Author Topic: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails  (Read 6008 times)

Offline Githunguri

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2022, 11:21:00 AM »
Why did he do all that BBI crap. He wanted to become the PM. He is too young to retire. He just 60yrs. Why is he Azimio Chair. He want to continue. If Raila wins - he will try to get fake AU job like Raila.

As for 50% of GEMA - let see how much he will transfer to MarthaRao on the 8th.

He has made a huge gamble - and I am afraid looking at the numbers - 50% of GEMA wont be enough to save Azimio.

So the next few years - he will be battling ChaguaRuto - without GEMA support. He will be bankrupted. 1st thing to go is KQ - will take him down 10B that NCBA is owed and was converted to equity. That has to be written off. Let not talk about other deals he does with KQ.

Next Kenya Gov might open PANDORA BOX IN SGR where he made 50B. Ruto knows everything. If it lifted - the SGR contract deals - Chinese will drop him - and he will take the 50B loss or go to jail :). Ruto has said port deal including SGR will be 1st executive order to be undone.

Next NCBA - Fuliza will be shutdown - people told not to pay :) - hapo he can go negative 100B :) - because every minute he is loaning kenyans lots of money. If Fuliza is shutdown - atalia sana. Before he is finished...another Fuliza by another bank will be moving ahead. They will be told to charge 10% interest per annum...not 30000%...and they will go down.

TimSale - forest license will be withdrawn - and given to other players.

Next we move to land - he will lose all the land - to the 2 million settlment schemes - apart from 4 acres farm in Ichwawer. Ruto will pay him 100K or he can battle in court for fair compensation value....while he is battling court cases...sqauttors will be already living in his land.

Rememebr he took Ruto 1,000 acres in pale Hakuna HURUMA. Uhuru woke up one day - told the KDF and police to go to Ruai and fence off Ruto land...some few people became collatoral...Ruto parcel had been removed from 4,000 acres original land that belong to Nairobi's Ruai Sewage treatment works...during MOi land grab...taken by Jirongo and Ruto eventually LEGALLY bought it. Ruto just kept silent but he lost 1,000 acres...a lot of money...billions.

Ruto also own 1,000 acres - Embakasi Army base (he just cannot take possesion - because he need to evict the army)- the land is private - and Ruto as PORK can easily re-take possession by removing the KDF.

He had Gachagua accounts blocked and his money frozen..Pale hakuna huruma.

And worse he doesnt have GEMA...his State Capture is the MAIN ISSUE in this election.

Prepare for mega tears from Kenyatta empire...and Gideon Moi...I hear Gideon brothers and sister have joined wage war on Gideon...who took his father money alone.

I've seen you've edited your post.

Uhuru is not running for any political position.There is a Vacancy in GEMA We had kenyatta then Matiba then Kibaki then Uhuru then next will be Ndindi or Ichungwa we are a democracy it's like in Kalenjin we had Moi then now it's Ruto the  Murkomen or Keter.The climax of a political career in Kenyan politics is the PRESIDENCY.

Secondly,Uhuru has lost elections in 1997 2002 2005 referendum so whatever is happening is not new to him The most interesting thing is that as he exits politics 50% GEMA are solidly behind him.

(1) Kenya Airways NCBA is not the only lender to KQ It owes equity bank 5BN KCB I think 2BN and other banks.Which law is Ruto going use to refuse to pay NCBA and pay Equity?please table that law.Secondly,The kenyatta are the brokers of the individuals leasing Boeing planes to KQ,The new dream liners i think coasted 200BN,Are you implying that Ruto won't pay back Boeing their Money?

2) NCBA is not the only shareholder of Fuluza,You have safaricom which owns 40% and kCB 20% Foreign entities like Vodacom own 40% safaricom while GOK has 35% stake..same thing with KCB,So the government of Kenya will allow 100BN to go down the drain?BANKRUPT a Kenyan company for some useless emotions..I think you will have maybe Ruto tell NCBA to sell him a 10% stake and fuluza more to Kenyans.

3) There are not enough forests in Kenya nowadays that's why Uhuru is negotiating with Tsihshekedi to get a timber license with Raila in Congo forest..therefore you can take timsal3 license...nowadays they buy forest products from private individuals mostly while kenyatta have huge timber plantations to supply their companies they control whole supply chain in timber.. why have huge tracts of land and buy timber?

