruto He will never even touch one of your ideas.

Offline Nowayhaha

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I want Ruto to succeed, as for KQ forget it no one can touch it, you touch it and you are out of power . See how Murkomen is behaving lately.

Then why do you have big problem with me :) I am here indeed for entertainment. I have never imagine that I am that influential.

Did Ruto touching KQ come close to your interest? Or what exactly is going on?

Did Ruto listen to me about BBI yes he did wont spill the beans but get the hint Ruto and Karua didnt want to work together we brought them together. Thats it for now . As for you you are good in entertainment continue praising Ruto He will never even touch one of your ideas.

Offline RV Pundit

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Your drunkard Uhuru brought IMF - IMF want it killed. Murkomen is not involved.

IMF Reaches Staff Level Agreement on the Fourth Reviews of ...https://www.imf.orgThe International Monetary Fund (IMF) wants a speedy privatisation of Kenya Airways

I want Ruto to succeed, as for KQ forget it no one can touch it, you touch it and you are out of power . See how Murkomen is behaving lately.

Offline Nowayhaha

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UhuruMoi have interests there , pay them and you can kill it hizi zengine kelele ya chura.

Is it impossible to make KQ work , KQ used to work we know how it can work .

Your drunkard Uhuru brought IMF - IMF want it killed.

IMF Reaches Staff Level Agreement on the Fourth Reviews of ...
I want Ruto to succeed, as for KQ forget it no one can touch it, you touch it and you are out of power . See how Murkomen is behaving lately.

Offline RV Pundit

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So Uhuru and Moi are more powerful than IMF and Ruto.
Stop writting nonsense in this forum.
KQ only worked when KLM was running the show.
Delta are coming to run the show.
We have proven ourselves incapable

UhuruMoi have interests there , pay them and you can kill it hizi zengine kelele ya chura.

Is it impossible to make KQ work , KQ used to work we know how it can work .

Offline Nowayhaha

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So IMF was powerful during Kibakis time. Uhuru already tied KQ to IMF in the last bunch. Let IMF finance KQ sale.
Ruto is as powerful as he minimizes mistakes. By 2020 Uhuru was Kenyan President but not powerful . If he was Powerful your Icon Raila would be president.

So Uhuru and Moi are more powerful than IMF and Ruto.
Stop writting nonsense in this forum.
KQ only worked when KLM was running the show.
Delta are coming to run the show.
We have proven ourselves incapable

UhuruMoi have interests there , pay them and you can kill it hizi zengine kelele ya chura.

Is it impossible to make KQ work , KQ used to work we know how it can work .

Offline RV Pundit

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KQ is dead like Raila.
I know you really wish I was in Azimio with Raila.
So IMF was powerful during Kibakis time. Uhuru already tied KQ to IMF in the last bunch. Let IMF finance KQ sale.
Ruto is as powerful as he minimizes mistakes. By 2020 Uhuru was Kenyan President but not powerful . If he was Powerful your Icon Raila would be president.

Offline Nowayhaha

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But you are , its evident by heart you are an Odmer from supporting Raila in 2007  and being an adherent supporter of Bomas draft which wa calling for regional governments.
Do you know Ruto has been against Raila politics since time memorial since KANU . Ruto hates Raila
As a person who has been in Rutos corner for more than 20 years Ive never understood his beef with Raila . Have I ever asked him yes . It boils down to to the politics Raila plays like you he thinks he can get away with anything.

KQ is dead like Raila.
I know you really wish I was in Azimio with Raila.
So IMF was powerful during Kibakis time. Uhuru already tied KQ to IMF in the last bunch. Let IMF finance KQ sale.
Ruto is as powerful as he minimizes mistakes. By 2020 Uhuru was Kenyan President but not powerful . If he was Powerful your Icon Raila would be president.

Offline RV Pundit

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Trying to transfer your hatred of Raila and Luos to Kalenjin is hilarious.
Ruto doesnt hate Raila. He was ODM brain and executioner.
He just considers Raila a tactless fool who cannot take power.
He worked with Raila once he moved to Majimbo.
I am diehard majimboist - I believe in federalism - because face it - we are 42 tribes
If you call it regional gov or devolution or federalism they mean the same thing.
Every nation - or tribe - deserve their own government - at bare minimum.

Raila is late entry to federalism - Luos and Kikuyus were opposed to it from 1950s.
Luos fears were similar to GEMA fears.
Luos had emigrated all over kenya as labourers just like Kikuyus.
Their running fear from 1950s to 2000s - was the fate of their immigrants in devolved units.

