Ruto doesnt flaunt his wealth.
People who flaunt their wealth buy Feraris, go golfing, play casinos, polos, go for Dubai to watch formulae 1, such kind of things
They take their kids to the best schools abroad - where they pay millions.
They live glamorous watches worth 20m...go for expensive holidays, name it.
Ruto doesnt do any of that - if he has choppers - it because he needs it in politics.
Ruto is different - Ruto invest his money in his career (politics) and in business ventures.
Ruto lifestyle has not changed much - his kids live normal life - attend normal schools - went to normal universities in kenya
Ruto himself live a pretty normal life - I bet he retires to cup of ketepa tea before settling for ugali, mursik and sukuma wiki

- occasional beef from Ichungwa butchery according to RvHH.
In that regard Ruto and Daniel Moi are twins...refusing to allow money to alter their lifes, remaining humbled, pious christians and grounded.
Ruto invest his money in Harambees because he knows it work - every serious politician from MCA to PORK - knows in kenya people want practical solution to their problems.
Long before you get speeches about the future - you have to demonstrate. If hustler thing - Ruto has to use his money for people to see what he means.
Raila has failed to get power in 40yrs because he doesnt invest in politics beyond lip services.
Lip services are okay - talking a storm - but it has limits.
Kenya politics remain essentially Tribe and Bribe. If you cannot contribute money to build schools, churches, hospital bills, and such - you'll not go far in kenya politics.
Most politicians stole but Ruto compound it by flaunting the loot fwaa. We been through this - most sadaka is Aror cash. Karen was built using YK92 cash.
Hajaonewa. It is why he cannot sue anyone - the burden of proof is a can of worms.