Author Topic: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew  (Read 4977 times)

Offline Githunguri

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #40 on: April 02, 2022, 08:52:37 AM »
Raila went there on purpose...This is very good for Azimio.


Azimio to continue frying we shall rig theory,The RV politicians wil respond as victims,The Kalenjin warriors will get angry and then uhuru to visit Eldoret while Raila visits Kericho,They shalll be stoned proper and Ruto will slowly head to Moi 36% before August. 8

Violence shalll be dealt with by police and military which is np longer a preserve of any tribe while any politician who funnels violence will be given a direct ticket to ICC.
I actually believe you 100% on this ,gatheca has thrown everything against Ruto but hasn't worked only a major false flag event like stoning him would try to get some sympathy votes but this wouldn't work too. In the meantime continue with your daydream


We are 120 days to the election,

Uhuru has everything to loose,Alot is at stake...That makes him lethal dangerous

Anything you see on Tv Radio Daily Nation read it carefully and understand

Think about everything from that perspective
Well he put himself solely in that situation. Think about it was it necessary in the first place. He had pledged kumi yangu then kumi ya Ruto.
Now understand Ruto has really behaved exceptionally highly disciplined ,if it was someone else the moment gatheca started betrayal is when the country would have started burning. Ruto is a human being and yes Kalenjins have a right to feel betrayed,in this world it has never happened the way gatheca wants to behave,infact he is a case study by political scientists all over the world including Chatham, on his handshake politics.
Uhuru would have gone silently left the battle bewteenRuto and baba and enjoyed his billions of stolen wealth with no one asking,but since he choose this path his entire family and their wealth are now at risk of vaporisation,no one can lose sleep over this in mlima. Open your eyes Githunguri and prepare to overthrow the dynasty that making you live in 50by 100 shacks in Kiambu because Kenyatta and Koinange took all your land,you guys don't have any rural areas you killing each other over 10bob because of Kenyatta's legacy,join UDA and you will be liberated from your mental slavery, you will stop killing each other brother against brother sons killing their fathers relatives killing each other complete social breakdown etc

Everyone agrees Johnostone Kamau AKA Kenyatta was a conman thug,

He stole our Land while a Kalenjin called Moi supported him.Jaramogi and Bildad Kaggia protested and paid the ultimate price.His son Raila Baba mrakatifu fought against these injustice that Moi perpetrated with his son Ruto.Thats why we want to reward Baba for the price the jaramogi family has paid.

If am told to choose between a murderer and a thief I'd choose a thief

If am told to choose between my life and a piece of land in Rift valley I'd choose my life.

The world won't exist in 300years

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #41 on: April 02, 2022, 12:33:02 PM »
I have said it here and I will repeat it again, we are headed to a coalition government at full speed. There will be no winners or losers in this election, the stakes are just too high.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #42 on: April 02, 2022, 12:45:21 PM »
You mean Uhuru-Rao will rig and then give Ruto a nusu mkate after millions have suffered?
What we need are credible, free and fair elections.
There is still window of opportunity to get that done.
All we need is the state to stay neutral - and leave Raila to tussle with Ruto - and let IEBC run things.
So far we are seeing Kibicho organizing Jubilee elections and misusing police, prov admin
That is recipe for chaos.
I have said it here and I will repeat it again, we are headed to a coalition government at full speed. There will be no winners or losers in this election, the stakes are just too high.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #43 on: April 02, 2022, 12:51:09 PM »
This discussion is exactly why I think we need to rethink governance much deeper than this. It's my whole issue with pure democracy in highly ethnicized societies like ours. Without super-majorities, it's dangerous. In a cohesive nation, simple competitive democracy premised on an individualist 'culture' works. Our poor, disintegrated countries with 'unofficial but real and operative' mini-nations based on either ethnicity or religion struggle. Every election reaches a point like this, where things start feeling existential. Then it morphs into a crisis. EVERY election. Institutions like SCOK alone cannot resolve it because it is a political problem. Hence our now cyclical 'nusu-mkate' solutions. When you point it out, people start accusing you of loving dictators, just for admiring the Chinese for finding their own workaround. They don't get: EVERYONE IS NOT BAZUNGU. We, too, should/must find our unique solutions for our own unique problems (chief of which is achieving a genuine, cohesive nation among our unofficial but powerful mini-nations) but we keep assuming bazungu ways are everything and don't wonder why we always look for something 'extra' to resolve crises? Why we don't look for permanent solutions to our CHIEF problem? Tutaendelea kukiona mpaka tujifunze.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #44 on: April 02, 2022, 01:05:17 PM »
That is true. Competitive politics accentuate the difference in our situation. Africa has 2000 tribes - that is about 2000 mini nations. It huge problem. Dictatorship will lead to coups and coups. Democracy will lead to more ethnicity.