It's only when Raila joined KANU that he adopted Majimbo.
Luos eventually realized their fears of majimbo was unfounded.
Kikuyus situation had become even more complicated with their people moving enmasse to rift valley and coast.

Therefore the compromise was devolution - using old district - as regions became a big issues esp south rift and central rift.

We have to thank Dr Mbai - the fallen hero

You really wish that everyone hated Raila :) - like you do - so you can justify the hatred that Jomo Kenyatta implanted on you.

Ruto has appointed Dr Omollo to replace Kibicho because he has no beef with Luos.

I now understand why the Samburu Lelewa think most of your kikuyus are incapable of leading kenya because you're too insular and selfish. It all about you - everyone else is a problem - somalis are problem - Luos are problem.

Heck it took 2007 to shock the kikuyu nation out of selfishness and this 2022 - for first time ever - they voted non-kikuyu.

You're making progress - you actually love and want to own Ruto now :) :) The selfishness - you want Ruto for yourselves - no one should have him. I am Raila man :)

Anyway, you're making progress - you just need more cultural re-engineering to weed out the selfishness - and realize there is enough for everyone, even Raila is welcome to UDA if he joins today.

Ruto biggest hurdle to unite kenya is confronting the ingrained GEMA selfishness - he has to eventually like Moi did in 1980s - to appease few GEMA ingrates who will never get enough of everything or build a nation.

And to be friend with kalenjin nation - realize one thing - Kalenjin are one of most generous people you can think of - Kalenjin hate Dorobos and Okiek for their selfishness (they call them dogs - for being selfish) - kikuyus are new but their selfishness is well noted - but for us kalenjin - you can go to any house - and they will share whatever they have with you. Generosity is greatest virtue in our culture - and if you go to any house - the owner is obligated at least to give your water or milk - heck they were even obligated to give your a bed and one of his wives :) if you were to spend the night as stranger.

But you are , its evident by heart you are an Odmer from supporting Raila in 2007  and being an adherent supporter of Bomas draft which wa calling for regional governments.
Do you know Ruto has been against Raila politics since time memorial since KANU . Ruto hates Raila
As a person who has been in Rutos corner for more than 20 years Ive never understood his beef with Raila . Have I ever asked him yes . It boils down to to the politics Raila plays like you he thinks he can get away with anything.

Offline RV Pundit

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Lee Njiru having stayed with kalenjin for years - might help you understand Ruto and kalenjin

They chose, as if on a central cue, to bide their time. Why was there no immediate reaction? The reason is that the Kalenjin are not overly given to displays of emotion. They have a high kindling temperature even when provoked. But nobody should make a mistake. When they eventually catch fire and explode, they do not disappoint on the Richter scale. They are slow to anger. Resentment may simmer in them for up to five years. They are cold and methodical calculators.  Unprovoked, they are wonderfully generous And that cold calculating methodical tactical generosity is reason why both Moi and Ruto became president. Ruto gives out millions daily - and he wins support as people appreciate that. Raila makes news when he contribute 300k for air ticket. While Ruto rival Moi for number of harambees he has participated in....almost in every corner of kenya.

Offline Nowayhaha

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If Ruto so loved Majimbo why did he oppose it and created this new constitution ? 

Trying to transfer your hatred of Raila and Luos to Kalenjin is hilarious.
Ruto doesnt hate Raila. He was ODM brain and executioner.
He just considers Raila a tactless fool who cannot take power.
He worked with Raila once he moved to Majimbo.
I am diehard majimboist - I believe in federalism - because face it - we are 42 tribes
If you call it regional gov or devolution or federalism they mean the same thing.

Raila is late entry to federalism - Luos and Kikuyus were opposed to it from 1950s.
Luos fears were similar to GEMA fears.
Luos had emigrated all over kenya as labourers just like Kikuyus.

It's only when Raila joined KANU that he adopted Majimbo.
Luos eventually realized their fears of majimbo was unfounded.
Kikuyus situation had become even more complicated with their people moving enmasse to rift valley and coast.

Therefore the compromise was devolution - using old district - as regions became a big issues esp south rift and central rift.

We have to thank Dr Mbai - the fallen hero

You really wish that everyone hated Raila :) - like you do - so you can justify the hatred that Jomo Kenyatta implanted on you.

Ruto has appointed Dr Omollo to replace Kibicho because he has no beef with Luos.