4) LAND-If Ruto takes Kenyatta land forcefully,He will have to reclaim all illegally taken land in Kenya from barracks airports statehouse Agricultural land etc that means he will dispossed people of their land including Moi all former TOO officials.

5) You are also suggesting he will go after all Military Security Police and Major infrastructural contracts Uhuru signed.that means he Will go after Chinese companies that is Chinese government American military suppliers of Kenyan army weapon mercenaries etc

The scenarios you are suggesting are that Kenya is a banana republic which no respect to rule of law and Ruto is a powerful Jesus who can do anything and nobody ask him and Uhuru are just nobodies..those things you are suggesting cannot happen because Ruto is going home come August.

How can you threaten me and I give you a panga or Ak47?Just how?

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2022, 11:28:59 AM »
 :) you are right when you say Ruto cannot take advice from idiots like Pundit and Sudi.

Just came in from Mombasa and I saw Muturi amongst certain 3 P.S. They were picked as usual with highlevel escort.

Muturi is a good example of who politicians are . Not long ago he wss doing Uhurus dirty work including passing of BBI in parliament.
As a chameloen he changed colours when it suited him.
Uhuru and Ruto have no love lost. Once Ruto becomes president Uhuru will play his cards . Ruto wont touch Uhuru if he does he will have put himself in the same position and could face similar reprisal.
As for GEMA once Uhuru is out of power they will have served him their revenge. Just like Moi they will look else where for someone new to discipline.
Luo Nyanza hated Kibaki but once he was out they turned their hatred to Uhuru and were even praising Kibaki as a very good president unlike Uhuru. Thats the nature of Kenyan politics.

Dont bet on Uhuru not being touched. I think he will. What he did to Ruto will be hard to forgive.What he did to Gachagua - basically bankrupting and blocking his accounts. GEMA wants him touched. After Raila loses...his crew will also be bitter with him. Maybe he wont be criminally charged but he will be bankrupted.
We warned them to go slow on St.Mary Boys orders.
Now watakiona ofcourse Ruto wont touch Uhuru but all those Uhuru advisors they will know cha mtema kuni.

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2022, 11:40:15 AM »
1) KQ is going down - Uhuru has sustained it but it should have long be dead.

 Kenya gov exposure is the guarantees worth 70B for the purchase of dreamliners through AfriExim & US Eximbank. The dreamliners are not owned by KQ - they are held by joint vehicles by AfriExim and US Eximbank - and KQ leases them. Those are things that people wrongly say is owned by Kenyattas - they are owned by AfriExim bank...Kenya GOV has little exposure and should have KILLED KQ LONG TIME IF NOT FOR STATE CAPTURE.

Therefore  GoK will just tell the AfriExim & US EximBank  to sell those planes and pay themselves. The balance kenya gov will pay if anything

 It's cheaper than bailing it out every year at 25B.

Once KQ is down - debtors, staff, pension - will be paid - whatever remain will be shareholders to take. Kenya Gov will write off KQ. Kenya banks including Uhuru will have to write off.

The banks who have loan KQ will take their own hit. Uhuru's bank is the biggest loser here. He will take 10B - he has sustained KQ in hope it will recover some of that.

2) Timsales. Kenyatta forget about that. Small saw millers are going to be back in business. That nonsense by Tobiko will end. And timber will become available again.

3) Brookside. That will be broken down by Competition Authority of Kenya - Kenyattas will have to sell the dairies - and kenya gov will help set up small farmer own dairies - and will starve Kenyatta of milk.

4) Land.  Kenyatta got that land through the 2 million settlement scheme set by the British gov. He is going to lose that land through a similar 2 million settlement scheme set by Ruto. In 1960s the target was white farmers - this time he is the target with other large land owners in coast, rift valley and central. Gov will just acquire the land compulsorily. He will get paid whatever the average of stamp duty for that area suggests. If he wants to complain..the high court is opened.

Power is not given. Power is Taken. Ruto is not asking Uhuru for power. He is taking it by FORCE. The power doesnt belong to Uhuru. The power is in the hand of millions of Kenya. That is why Ruto wakes up everyday to plead with kenyans to elect him. Once he has been elected - Uhuru will have no option  but hand the sword - that Ruto will subsequently use it to severe his head - and serve it to the cheering Kenyans. His own people will celebrate his demise the most.