The solution is to recognize these mini-nations through federalism and devolution.  Kenya has good template in devolved 47 tribes that almost follow the 42 tribal nations. Adding PM/DPM/ or doing coalition or handshake- name it - will never satisfy everyone - it will make it just quarrelsome, cumbersome and ineffective. Going parliamentary route will also lead to very unstable gov.

DEEPEN devolution so those who lose the big seats do not have to suffer any serious setback. The aim should be for Nairobi national gov to become a very thin center - dealing with foreign and inter-county stuff - like in the US - otherwise every tribes or sub-tribe should run their own affairs.

How do we strengthen devolution - more money and more power - but counties also need to build capacity - health sector is an example of rushed devolution.

This discussion is exactly why I think we need to rethink governance much deeper than this. It's my whole issue with pure democracy in highly ethnicized societies like ours. Without super-majorities, it's dangerous. In a cohesive nation, simple competitive democracy premised on an individualist 'culture' works. Our poor, disintegrated countries with 'unofficial but real and operative' mini-nations based on either ethnicity or religion struggle. Every election reaches a point like this, where things start feeling existential. Then it morphs into a crisis. EVERY election. Institutions like SCOK alone cannot resolve it because it is a political problem. Hence our now cyclical 'nusu-mkate' solutions. When you point it out, people start accusing you of loving dictators, just for admiring the Chinese for finding their own workaround. They don't get: EVERYONE IS NOT BAZUNGU. We, too, should/must find our unique solutions for our own unique problems (chief of which is achieving a genuine, cohesive nation among our unofficial but powerful mini-nations) but we keep assuming bazungu ways are everything and don't wonder why we always look for something 'extra' to resolve crises? Why we don't look for permanent solutions to our CHIEF problem? Tutaendelea kukiona mpaka tujifunze.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #45 on: April 02, 2022, 01:19:49 PM »
Absolutely, we need a somewhat split/weak center and strong devolved counties. But I think we also need to find a way to force the govt to gain a super-majority rather than 50% + 1. I don't pretend to know how, but the only election we've had real peace in Kenya was when Kibaki won 67%. Unimpeachable mandate. The nusu-mkates tell me that we do this by default but we don't acknowledge we do it because we do this AFTER elections (seek super-majorities/mandates for the govt to rule in peace) but we need to find a way to have this BEFORE the vote. I don't know how we make it so that a new govt comes in with that level of support, though. It seems impossible.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #46 on: April 02, 2022, 01:25:26 PM »
The role of a strong opposition in ensuring gov delivers should not taken lightly. As long as PORK follow the law and respect institutions - then surviving 5yrs in opposition is not a big deal. The problem is the fear that someone like Raila (or Ruto) will run roughshod over independent institutions and make a mockery of separation of powers. My people are fearful of Raila PORK because they fear he will start another round of evictions for example. Some kikuyus fears Luo may not pay rent. Many fear return of Moi police state under Ruto. Textbook democracy versus realpolitik.
Absolutely, we need a somewhat split/weak center and strong devolved counties. But I think we also need to find a way to force the govt to gain a super-majority rather than 50% + 1. I don't pretend to know how, but the only election we've had real peace in Kenya was when Kibaki won 67%. Unimpeachable mandate. The nusu-mkates tell me that we do this by default but we don't acknowledge we do it because we do this AFTER elections (seek super-majorities/mandates for the govt to rule in peace) but we need to find a way to have this BEFORE the vote. I don't know how we make it so that a new govt comes in with that level of support, though. It seems impossible.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #47 on: April 02, 2022, 01:35:57 PM »
The role of a strong opposition in ensuring gov delivers should not taken lightly. As long as PORK follow the law and respect institutions - then surviving 5yrs in opposition is not a big deal. The problem is the fear that someone like Raila (or Ruto) will run roughshod over independent institutions and make a mockery of separation of powers. My people are fearful of Raila PORK because they fear he will start another round of evictions for example. Some kikuyus fears Luo may not pay rent. Many fear return of Moi police state under Ruto. Textbook democracy versus realpolitik.
Absolutely, we need a somewhat split/weak center and strong devolved counties. But I think we also need to find a way to force the govt to gain a super-majority rather than 50% + 1. I don't pretend to know how, but the only election we've had real peace in Kenya was when Kibaki won 67%. Unimpeachable mandate. The nusu-mkates tell me that we do this by default but we don't acknowledge we do it because we do this AFTER elections (seek super-majorities/mandates for the govt to rule in peace) but we need to find a way to have this BEFORE the vote. I don't know how we make it so that a new govt comes in with that level of support, though. It seems impossible.

