Author Topic: On the issue of electronic only voting.  (Read 2406 times)

Offline Githunguri

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Re: On the issue of electronic only voting.
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2022, 11:56:02 AM »
Both sides are working on all sort of scenarios. System I saw was based on USSD. This time they could do Whatsapp or Signal. The agents just take pictures and submit on their phones via whatsapp or signal.

Ultimately voter protection in battle ground and remote areas is critical. It will require not just few agents - but also the public to keep an eye -until election is counted and done with.

And of course to have roving team that moves if any problem occurs.

UDA is a battle tested.

I fear for Azimio - because they might get outrigged - Ruto and Gachagua have probably the most credential for rigging starting in 1992 - dont think just being in gov give you rigging advantage :) :)

If UDA will use the smartphone slow down internet slow down mpesa no money no communication buy off these clerks cook results post them...there is no way Ruto is winning thing.AM OUT.

Don't get EMOTIONAL.

The voting will end at 5PM in most polling stations while it may extend to night time in most polling stations like in every normal elections..The counting and signing of forms will happen at night.In UDA stronghold of GEMA and RV security will be tight.I expect Uhuru to deploy EVEN KDF and NYS to ensure rigging doesn't take place there..It will be UHURU vs GACHAGUA/RUTO...In Azimio strongholds it will be opposite.

Whoever has money to buy GOK officials agents,control phones and money networks,control security wins this election.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: On the issue of electronic only voting.
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2022, 12:00:23 PM »
So you put 5000 instead of 500.

You've started being NONSESICAL.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: On the issue of electronic only voting.
« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2022, 12:02:57 PM »
Uhuru is lameduck.
Nobody in KDF or Police is listening to him.
Half are sending their CVs to Raila; Half to Ruto;
This is a gov in transition.
And it why it easy to beat gov.
Matiangi himself is jobless and so is Kibicho - they are dusting their CVs...nobody will respect their command.
If I am PPO and Ruto has approach me to help him so he can promote me...I will not listen to Kibicho commands.
In 48 hours he will be jobless :)
I will remain PPO at worse; or be promoted by Ruto if he wins.

Ruto and Gachagua have first hand experience in security sector. They know who to talk assured they are talking to many in security sector...from KDF to NIS to Prov Admin.

And secondly it will only be organizational acumen that will ensure you pull a national operation like that.

Ruto UDA nomination was just a test run. Ruto run UDA nomination like IEBC in 34 counties. That tell you the only challenge he will a have is on 13 counties. The structures on 34 counties are battle-tested.

Gachagua is also very effective and experienced - and will generally run the Mt kenya 10 counties and RV.

Ruto will handle the rest of the country.

Ultimately you need very experience hands in matters election - a team of Ruto, Gachagua and Chirchir is impossible to beat - poleni Azimio.  Chirchir is chief of staff for a he can work inside gov....

Kibicho could not even roll out HUDUMA NUMBER in 5yrs. Murather-Tuju messed up Jubilee nomination it was so embarrasing.

Raila is depending on his family to run stuff.


You will be outrigged. Gachagua run Moi rigging in 1992-2002, run his brother unlikely win in Nyeri, run Uhuru KANU, run Uhuru 2017 sio Mchezo.

The least said about Ruto the better for you :)

Don't get EMOTIONAL.

The voting will end at 5PM in most polling stations while it may extend to night time in most polling stations like in every normal elections..The counting and signing of forms will happen at night.In UDA stronghold of GEMA and RV security will be tight.I expect Uhuru to deploy EVEN KDF and NYS to ensure rigging doesn't take place there..It will be UHURU vs GACHAGUA/RUTO...In Azimio strongholds it will be opposite.

Whoever has money to buy GOK officials agents,control phones and money networks,control security wins this election.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: On the issue of electronic only voting.
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2022, 12:11:15 PM »
Uhuru is lameduck.
Nobody in KDF or Police is listening to him.
Half are sending their CVs to Raila; Half to Ruto;
This is a gov in transition.
And it why it easy to beat gov.
Matiangi himself is jobless and so is Kibicho - they are dusting their CVs...nobody will respect their command.

Ruto and Gachagua have first hand experience in security sector. They know who to talk to.

And secondly it will only be organizational acumen that will ensure you pull a national operation like that.

Ruto UDA was just a test run. Ruto run UDA nomination like IEBC in 34 counties. That tell you the only challenge he will a have is on 13 counties.

Gachagua is also very effective and experienced - and will generally run the Mt kenya 10 counties and RV.

Ruto will handle the rest of the country.

Ultimately you need very experience hands in matters election - a team of Ruto, Gachagua and Chirchir is impossible to beat - poleni Azimio.

Kibicho could not even roll out HUDUMA NUMBER in 5yrs. Murather-Tuju messed up Jubilee nomination it was so embarrasing.

Raila is depending on his family to run stuff.


You will be outrigged.

Don't get EMOTIONAL.