If he is a coward - he will leave the sword in statehouse - and run for exile. But I expect he will wait for his fate - Ruto will tell Gachagua to hold Uhuru kenyatta tightly - and bring down the sword. The body will be given to Mama Ngina. The head will be kept in Museum :)

This what happens - of course - it's not that macabre. But it going to be just as painful as the days of roman Kings. Nancy Gitau has run for his dear life.

(1) Kenya Airways NCBA is not the only lender to KQ It owes equity bank 5BN KCB I think 2BN and other banks.Which law is Ruto going use to refuse to pay NCBA and pay Equity?please table that law.Secondly,The kenyatta are the brokers of the individuals leasing Boeing planes to KQ,The new dream liners i think coasted 200BN,Are you implying that Ruto won't pay back Boeing their Money?

2) NCBA is not the only shareholder of Fuluza,You have safaricom which owns 40% and kCB 20% Foreign entities like Vodacom own 40% safaricom while GOK has 35% stake..same thing with KCB,So the government of Kenya will allow 100BN to go down the drain?BANKRUPT a Kenyan company for some useless emotions..I think you will have maybe Ruto tell NCBA to sell him a 10% stake and fuluza more to Kenyans.

3) There are not enough forests in Kenya nowadays that's why Uhuru is negotiating with Tsihshekedi to get a timber license with Raila in Congo forest..therefore you can take timsal3 license...nowadays they buy forest products from private individuals mostly while kenyatta have huge timber plantations to supply their companies they control whole supply chain in timber.. why have huge tracts of land and buy timber?

4) LAND-If Ruto takes Kenyatta land forcefully,He will have to reclaim all illegally taken land in Kenya from barracks airports statehouse Agricultural land etc that means he will dispossed people of their land including Moi all former TOO officials.

5) You are also suggesting he will go after all Military Security Police and Major infrastructural contracts Uhuru signed.that means he Will go after Chinese companies that is Chinese government American military suppliers of Kenyan army weapon mercenaries etc

The scenarios you are suggesting are that Kenya is a banana republic which no respect to rule of law and Ruto is a powerful Jesus who can do anything and nobody ask him and Uhuru are just nobodies..those things you are suggesting cannot happen because Ruto is going home come August.

How can you threaten me and I give you a panga or Ak47?Just how?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2022, 11:44:41 AM »
Sudi advice Ruto. I dont. I inteprerate what Ruto will do based on what he says. I take his snippets - and make sense out of it. When Ruto says interest rate like Fuliza is killing people - he is targetting Kenyatta M-pesa capture. When he says 2 million settlement scheme similar to 1960s - he is not targeting white farmers - he is dealing with Uhuru first.

When Ruto says state capture is biggest threat....he is saying Kenyatta prepare I am coming for you. The last time someone talked of state capture - it was in South Africa.

Zuma is in prison. Guptas were nabbed recently in Dubai.

And that is the fate of Uhuru and his allies.

:) you are right when you say Ruto cannot take advice from idiots like Pundit and Sudi.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2022, 12:11:48 PM »
In fact reading Ruto land settlement investment of 25B annually - it appears KQ bailing out annually - will be used to purchase land.

So kill two birds with one stone

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2022, 12:13:27 PM »
Gupta of South Africa left a huge fortune in South Africa and run. They were nabbed in Dubai and are being extradited back to South Africa to explain Zuma 10yrs of state capture

Offline Githunguri

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2022, 12:49:10 PM »
1) KQ is going down - Uhuru has sustained it but it should have long be dead.

 Kenya gov exposure is the guarantees worth 70B for the purchase of dreamliners through AfriExim & US Eximbank. The dreamliners are not owned by KQ - they are held by joint vehicles by AfriExim and US Eximbank - and KQ leases them. Those are things that people wrongly say is owned by Kenyattas - they are owned by AfriExim bank...Kenya GOV has little exposure and should have KILLED KQ LONG TIME IF NOT FOR STATE CAPTURE.

Therefore  GoK will just tell the AfriExim & US EximBank  to sell those planes and pay themselves. The balance kenya gov will pay if anything

 It's cheaper than bailing it out every year at 25B.

Once KQ is down - debtors, staff, pension - will be paid - whatever remain will be shareholders to take. Kenya Gov will write off KQ. Kenya banks including Uhuru will have to write off.