How do you have any real democracy on top of all these existential fears? We are doomed, then, until ethnicities vanish which will be like a hundred years from now? Maybe you big tribes should just stay out of elections and leave tiny communities with 500,000 population only to compete, lol. I'm just joking but what's the solution? Everything, including all these KK & Azimio coalitions, and even BBI, are all crafted with these kinds of fears in mind. This is a problem.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #48 on: April 02, 2022, 01:42:26 PM »
Development and progress takes times. Europe and Asia began with as many tribes as Africa but slowly they have killed those tribes, unified them into single tribe/nation - Italians or French - or English. Thse took them maybe 1000 yrs.

So we should not imagine this will be easy...the same with general development and piped water or electricity or paved roads..these things takes TIME.

Therefore we need to settle for incremental progress - try to move a step every year. Kenya tribes will probably cease to exists in 200-300yrs from now as kenya urbanize, people intermary, speak Sheng - and eventually a Kenyan nation and state will emerge.

For now it's just important to avoid Rwanda or Kenya 2007 tribal progrom - and survive to make these incremental changes forward.

How do you have any real democracy on top of all these existential fears? We are doomed, then, until ethnicities vanish which will be like a hundred years from now? Maybe you big tribes should just stay out of elections and leave tiny communities with 500,000 population only to compete, lol. I'm just joking but what's the solution? Everything, including all these KK & Azimio coalitions, and even BBI, are all crafted with these kinds of fears in mind. This is a problem.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #49 on: April 02, 2022, 02:28:13 PM »
This discussion is exactly why I think we need to rethink governance much deeper than this. It's my whole issue with pure democracy in highly ethnicized societies like ours. Without super-majorities, it's dangerous. In a cohesive nation, simple competitive democracy premised on an individualist 'culture' works. Our poor, disintegrated countries with 'unofficial but real and operative' mini-nations based on either ethnicity or religion struggle. Every election reaches a point like this, where things start feeling existential. Then it morphs into a crisis. EVERY election. Institutions like SCOK alone cannot resolve it because it is a political problem. Hence our now cyclical 'nusu-mkate' solutions. When you point it out, people start accusing you of loving dictators, just for admiring the Chinese for finding their own workaround. They don't get: EVERYONE IS NOT BAZUNGU. We, too, should/must find our unique solutions for our own unique problems (chief of which is achieving a genuine, cohesive nation among our unofficial but powerful mini-nations) but we keep assuming bazungu ways are everything and don't wonder why we always look for something 'extra' to resolve crises? Why we don't look for permanent solutions to our CHIEF problem? Tutaendelea kukiona mpaka tujifunze.

My proposal is simple. Amend constitution and provide for one govt one term of 8 years and your are retired from public office for life. Then allow the political class to work on mechanism to share power to come up with this once in a lifetime govt. That is it and we would only worry about political violence and its attendant problems once every 8 years

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #50 on: April 02, 2022, 02:29:16 PM »
Development and progress takes times. Europe and Asia began with as many tribes as Africa but slowly they have killed those tribes, unified them into single tribe/nation - Italians or French - or English. Thse took them maybe 1000 yrs.

So we should not imagine this will be easy...the same with general development and piped water or electricity or paved roads..these things takes TIME.

Therefore we need to settle for incremental progress - try to move a step every year. Kenya tribes will probably cease to exists in 200-300yrs from now as kenya urbanize, people intermary, speak Sheng - and eventually a Kenyan nation and state will emerge.

For now it's just important to avoid Rwanda or Kenya 2007 tribal progrom - and survive to make these incremental changes forward.

How do you have any real democracy on top of all these existential fears? We are doomed, then, until ethnicities vanish which will be like a hundred years from now? Maybe you big tribes should just stay out of elections and leave tiny communities with 500,000 population only to compete, lol. I'm just joking but what's the solution? Everything, including all these KK & Azimio coalitions, and even BBI, are all crafted with these kinds of fears in mind. This is a problem.

Where in Asia they have killed tribes? Even in Europe and America they have invented other super tribes

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #51 on: April 02, 2022, 02:31:19 PM »
Development and progress takes times. Europe and Asia began with as many tribes as Africa but slowly they have killed those tribes, unified them into single tribe/nation - Italians or French - or English. Thse took them maybe 1000 yrs.

