I am not that religious. But having casually looked at the effects of possible mild natural disaster my conclusion was that God has to continue saving Africa from the disasters that hit all other continents. Africa has not suffered any major (or minor natural disaster) for as long as the living humans can recall. Ni Hurricane, No earthquake, No large scale flooding - nothing really. These things just hit Asia, Americas and Europe.
The closest we got is the DRC volcanic eruption.
We do have man-made disasters such as the World War in DRC. Then there is HIV and Ebola.
However the day an earthquake hits a major African city, the initial casualty figure would stand at 200 000 dead. But the post disaster casualty would be ten times more!
If by any chance it be a cold blizzard bringing freezing (below zero conditions) then we shall count the survivors and forget about the dead.
There is simply no preparedness. Those placed in charge of preparedness, look at it as a lucrative joke! They day of reckoning will come and then you will gnash your teeth and call on God; Yet plans can be made now. It is simple. Prepare for a war scenario. It works for disasters as well.