The banks who have loan KQ will take their own hit. Uhuru's bank is the biggest loser here. He will take 10B - he has sustained KQ in hope it will recover some of that.

2) Timsales. Kenyatta forget about that. Small saw millers are going to be back in business. That nonsense by Tobiko will end. And timber will become available again.

3) Brookside. That will be broken down by Competition Authority of Kenya - Kenyattas will have to sell the dairies - and kenya gov will help set up small farmer own dairies - and will starve Kenyatta of milk.

4) Land.  Kenyatta got that land through the 2 million settlement scheme set by the British gov. He is going to lose that land through a similar 2 million settlement scheme set by Ruto. In 1960s the target was white farmers - this time he is the target with other large land owners in coast, rift valley and central. Gov will just acquire the land compulsorily. He will get paid whatever the average of stamp duty for that area suggests. If he wants to complain..the high court is opened.

Power is not given. Power is Taken. Ruto is not asking Uhuru for power. He is taking it by FORCE. The power doesnt belong to Uhuru. The power is in the hand of millions of Kenya. That is why Ruto wakes up everyday to plead with kenyans to elect him. Once he has been elected - Uhuru will have no option  but hand the sword - that Ruto will subsequently use it to severe his head - and serve it to the cheering Kenyans. His own people will celebrate his demise the most.

If he is a coward - he will leave the sword in statehouse - and run for exile. But I expect he will wait for his fate - Ruto will tell Gachagua to hold Uhuru kenyatta tightly - and bring down the sword. The body will be given to Mama Ngina. The head will be kept in Museum :)

This what happens - of course - it's not that macabre. But it going to be just as painful as the days of roman Kings. Nancy Gitau has run for his dear life.

(1) Kenya Airways NCBA is not the only lender to KQ It owes equity bank 5BN KCB I think 2BN and other banks.Which law is Ruto going use to refuse to pay NCBA and pay Equity?please table that law.Secondly,The kenyatta are the brokers of the individuals leasing Boeing planes to KQ,The new dream liners i think coasted 200BN,Are you implying that Ruto won't pay back Boeing their Money?

2) NCBA is not the only shareholder of Fuluza,You have safaricom which owns 40% and kCB 20% Foreign entities like Vodacom own 40% safaricom while GOK has 35% stake..same thing with KCB,So the government of Kenya will allow 100BN to go down the drain?BANKRUPT a Kenyan company for some useless emotions..I think you will have maybe Ruto tell NCBA to sell him a 10% stake and fuluza more to Kenyans.

3) There are not enough forests in Kenya nowadays that's why Uhuru is negotiating with Tsihshekedi to get a timber license with Raila in Congo forest..therefore you can take timsal3 license...nowadays they buy forest products from private individuals mostly while kenyatta have huge timber plantations to supply their companies they control whole supply chain in timber.. why have huge tracts of land and buy timber?

4) LAND-If Ruto takes Kenyatta land forcefully,He will have to reclaim all illegally taken land in Kenya from barracks airports statehouse Agricultural land etc that means he will dispossed people of their land including Moi all former TOO officials.

5) You are also suggesting he will go after all Military Security Police and Major infrastructural contracts Uhuru signed.that means he Will go after Chinese companies that is Chinese government American military suppliers of Kenyan army weapon mercenaries etc

The scenarios you are suggesting are that Kenya is a banana republic which no respect to rule of law and Ruto is a powerful Jesus who can do anything and nobody ask him and Uhuru are just nobodies..those things you are suggesting cannot happen because Ruto is going home come August.

How can you threaten me and I give you a panga or Ak47?Just how?

NCBA makes over 10BN annual profit with hundreds of assets in billions..the 10BN lent to KQ was from 8 Banks so whatever you are saying doesn't make sense at all and its a small fragment of money..secondly GOK is Majority shareholder of KQ I think 48% while another 40% is Kenyan bank owned which pay tax to GOK..same as GOK is major shareholder in safaricom and kcb..telecoms and banks are major tax payers in Kenya how do you kill them?

Secondly Kenya forest cover is just 5% now..What license here now?The game of today now is private plantation or go to Congo forest.

Does GOK finance brookside?No GOK debt..It's willing buyer willing seller market fact kenyatta makes more money from selling Grass than brookside..if you want to kill it fine..just come take equipment..GOK doesn't get tax kill jobs etc.

