EACC has been going after 1990s land grab. It appears land grab has no limitation so whoever sit on grabbed land will never be safe.
Ruto job descriptions doesnt include that. Ruto will go for Brookside and make sure he fixes. He will go for Kenyatta land - BUY it and give it to squattors.
Criminal stuff we leave it judiciary and criminal systems.
To fix Kenyatta land grab - I want to see the promised Land resettlement Fund - that will buy off kenyattas and give land to squattors.
Is Ruto not in govt to fix the country, don't we love the only country we have, ama it is simply his turn? You are Government now nothing stops Ruto going after the so called Kenyattas & Mois. They are no longer above the law. Your argument that "others have grabbed" wouldn't hold up as a defense in a court of law, why do you advance such a kind of argument here? Ama posting here is kosher to you because this is a cesspool and any unorthodox argument goes?
I really dont need to know such intricate details; I know Kenyatta snr stole whole lot of land everywhere; and anyone supporting kenyatta; should similarly turn a blind eye on small one acre Weston. Unless it's politics - Weston is small potato in Nairobi land grabs. Kenyatta and even Mois own hundrends if not thousand of acres...all similarly "grabbed". Legally they've cleaned it up.
Kenyatta family and cronies stole 20 acres of state House land.
That said...I think if you are well informed,Uhuru nowadays lives in KAREN.