The voting will end at 5PM in most polling stations while it may extend to night time in most polling stations like in every normal elections..The counting and signing of forms will happen at night.In UDA stronghold of GEMA and RV security will be tight.I expect Uhuru to deploy EVEN KDF and NYS to ensure rigging doesn't take place there..It will be UHURU vs GACHAGUA/RUTO...In Azimio strongholds it will be opposite.

Whoever has money to buy GOK officials agents,control phones and money networks,control security wins this election.

The only people in KDF police listening to Ruto are kalenjin.. The rest GEMA Kamba somali Jaluo Kisii Mijikenda are Azimio ndani.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: On the issue of electronic only voting.
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2022, 12:13:31 PM »
By default all Kalenjin are helping Ruto; All Luos are helping Raila;
GEMA are split; Half are helping Ruto/Gachagua; Half are with Uhuru/Kibicho.

Gov public services is heavy Kikuyu-Kalenjin - almost 25 percent kikuyu- 20 percent Kalenjin.
Luos are very few.

Already Ruto-Gachagua are ahead in the security sector.

The rest align with local elite.
Luhya will be approached MaDVD - it scratch my back - I scratch yours.

In short when gov is in transition - 50-50 split in gov circles is real.

Again it probably going to be 70 pro Ruto and 30 pro Raila - because Raila doesnt know how to win power - he will sit there with Kibicho who cant even hack Kirinyanga.

Ruto in the meantime with Gachagua are probably working on security sector - making secret MOUS - giving them millions.

The only people in KDF police listening to Ruto are kalenjin.. The rest GEMA Kamba somali Jaluo Kisii Mijikenda are Azimio ndani.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: On the issue of electronic only voting.
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2022, 02:16:26 PM »
By default all Kalenjin are helping Ruto; All Luos are helping Raila;
GEMA are split; Half are helping Ruto/Gachagua; Half are with Uhuru/Kibicho.

Gov public services is heavy Kikuyu-Kalenjin - almost 25 percent kikuyu- 20 percent Kalenjin.
Luos are very few.

Already Ruto-Gachagua are ahead in the security sector.

The rest align with local elite.
Luhya will be approached MaDVD - it scratch my back - I scratch yours.

In short when gov is in transition - 50-50 split in gov circles is real.

Again it probably going to be 70 pro Ruto and 30 pro Raila - because Raila doesnt know how to win power - he will sit there with Kibicho who cant even hack Kirinyanga.

Ruto in the meantime with Gachagua are probably working on security sector - making secret MOUS - giving them millions.

The only people in KDF police listening to Ruto are kalenjin.. The rest GEMA Kamba somali Jaluo Kisii Mijikenda are Azimio ndani.

Interesting...If Luos and Kikuyus couldn't do it in 1982,If Kalenjins couldn't do it in 2007/8 When they controlled 60% of everything GOK,You think Ruto can do it in 2022?

Very funny.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: On the issue of electronic only voting.
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2022, 02:41:28 PM »
How did Raila become PM against an incumbent if not for Kalenjin civil services helping him in 2007. And that was against a sitting president going for 2nd term. This was almost hopeless mission when Kalonzo bolted but still Ruto managed to get coalition gov after pinning Kibaki down.

Ruto helped Raila to get very near real power. During negotiation Ruto told him - wachie mimi I negotiate for you because you dont know how gov operates - but wapi - he collapsed in Sagana when Kibaki gave him outriders and chopper ride to Sagana - cameback with development ministries. Ruto deleted his number and called Uhuru.

Ruto and Gachagua will beat Kibicho-Matiangi in their game - because those two Huduma number imewashinda.

Right now trust me - negotiation with top guys in security forces are complete - you've seen apart from DCI that everyone folded camp. Imebaki to DCI kinoti and Kibicho. Even Matiangi has gone slow. The rest - police, DPP, name them folded camp.

You saw Kioni complaining recently that police are favouring Kenya Kwanza.

You see Gachagua talking police welfare issues.

Power cannot be taken by boys. Combination of Ruto-Gachagua is deadly in gov circles. They know gov inside out. Gachagua has been DO, Special DO that delivered unlikely win for Moi in 1992, PA of head of public services, Uhuru's PA and name it. Ruto has even more impressive CV. It's how they have made money. You have to be very sharp and lethal in gov circles to make money.

Bring your lecturers Matiangi and Kibicho - to face real power men Ruto and Gachagua - who knows all the keys in harambee and statehouse : all the panya routes;

Chain of command right now is broken. Kibicho can bark orders but those under him knows he is gone either way - Raila wont retain him - Ruto will jail him. So hapo ni ignore mode. Same with Uhuru. LAMEDUCK PHASE of leadership.

Decode this message. Deep state and System you may find now are with Ruto.

Raila ako na Kibicho in Kirinyanga trying nonsense with an extremely naive woman Martha walking around with sijui NGOs kama Bonifce Mwangi :) :) - I bet he doesnt even have single phone number of a military general or NIS director level person or police ass commissioner level. She is out there looking for NGOS friends - while Gachagua is busy with security forces.