But you are , its evident by heart you are an Odmer from supporting Raila in 2007  and being an adherent supporter of Bomas draft which wa calling for regional governments.
Do you know Ruto has been against Raila politics since time memorial since KANU . Ruto hates Raila
As a person who has been in Rutos corner for more than 20 years Ive never understood his beef with Raila . Have I ever asked him yes . It boils down to to the politics Raila plays like you he thinks he can get away with anything.

Offline RV Pundit

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Ruto opposed the constitution for not having strong majimbo
He would be insane to oppose Majimbo.
Kalenjin are diehard majimboist.
Luos and Raila are new in Majimbo.
They were opposed to Majimbo with Kikuyus and Bukusu for the longest - since 1950s - lancaster conference till 2000.
They were centrist.

RV and Coast were majimboist. Somalis are secessionist of course believing in Somalia irredentism.

In fact the first time Raila supported Majimbo was in NDP proposal to CKRC in 2000.

If Ruto so loved Majimbo why did he oppose it and created this new constitution ? 

Offline RV Pundit

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Offline RV Pundit

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Here are Ruto thoughts and why he pushed for NO.

Ruto accepted presidential system in Naivasha with understanding they would be strong regional gov. Ruto opposed counties as weak - and I agree with him.

Devolution is good start - the end goal is federalism or majimbo - more power/resources to the counties - then kenya will heal. Right now Azimio are still 75% sick - but they had their own Jimbos - they would be 50% okay; 50% not okay; or heck in future; national gov should be 30%; counties should be 70%. Then Kenya will everyone get to decide their own fate in their own tribes or nations.

It's not just Russian and its tribes who desire this - even Samburu deserve a gov for and by Samburus - in Samburu nation - as much as practically possible - responding to their unique needs, culture and resources. The minorities in Samburu should be protected by constitution - but you cant deny majority samburus their right to self-govern because a few minorities might feel left out.

He described the devolution structure provided in the draft as flawed. "When we agreed on the pure presidential system of government at Naivasha, we wanted it to go hand in hand with strong regional governments that would counter-balance powers of the presidency," he said.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2022, 02:48:23 AM by RV Pundit »

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Was this supposed to be a good thread or mchogoano between 2 bozos? Get a room you two. Fuck you both...

Offline Nowayhaha

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Rv what is building a nation ? Have you studied how nations were built ? What you say of Luo and Kikuyus migrating all over Kenya is actually how nations are built. A kikuyu marrying a luo and breeding is what will build Kenya for generations to come . Ruto is a visionary unlike you i remember him saying notion that a kikuyu cant vote for another tribe is negative thinking , that was in 2008 come 2022 GEMA gave him more votes than even Kalenjins.
I will challenge you to study how Poland and Hungary became a nation. Kenya can become one nation , what it takes is a visionary leader and to do away with your thinking on 47 tribes . You will be suprised    to learn your DNA is not Kalenjin alone

Offline RV Pundit

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State versus Nation.
Kenya will take maybe 500yrs before we become a nation.
For now and until then we have to accept that our ethnic group are nations and kenya is a state.
Nation building is what I always advocate for - you need to embrace Luos and others - and share the pie equally.
And we can do that through federalism.
US has evolved to be nation from mismatch of french, russian, dutch, name european, african and aboriginal identies.
And it has done so with strong federalism.

In short I can feel very Kalenjin; very kipsigis and very kenyan. I dont need to kill my kispigis identity to become a Kenyan.
I will only resort to one exclusively if I am not welcomed or treated fairly as a Kalenjin or a Kenyan.

You can be proud kikuyu and proud kenyan. You can belong to Muranga state and Kenya Nation. Africa continent. Human race. All can thrive. None has to die.

The idea that languages/culture need to die for one united identity to emerge is primitive. What unite people are stuff like fairness and equal opportunity.

Rv what is building a nation ? Have you studied how nations were built ? What you say of Luo and Kikuyus migrating all over Kenya is actually how nations are built. A kikuyu marrying a luo and breeding is what will build Kenya for generations to come . Ruto is a visionary unlike you i remember him saying notion that a kikuyu cant vote for another tribe is negative thinking , that was in 2008 come 2022 GEMA gave him more votes than even Kalenjins.
I will challenge you to study how Poland and Hungary became a nation. Kenya can become one nation , what it takes is a visionary leader and to do away with your thinking on 47 tribes . You will be suprised    to learn your DNA is not Kalenjin alone