And how are Middle East and Ethiopian Airlines run ?
Ruto is right government has no business running an airline especially in this era. If delta buys it that will be good riddance,we need the money Kenya was left broke by gatheca there is too much to do in this country.
Hehehehehe I intentionally did this to bait you was soo easy I knew you would ask that.
Now let me answer you those countries don't operate like Kenya which has rampant corruption and nepotism,KQ like pundit and others state is a channels for corruption cartels and others its their mbig cash cow thats why they milk it and just give it enough grass to keep it arive to continue milking it.
But Mzito wants to pull the rags straight from their feet,Those fighting for KQ to stay owned by government are selfish people who have milked KQ dry suppliers, contractors etc and tenderprenuers.
We can't allow this to countinue, the cartels must go down
Middle East and Ethiopia don't have that corruption and that's how they stay afloat because they are managed by a serious patriotic management that puts welfare of the country first,if you try that in Qatar Emirates or Ethiopia you will be instantly hanged.
But with our Naikunis and Mbuguas what do you expect???