Author Topic: Ruto - Ufool planned the arrest so Venezuelan - goal to push election forward  (Read 2980 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Offline Kichwa

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Why Venezuela though.  When did they became experts on free and fair elections.

"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Venezuela and Chile have very good software developers. Hugo Chavez invested heavily in tech - giving every kid laptop - and investing in internet.
Why Venezuela though.  When did they became experts on free and fair elections.

Offline Fairandbalanced

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And we are supposed to believe that this is true because Ruto said it and you posted it here? Do you care to table some evidence? No, your answer is that Ruto has intelligence on the inside who repot to him, from the way Gachagua blamed everything on Uhuru, I am starting to think that Uhuru is one of the most underrated Humans on earth, how has he managed to stay ahead of everyone while also being a drunk. Frankly, I would like some of what he is drinking because it makes him superhuman.

Offline RV Pundit

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You can buy the story that police stumbled upon them.
Or that NIS are on IEBC and it contractors like white on rice.
It's naive to imagine Uhuru didnt know about this.
They definitely planned to arrest him and take his computers.

I believe Uhuru has intelligence on IEBC. Ruto has intelligence on IEBC. Only a naive fool like Raila wont have such intelligence.

And we are supposed to believe that this is true because Ruto said it and you posted it here? Do you care to table some evidence? No, your answer is that Ruto has intelligence on the inside who repot to him, from the way Gachagua blamed everything on Uhuru, I am starting to think that Uhuru is one of the most underrated Humans on earth, how has he managed to stay ahead of everyone while also being a drunk. Frankly, I would like some of what he is drinking because it makes him superhuman.

Offline Pragmatic

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Offline RV Pundit

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Algorithm is nonsense in a manual election.Only a computer illeterate will think it's possible to electronically alter the results then follow up with manual paper work.This is manual election...not electronic like in developed countries

Offline audacityofhope

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Algorithm is nonsense in a manual election.Only a computer illeterate will think it's possible to electronically alter the results then follow up with manual paper work.This is manual election...not electronic like in developed countries
You are probably the computer "illeterate" (sic). Also you are telling us you have a short memory. In 2013 Jubilee controlled IEBC managed that feat: ... this is what an iebc commissioner was quoted privately saying...

"We are having sleepless nights reconciling the presidential results and those of the other positions. Over a million votes must be reconciled ..... 

Read more at:
1. IEBC wants Political Parties Act changed: The Act provides that political parties funding should be computed on the basis of election votes.


Offline RV Pundit

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Election results btw different seats can differ for many reasons.. this is a manual election.. people place wrong ballot on wrong boxes..also rigging in stronghold and nep that Chebukati is trying to fix.Nothing suggest electronic rigging I'd the cause

Offline Okoths7272

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You are the only fool who thinks Raila has no intelligence even criminal ruto and criminal chebukati recognizes railas capabilities.

Kenya will never be led by a criminal
You can buy the story that police stumbled upon them.
Or that NIS are on IEBC and it contractors like white on rice.
It's naive to imagine Uhuru didnt know about this.
They definitely planned to arrest him and take his computers.

I believe Uhuru has intelligence on IEBC. Ruto has intelligence on IEBC. Only a naive fool like Raila wont have such intelligence.

And we are supposed to believe that this is true because Ruto said it and you posted it here? Do you care to table some evidence? No, your answer is that Ruto has intelligence on the inside who repot to him, from the way Gachagua blamed everything on Uhuru, I am starting to think that Uhuru is one of the most underrated Humans on earth, how has he managed to stay ahead of everyone while also being a drunk. Frankly, I would like some of what he is drinking because it makes him superhuman.

Offline RV Pundit

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You are the only fool who thinks Raila has no intelligence even criminal ruto and criminal chebukati recognizes railas capabilities.

Kenya will never be led by a criminal
You can buy the story that police stumbled upon them.
Or that NIS are on IEBC and it contractors like white on rice.
It's naive to imagine Uhuru didnt know about this.
They definitely planned to arrest him and take his computers.

I believe Uhuru has intelligence on IEBC. Ruto has intelligence on IEBC. Only a naive fool like Raila wont have such intelligence.