You cannot take people's land by force some of that land has already been collaterised through bank loans with approved valuations therefore you cannot force your way...even Uhuru can't take weston hotel built on govt land...the moment you interfere with private property drug barons weapon mercenaries infrastructure Will be hounded out of statehouse like toothless dog.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2022, 01:06:28 PM »
KQ is going down.I havent checked lately but what I know CBA exposure was highest at 7-8B - and now NIC - makes that 10B. It was converted to equity. Banks operate on margins - it get deposit from public - lend to public - and make money on those margins. Their capital is very small. If it loses 10B kshs it huge hit. I hope they have provisioned for it.

MPESA is going to be reformed.Ruto will knock out Fuliza if Kenyatta is unwilling to reduce the interest rate. Infact Ruto might just open the M-PESA API for all the banks to compete. You should ask Fuliza from cheapest bank. Safaricom should give you option...Fuliza from NCBA or Equity or from your SACCO...then M-pesa should automatically deduct it. Uhuru bank enjoys a strong coupling with M-pesa locking out other banks.

Market failure in dairy sector will be fixed. Kenyattas have bought off competition so they can MONOPOLIZE dairy sector. That is not right. We have Competition Authority that should ensure that never happened. Brookside will be BROKEN DOWN BY FORCE by Kenya Competition Authority.

Land that Kenyatta sale hay will be bought by NLC. The procedure is simple. NLC write a offer letter to Kenyatta. Kenyatta cannot reject it. If it disagree with land valuation report; it will go to court; and argue;  I hope his file doesnt land in any of 5 judges he has harrased. If it land in Prof Ngugi desk :) - he is dead :). And pray somebody doesnt say the land was acquired illegally and ask Kenyattas to explain how they bought such insane amount of land.

Vitisho of drug lords and all - Ruto and Gachagua will have a whole battalion of police and army protecting them.

Your man Uhuru has a month to RUN or be finished. He has tried to finish Ruto and Gachagua and FAILED.

When he took Ruto's 1,000 acres of land in Ruai....Ruto took it in stride...when he expelled 20,000 kispigis with valid titles....evicted entire division in Mau...Ruto told them to relax...he will buy land and resettle them. They will be resettled in Kenyatta land pale Nakuru. Maasai already will take the Naivasha one.Taita Taveta will take theirs. Gachagua will bring Mau Mau families to settle in Kiambu.Coast Ruto told them to relax - power first - then we go for Kenyatta and fix COAST LAND ISSUE FOREVER.

Mambo ya Kenyatta IMEISHA. Mambo ya Moi IMEISHA.

Freedom is coming

NCBA makes over 10BN annual profit with hundreds of assets in billions..the 10BN lent to KQ was from 8 Banks so whatever you are saying doesn't make sense at all and its a small fragment of money..secondly GOK is Majority shareholder of KQ I think 48% while another 40% is Kenyan bank owned which pay tax to GOK..same as GOK is major shareholder in safaricom and kcb..telecoms and banks are major tax payers in Kenya how do you kill them?

Secondly Kenya forest cover is just 5% now..What license here now?The game of today now is private plantation or go to Congo forest.

Does GOK finance brookside?No GOK debt..It's willing buyer willing seller market fact kenyatta makes more money from selling Grass than brookside..if you want to kill it fine..just come take equipment..GOK doesn't get tax kill jobs etc.

You cannot take people's land by force some of that land has already been collaterised through bank loans with approved valuations therefore you cannot force your way...even Uhuru can't take weston hotel built on govt land...the moment you interfere with private property drug barons weapon mercenaries infrastructure Will be hounded out of statehouse like toothless dog.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2022, 03:13:28 PM »
Kenya is not RSA - Mbeki didn't follow Mandela nyayo - he went to bed with big business. Zuma fired Mbeki - then got fired by Ramaphosa and jailed. Different world where power fights are within ANC factions.

Ruto needs to win first - go slow on hubris - then fuata nyayo za Uhuru. He will just take over the contracts - SGR, etc - it will be like Kibaki vs Moi.

Ati Ruto will bankrupt Kenyatta and Moi  :o unaota mchana. Even Biden will not touch Trump - just form a useless commission to taint his name and win midterms.

Ditto Raila.

Sudi advice Ruto. I dont. I inteprerate what Ruto will do based on what he says. I take his snippets - and make sense out of it. When Ruto says interest rate like Fuliza is killing people - he is targetting Kenyatta M-pesa capture. When he says 2 million settlement scheme similar to 1960s - he is not targeting white farmers - he is dealing with Uhuru first.

When Ruto says state capture is biggest threat....he is saying Kenyatta prepare I am coming for you. The last time someone talked of state capture - it was in South Africa.

Zuma is in prison. Guptas were nabbed recently in Dubai.

And that is the fate of Uhuru and his allies.

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2022, 03:17:57 PM »
The only guarantee is Ruto would be the richest oligarch in 20 years - after extending his term. He is not Mugabe or Bashir idiot who thought they would be president for life then get overthrown.

Lakini WIN FIRST - halafu talk power. You and idiots like Ndii would just be blocked by Ruto. As he meet Uhuru and Raila to crack old jokes.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2022, 03:25:57 PM »
RV , Kichwa ngumu. Kenya Government is the Gurantor of the loans KQ took for the bail out . In addition it reached a level where Kenyan Government started bailing out KQ directly.
RV confuses Bail out with Aircraft Leasing. 2 different entities.
However the big junk of bail out monies goes to pay the lease charges.
If RV was diligent enough he would google further and learn to listen. Shida ujuaji mwingi......

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2022, 03:38:36 PM »

First time in history Im agreeing with Robina.
Uhuru Raila handshake to many people was impossible. I knew they were personal family friends but didnt expect Uhuru to make him a Co President. This is also the reason unlike 2018 wont be that dissapointed if Ruto after winning Presidency starts working together with Raila. These politicians are neighbours, family friends and most important for them is interests first.
Raila has always managed to sneak in all Governments , In Mois time they called it Co-operation, In Kibakis time Grand Coalition , In Uhurus time Handshake ,In Rutos time they will come with a new political arrangement/terminology.

The only guarantee is Ruto would be the richest oligarch in 20 years - after extending his term. He is not Mugabe or Bashir idiot who thought they would be president for life then get overthrown.

Lakini WIN FIRST - halafu talk power. You and idiots like Ndii would just be blocked by Ruto. As he meet Uhuru and Raila to crack old jokes.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2022, 09:47:31 PM »
You're an idiot my friend. Study these things. Then engage me. KQ had no money to buy dreamliner. It approach US eximbank for 1 or 2 planes....and Afriexim bank for other planes...first thing they get kenya gov guranteees....second layer...they insist the planes be registered in some islands...jointly..and leased to KQ....until it pay off..
RV , Kichwa ngumu. Kenya Government is the Gurantor of the loans KQ took for the bail out . In addition it reached a level where Kenyan Government started bailing out KQ directly.
RV confuses Bail out with Aircraft Leasing. 2 different entities.
However the big junk of bail out monies goes to pay the lease charges.
If RV was diligent enough he would google further and learn to listen. Shida ujuaji mwingi......

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2022, 09:49:51 PM »
Apart from RVHH who is family to Ruto; I think I should get PHD in Rutology.  You dont know Ruto. I know him. Ruto is no joke. He crushes anything on his path. Expecting Ruto to cooperate is insanity. Ruto will send Sudi to Raila. Take a billion sh...go to bondo..dont ever raise your head..and that is it.

Ruto doesnt give you a second chance. Raila will take a billion shs and go home.

And then the music wills start.

Ask RV politicians...Ruto is nice and all that...but once he has decided youre the enemy youre dead.

Ruto is able to get stuff done because people know he doesnt you hear ngweeeeeeeeeeeh in rv!!!!!!!!!!!! Ruto is fair, listen, accomodate, debate, take his time, allow for long people for debate..but once the decision has been made...he moves likes cheetah..or a lion...or an elephant..crushing anything on his path.

Most of you dont know Ruto. Please listen to RVHH.

Uhuru and Gideon will not get any offer...they will be crushed. Raila will get an offer delivered by Sudi. Raila will be given money and his kids will even get jobs. Ruto doesnt hate Raila that much. He despise him. He sees him more as an idiot.

First time in history Im agreeing with Robina.
Uhuru Raila handshake to many people was impossible. I knew they were personal family friends but didnt expect Uhuru to make him a Co President. This is also the reason unlike 2018 wont be that dissapointed if Ruto after winning Presidency starts working together with Raila. These politicians are neighbours, family friends and most important for them is interests first.
Raila has always managed to sneak in all Governments , In Mois time they called it Co-operation, In Kibakis time Grand Coalition , In Uhurus time Handshake ,In Rutos time they will come with a new political arrangement/terminology.

The only guarantee is Ruto would be the richest oligarch in 20 years - after extending his term. He is not Mugabe or Bashir idiot who thought they would be president for life then get overthrown.

Lakini WIN FIRST - halafu talk power. You and idiots like Ndii would just be blocked by Ruto. As he meet Uhuru and Raila to crack old jokes.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2022, 10:30:03 PM »
RV to be honest you dont know anything about aviation and for that matter KQ. Continue to google.

You're an idiot my friend. Study these things. Then engage me. KQ had no money to buy dreamliner. It approach US eximbank for 1 or 2 planes....and Afriexim bank for other planes...first thing they get kenya gov guranteees....second layer...they insist the planes be registered in some islands...jointly..and leased to KQ....until it pay off..
RV , Kichwa ngumu. Kenya Government is the Gurantor of the loans KQ took for the bail out . In addition it reached a level where Kenyan Government started bailing out KQ directly.
RV confuses Bail out with Aircraft Leasing. 2 different entities.
However the big junk of bail out monies goes to pay the lease charges.
If RV was diligent enough he would google further and learn to listen. Shida ujuaji mwingi......

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2022, 10:36:59 PM »
This is finance. It not about aviation. No pilot was involved except in choosing the dreamliners. Afrieximbank - by Africa dev bank - funded the purchase - and kept the logbook - planes are leased to KQ until it pays off - then they get ownership.
RV to be honest you dont know anything about aviation and for that matter KQ. Continue to google.

You're an idiot my friend. Study these things. Then engage me. KQ had no money to buy dreamliner. It approach US eximbank for 1 or 2 planes....and Afriexim bank for other planes...first thing they get kenya gov guranteees....second layer...they insist the planes be registered in some islands...jointly..and leased to KQ....until it pay off..
RV , Kichwa ngumu. Kenya Government is the Gurantor of the loans KQ took for the bail out . In addition it reached a level where Kenyan Government started bailing out KQ directly.
RV confuses Bail out with Aircraft Leasing. 2 different entities.
However the big junk of bail out monies goes to pay the lease charges.
If RV was diligent enough he would google further and learn to listen. Shida ujuaji mwingi......

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2022, 10:40:11 PM »
Ruto is a politician. Back in mid 2000s he was all up in a war against Kibaki only for him to ride in the same Presidential Limousine later with Kibaki.
Politicians have a way of forgiving each other . They always go agsinst Bureacrats .
In 2007 Ruto and Uhuru were not in talking terms but months later formed KK.
One good case is Waiguru and Ruto . Twice they have crossed each other paths but right now they are together . Ngirici even claiming Ruto wanted her to stop her Governorship bid in favour of Waiguru.
You can claim you know Ruto but the truth of the matter is there for people to see.
Take for example Moi and Ruto. They sworn enemies late 90s became best friends . Then in 2007 became enemies again by 2018 Ruto was looking for all manners of appointment with Moi.
I dont support Uhuru and what he did to Ruto in second term but One thing is for sure Ruto and Uhuru post Aug 2022 will mend their relationship. Thats certain.

Apart from RVHH who is family to Ruto; I think I should get PHD in Rutology.  You dont know Ruto. I know him. Ruto is no joke. He crushes anything on his path. Expecting Ruto to cooperate is insanity. Ruto will send Sudi to Raila. Take a billion sh...go to bondo..dont ever raise your head..and that is it.

Ruto doesnt give you a second chance. Raila will take a billion shs and go home.

And then the music wills start.

Ask RV politicians...Ruto is nice and all that...but once he has decided youre the enemy youre dead.

Ruto is able to get stuff done because people know he doesnt you hear ngweeeeeeeeeeeh in rv!!!!!!!!!!!! Ruto is fair, listen, accomodate, debate, take his time, allow for long people for debate..but once the decision has been made...he moves likes cheetah..or a lion...or an elephant..crushing anything on his path.

Most of you dont know Ruto. Please listen to RVHH.

