. One such ase is that of the Kenya Food and
Chemical Corporation Limited f Kisumu, commonly known as the
"Molasses Project". This energy aving project was conceived by the
Qovernment in the 1970's and was intended to manufacture gasohol from
sugar cane molasses which was pro uced by the sugar factories in Nyanza
and Western Provinces. Land for th project was compulsorily acquired by
the Government in 1976 at 4 million shillings.
Although hundreds of millions of t x payers' funds were invested in the
project, it stalled in the 1980's and the Company was put under
receivership and remains as such t this day. Land for the project was
offered to the company by a letter o allotment but this was never formally
accepted or paid for and no title was issued. However, in 2001 the
Commissioner of Lands S. S. K. M aita, allocated the land to a company
known as Spectre International imited for 3.7 million shillings or
KShs. 33,000 per hectare. The land measures approximately 112 hectares
and comprises of seven blocks the particulars of which are as follows:
1. L.R No. 26453, area 26.10 ha user, horticultural
2. L.R No. 26454, area 39.00 ha user, industrial
3. L.R No. 26455, area 13.40 ha user, residential
4. L.R No. 26456, area 21.23 user, residential
5. L.R No. 26457, area 3.50 ha, user, recreational
6. L.R No. 26458, area 2.20 ha, user, health clinic
7. L.R No. 26459, area 6.50 ha, user, educational
The direct allocation of alienated Go ernment land to the company by the
Commissioner of Lands was illegal. t was not clear how the Government
then intended, if at all, to revive or se I the project having already allocated
the seven blocks of land to Spectre' International Limited, a private