And we are supposed to believe that this is true because Ruto said it and you posted it here? Do you care to table some evidence? No, your answer is that Ruto has intelligence on the inside who repot to him, from the way Gachagua blamed everything on Uhuru, I am starting to think that Uhuru is one of the most underrated Humans on earth, how has he managed to stay ahead of everyone while also being a drunk. Frankly, I would like some of what he is drinking because it makes him superhuman.
Yet he has never won..Ruto is taking him and uhuru combined and you're sweating already

Offline sitting bull

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IEBC is a criminal enterprise headed by an inept fool. Ouru and ruto's (2 thugs) fights have split the commission right in the middle with commissioners and employees taking sides. This might as well turn out to be the most disorganized election ever!

Offline RV Pundit

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Offline RV Pundit

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Everything in Kenya is split down the middle - that is why risk of political meltdown and civil war is high - every institution you run to - you'll find people hopelessly divided along ethnic lines.
IEBC is a criminal enterprise headed by an inept fool. Ouru and ruto's (2 thugs) fights have split the commission right in the middle with commissioners and employees taking sides. This might as well turn out to be the most disorganized election ever!

Offline sitting bull

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Everything in Kenya is split down the middle - that is why risk of political meltdown and civil war is high - every institution you run to - you'll find people hopelessly divided along ethnic lines.
IEBC is a criminal enterprise headed by an inept fool. Ouru and ruto's (2 thugs) fights have split the commission right in the middle with commissioners and employees taking sides. This might as well turn out to be the most disorganized election ever!

Be that as it may, IEBC  should, in the very least conduct an election that , on face value seem credible. Starting with procurement of electoral material. I'd have at least expected chebukati and his team to have learnt that from the 2017 nullification. Or from 2007 PEV. Maybe these so called "goofs" by the chairman are strategically designed to achieve a desired outcome

Offline RV Pundit

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When the complainant is the deep state and system - then you should be praising and supporting IEBC. It shows they are INDEPENDENT. That is their first assignment. Why should they tell police or gov what they are doing.

Be that as it may, IEBC  should, in the very least conduct an election that , on face value seem credible. Starting with procurement of electoral material. I'd have at least expected chebukati and his team to have learnt that from the 2017 nullification. Or from 2007 PEV. Maybe these so called "goofs" by the chairman are strategically designed to achieve a desired outcome

Offline sema

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I am very confused by this Venezuelan story.  Who is this guy? why a Venezuelan and not say an American?  Why can't kenyans print their own ballot papers? Is it rocket science? This story is not making any sense to me

Offline gout

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Precisely. The media is crying that IEBC is operating in 'secrecy' which is proof they chebukati is in control of his ship as it should be.
When the complainant is the deep state and system - then you should be praising and supporting IEBC. It shows they are INDEPENDENT. That is their first assignment. Why should they tell police or gov what they are doing.

Be that as it may, IEBC  should, in the very least conduct an election that , on face value seem credible. Starting with procurement of electoral material. I'd have at least expected chebukati and his team to have learnt that from the 2017 nullification. Or from 2007 PEV. Maybe these so called "goofs" by the chairman are strategically designed to achieve a desired outcome
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline RV Pundit

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Very simple.
IEBC replace OT Morpho with Smartmatic as their technology provider.
Smartmatic local partner is IT company called Seamless Tech owned by some wariah Abduallahi.
Seamless tech as local partner apply for work visa for Smarttech stuff and host them in apartments.
Deep state and kinoti desperately want to get Smartmatic systems.
They know from visa application their names.
They timed their arrival.
Then cause all these ruckus as ruse to start investigating and seizing Smartmatic equipment.

End goal - scare off smartmatic so they can hold manual election or compromise their systems.

George Njoroge their IT guy is busy now trying to hack their systems.

I am very confused by this Venezuelan story.  Who is this guy? why a Venezuelan and not say an American?  Why can't kenyans print their own ballot papers? Is it rocket science? This story is not making any sense to me

Offline gout

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Several reasons. Colonial history. Tribal mistrust/divisions in public service, private sector and professional bodies. Politicized/state captured policing which can't act independently.

It is same case with national examinations. Even De La Rue contracts. Passports.

I am very confused by this Venezuelan story.  Who is this guy? why a Venezuelan and not say an American?  Why can't kenyans print their own ballot papers? Is it rocket science? This story is not making any sense to me
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine