I think one has to be aware of their boundaries so they dont make powerful enemies. For example terrorism is no go zone. Kenya gov has to cooperate - if kenya was to allow islamic fundamelist then we make enemies. If kenya was to harm foreign investment from western nations by going for examples for land or minning rights - we make enemies.
We have to pay our debts, play by international laws, and generally stay below radar otherwise if you starting talking big ambitious crap like Gadaffi or host terror like Sudan - you'll soon find yourself in the cross-hair.
Western nations want to help but only if you're reasonable & not threatening. We have to find win-win proposals will all our partners and avoid international demagoguery - for example we should have no opinion on Ukraine-Russia - it's beyond our paygrade. Israeli-Palestine - beyond our paygrade.
We should be friendly to all - enemies to very few. We have to play by the rules - help combat terrorism, drugs, pay our debts, protect foreign investment, be a good boy, fix our country and focus on our problems.