Kibicho thinks he will order everyone as always - issue instructions in memos - and people in an election transition will listen :) - Right now everyone in civil service is on their own - there are no bosess - until august.

Interesting...If Luos and Kikuyus couldn't do it in 1982,If Kalenjins couldn't do it in 2007/8 When they controlled 60% of everything GOK,You think Ruto can do it in 2022?

Very funny.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: On the issue of electronic only voting.
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2022, 02:59:59 PM »
How did Raila become PM against an incumbent if not for Kalenjin civil services helping him in 2007. And that was against a sitting president going for 2nd term. This was almost hopeless mission when Kalonzo bolt but still Ruto managed to get coalition gov after pinning Kibaki down.

Ruto helped Raila to get very near real power. During negotiation Ruto told him - wachie mimi I negotiate for you because you dont know how gov operates - but wapi - he collapsed in Sagana when Kibaki gave him outriders and chopper ride to Sagana - cameback with development ministries. Ruto deleted his number and called Uhuru.

Ruto and Gachagua will beat Kibicho-Matiangi in their game - because those two Huduma number imewashinda.

Right now trust me - negotiation with top guys in security forces are complete - you've seen apart from DCI that everyone folded camp. Imebaki to DCI kinoti and Kibicho. Even Matiangi has gone slow. The rest - police, DPP, name them folded camp.

You saw Kioni complaining recently that police are favouring Kenya Kwanza.

You see Gachagua talking police welfare issues.

Power cannot be taken by boys. Combination of Ruto-Gachagua is deadly in gov circles. They know gov inside out. Gachagua has been DO, Special DO that delivered unlikely win for Moi in 1992, PA of head of public services, Uhuru's PA and name it. Ruto has even more impressive CV. It's how they have made money. You have to be very sharp and lethal in gov circles to make money.

Decode this message. Deep state and System you may find now are with Ruto. Raila ako na Kibicho in Kirinyanga trying nonsense.

Interesting...If Luos and Kikuyus couldn't do it in 1982,If Kalenjins couldn't do it in 2007/8 When they controlled 60% of everything GOK,You think Ruto can do it in 2022?

Very funny.

You talk alot of NONSENSE.

From 1982-2002..Moi filled GOK with Kalenjins and it is well documented in Akiwumi report that government used to financed Kalenjin warriors from 1991-1998.That is why cheramboss a senior policeman was charged at ICC.

Kibaki was president on paper in his first term.kalenjins were everywhere.Over the last 20 years.Things have changed No tribe has COMPLETE MONOPOLY of GOK be it police or military.Therefore you cannot start a war in Kenya today.

LASTLY,The object of hate in 2007 Kenya presidential election was Kikuyu/Madoadoa...In this election Ruto is begging Kikuyus to vote him.He wouldn't want Vioelbce anywhere near him.

Uhuru has Ruto by the balls.Ruto doesn't have Jaluos who know how to protest from Langata and Ngong road to Nairobi.Kikuyus don't protest.Thats their nature.

Uhuru is going to Make Raila president.Uhuru is not Kenneth Matiba.He is a BRUTAL ANIMAL who trashed yangu Kumi na ya Ruto Kumi and Ruto did nothing.


Offline RV Pundit

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Re: On the issue of electronic only voting.
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2022, 03:06:59 PM »
Right now NIS have done their maths.
They know Ruto is winning.
The next month is to deal with desperado like Kibicho and Kinoti - and you.
And that is simply by ignoring them.

Uhuru withdrew from campaigns and is doing bare minimum because 1) he is lameduck 2) he knows Ruto has won.

If you see Kibicho busy in Kirinyanga trying to campaign for people change their mind; know that is an idiot; it's too late for that;
Poor Martha is struggling bure.

Public services - remain mostly Kalenjin old timers - and Kikuyu new timers - as the majority.
Most of them are supporting Ruto.

Kibicho, Uhuru and Matiangi are lameduck now. Nobody will listen to them. They are going home.

Again dont get suprised if Raila will find himself in supreme court because he has been outrigged.

You talk alot of NONSENSE.

From 1982-2002..Moi filled GOK with Kalenjins and it is well documented in Akiwumi report that government used to financed Kalenjin warriors from 1991-1998.That is why cheramboss a senior policeman was charged at ICC.

Kibaki was president on paper in his first term.kalenjins were everywhere.Over the last 20 years.Things have changed No tribe has COMPLETE MONOPOLY of GOK be it police or military.Therefore you cannot start a war in Kenya today.

LASTLY,The object of hate in 2007 Kenya presidential election was Kikuyu/Madoadoa...In this election Ruto is begging Kikuyus to vote him.He wouldn't want Vioelbce anywhere near him.

Uhuru has Ruto by the balls.Ruto doesn't have Jaluos who know how to protest from Langata and Ngong road to Nairobi.Kikuyus don't protest.Thats their nature.

Uhuru is going to Make Raila president.Uhuru is not Kenneth Matiba.He is a BRUTAL ANIMAL who trashed yangu Kumi na ya Ruto Kumi and Ruto did nothing.