So we should not imagine this will be easy...the same with general development and piped water or electricity or paved roads..these things takes TIME.

Therefore we need to settle for incremental progress - try to move a step every year. Kenya tribes will probably cease to exists in 200-300yrs from now as kenya urbanize, people intermary, speak Sheng - and eventually a Kenyan nation and state will emerge.

For now it's just important to avoid Rwanda or Kenya 2007 tribal progrom - and survive to make these incremental changes forward.

How do you have any real democracy on top of all these existential fears? We are doomed, then, until ethnicities vanish which will be like a hundred years from now? Maybe you big tribes should just stay out of elections and leave tiny communities with 500,000 population only to compete, lol. I'm just joking but what's the solution? Everything, including all these KK & Azimio coalitions, and even BBI, are all crafted with these kinds of fears in mind. This is a problem.
Most modern nations have been formed through genocide and violence. In kenya we have to accept that genocide and violence will be part of us building the nation. Kalenjins for their part have embrace this as a path to nationhood

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #52 on: April 02, 2022, 02:40:55 PM »
Unfortunately no major changes or steps forward can happen without violence. WWII and Mau mau gaves us independences. 2007 PEV gaves us the 2010 constitution or 2nd republic.

Naturally humans will resist change until they see it's a real existential threat! They will give lip services to cries of fundamental changes until people start dying.

Once in a while - our conflict will be resolved through violence - because sometimes we can argue and argue endlessly - but a war of few days can unlock the impasse.

Amani haiji ila kwa ncha ya upanga

Most modern nations have been formed through genocide and violence. In kenya we have to accept that genocide and violence will be part of us building the nation. Kalenjins for their part have embrace this as a path to nationhood

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #53 on: April 02, 2022, 02:47:40 PM »
Unfortunately no major changes or steps forward can happen without violence. WWII and Mau mau gaves us independences. 2007 PEV gaves us the 2010 constitution or 2nd republic.

Naturally humans will resist change until they see it's a real existential threat! They will give lip services to cries of fundamental changes until people start dying.

Once in a while - our conflict will be resolved through violence - because sometimes we can argue and argue endlessly - but a war of few days can unlock the impasse.

Amani haiji ila kwa ncha ya upanga

Most modern nations have been formed through genocide and violence. In kenya we have to accept that genocide and violence will be part of us building the nation. Kalenjins for their part have embrace this as a path to nationhood

That is the reality. A nation is violence generation organization. It is formed due to need of law and order and this is usually only achieved with violence. I think in our situation we just need to be clever about it. That why my once in lifetime serve and retire can tame the need of having violence that is not state sanctioned so often

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #54 on: April 02, 2022, 03:33:57 PM »
Invalid Tweet ID?s=20&t=4lA-AADEf6kxbgUclbv7lQ

Satirical take on the position ruto finds himself in.

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #55 on: April 02, 2022, 04:22:43 PM »
Harebrained and compromised DCI has been put into action by ufool.
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #56 on: April 02, 2022, 04:33:23 PM »
Pundit, What the people saying in those videos?
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #57 on: April 02, 2022, 04:39:52 PM »
They are trying to incite people - eti violence were organized by Sudi and Koisitany :)
This provocation of Kalenjin nation.
Sudi cannot organize violence against Raila - they are close.
Koisitany is dynasty - his father was Kibor like tycoon with large landholidngs - I doubt he can sit down and organize violence -

Harebrained and compromised DCI has been put into action by ufool.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #58 on: April 02, 2022, 04:45:26 PM »
They are cheering - one shouting mawe imechapa helicopter - then tear-gas imetupwa - and of course shouting raila kwenda.

This violence is strange - I dont know what provoked it - it was held in Kibor huge farm - so it's unlikely they are locals -

Some are saying - Raila wanted to speak despite arriving late - to find that Kibor has been or was being buried which is against the customs. I am not sure if its against the nandi custom to speak after someone is buried...I can quite recall but generally the last thing is for people to help in burying and go home -

Pundit, What the people saying in those videos?

Offline Githunguri

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Re: Kalenjins unleash violence on Raila and crew
« Reply #59 on: April 02, 2022, 05:10:48 PM »
Arresting sudi and Kositany ain't enough...Kinoti needs to do more..Arrest someone like Mandago and shollei in broad daylight somewhere near eldoret and make milk more drama out of it.

Mbele pamoja.