Uhuru and Gideon will not get any offer...they will be crushed. Raila will get an offer delivered by Sudi. Raila will be given money and his kids will even get jobs. Ruto doesnt hate Raila that much. He despise him. He sees him more as an idiot.

First time in history Im agreeing with Robina.
Uhuru Raila handshake to many people was impossible. I knew they were personal family friends but didnt expect Uhuru to make him a Co President. This is also the reason unlike 2018 wont be that dissapointed if Ruto after winning Presidency starts working together with Raila. These politicians are neighbours, family friends and most important for them is interests first.
Raila has always managed to sneak in all Governments , In Mois time they called it Co-operation, In Kibakis time Grand Coalition , In Uhurus time Handshake ,In Rutos time they will come with a new political arrangement/terminology.

The only guarantee is Ruto would be the richest oligarch in 20 years - after extending his term. He is not Mugabe or Bashir idiot who thought they would be president for life then get overthrown.

Lakini WIN FIRST - halafu talk power. You and idiots like Ndii would just be blocked by Ruto. As he meet Uhuru and Raila to crack old jokes.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2022, 10:44:33 PM »
Sawa. There is a whole thread discussing this matter.
The more you go on blubbering on this matter the more it proves you have no idea on aviation.

This is finance. It not about aviation. No pilot was involved except in choosing the dreamliners. Afrieximbank - by Africa dev bank - funded the purchase - and kept the logbook - planes are leased to KQ until it pays off - then they get ownership.
RV to be honest you dont know anything about aviation and for that matter KQ. Continue to google.

You're an idiot my friend. Study these things. Then engage me. KQ had no money to buy dreamliner. It approach US eximbank for 1 or 2 planes....and Afriexim bank for other planes...first thing they get kenya gov guranteees....second layer...they insist the planes be registered in some islands...jointly..and leased to KQ....until it pay off..
RV , Kichwa ngumu. Kenya Government is the Gurantor of the loans KQ took for the bail out . In addition it reached a level where Kenyan Government started bailing out KQ directly.
RV confuses Bail out with Aircraft Leasing. 2 different entities.
However the big junk of bail out monies goes to pay the lease charges.
If RV was diligent enough he would google further and learn to listen. Shida ujuaji mwingi......

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2022, 10:46:15 PM »
Purchasing planes is not aviation.It's financing. Flying them is aviation. The planes were bought for 70B or about...financed by EximBanks...registered in some island like ships..until it's fully paid. KQ in meantime leases them...though it own them technically. Sometimes it leases them out.
Sawa. There is a whole thread discussing this matter.
The more you go on blubbering on this matter the more it proves you have no idea on aviation.

This is finance. It not about aviation. No pilot was involved except in choosing the dreamliners. Afrieximbank - by Africa dev bank - funded the purchase - and kept the logbook - planes are leased to KQ until it pays off - then they get ownership.
RV to be honest you dont know anything about aviation and for that matter KQ. Continue to google.

You're an idiot my friend. Study these things. Then engage me. KQ had no money to buy dreamliner. It approach US eximbank for 1 or 2 planes....and Afriexim bank for other planes...first thing they get kenya gov guranteees....second layer...they insist the planes be registered in some islands...jointly..and leased to KQ....until it pay off..
RV , Kichwa ngumu. Kenya Government is the Gurantor of the loans KQ took for the bail out . In addition it reached a level where Kenyan Government started bailing out KQ directly.
RV confuses Bail out with Aircraft Leasing. 2 different entities.
However the big junk of bail out monies goes to pay the lease charges.
If RV was diligent enough he would google further and learn to listen. Shida ujuaji mwingi......

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Dr Nancy Gitau relocate to Australia as project fails
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2022, 11:04:07 PM »
i believe lots of kickbacks were long pocketed in the harebrained  KQ Vision Mawingu. Billions were paid out on fishy projections - the bailouts are just small topup. Yaani the dozens Dreamliners are liabilities instead of assets  :o - MJ was brought in to launder Uhuru cash - by renegotiating with Exim & Boeing to restructure the loans.

Ndii was onto them from day one.

Purchasing planes is not aviation.It's financing. Flying them is aviation. The planes were bought for 70B or about...financed by EximBanks...registered in some island like ships..until it's fully paid. KQ in meantime leases them...though it own them technically. Sometimes it leases them out.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels