Author Topic: Ruto took gachagua 800m promising him dp position  (Read 2358 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto took gachagua 800m promising him dp position
« Reply #40 on: March 20, 2022, 09:09:00 AM »
Politics is not a beauty contest.
They dont choose the best - the choose the one that want it the most.
The one that is investing his billions - and making it happen.
You can bet broke Raila had no 3 billion Kshs to pay off Kalonzo to forego his ambition for PORK.
Gideon paid. Gideon bought himself the DPORK
Gideon will therefore demand DPORK or Kalonzo cheque bounces - you can bet most of it are future dated cheques based on key milestones - sijui DPM hio Munya will be given :)
And that is climb-down because Gideon wanted to be PORK.
In fact they could still dump Raila :)
Politics haina kupendana.

On the other side - Gachagau is super corrupt  with late Brother Gachagua - made billions since Moi era to now.
Many in Kenya Kwanza - even I dont want him
But reality is forcing us to love him.
He paid 800M to Ruto (Weta was paid the same) - according to many romours
So he's get it - unless someone else in Mt Kenya can rush to Ruto with 2 billion Kshs.
Ruto himself was paid 5B kshs by mama ngina in 2013 to compensate for his campaigns and related
He has money, he can take on Kenyattas and wants it.

In short if you love Raila - you will soon love GIDEON.

I can help compose a couple of love songs for you.

Gideon Kipsiele Towett Weritab Chumiot :) :) Weritab Boyot.

Arguably one richest man in Kenya - the man can pay your a billion - without losing sweat - he inherited and has built a fortune - and sliced his brothers.

Someone sent me a comment from a commentator who favors Azimio floating this Gideon idea. I don't know if he's running with what KK are saying (or maybe reads nipate for ideas for his V-log, lol). But I hope they read those comments if they are at all thinking about this boneheaded idea.

I still think they're banking on BBI coming back with Gideon getting one of the DPMs. Tutaona.

If Gideon is DP, I'm back to my apathy: will not waste my time just to vote for a ticket with Gideon Moi, pole sana. So many other things I could do on that day.

If Munya/PK/Kaloi/Karua etc. I'll queue and vote.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Ruto took gachagua 800m promising him dp position
« Reply #41 on: March 20, 2022, 11:59:11 AM »
Lol. All the love songs in the world won't make me vote for Gideon Moi. :D I want to see Raila president, but not that badly. I should at least be able to pretend the person who takes over if he dies in office is someone I can stomach as president. That's how you need to think of DP, not just in terms of votes and money.

I don't believe this story of Gideon DP. But if it comes true, I'm out. I'm not talking emotionally, I'm very sober about this. Same way I told people I couldn't participate in the vote for the constitutional referendum and people thought I was just joking. I never voted for Uhuru and I'm never voting for Gideon Moi. Iyo tu.

So you see, I'm the real 'hustler,' btw us  :D You guys are just pretend anti-dynasty. :D

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto took gachagua 800m promising him dp position
« Reply #42 on: March 20, 2022, 12:26:14 PM »
I think the question is how many of Azimio crew will share you thinking.
If it 80 percent - they will not do it.
If only 50 percent of you are opposed to it - they will try it.
And hope to convince most of them.
Obviously Luos will not care - they will call Gideon - Woud Odongo the same day.
Odongo was Moi nicknamed.
Tony Nyadundo will compose love songs about Woud Odongo.
Uhuru will convince  his GEMA  crew (few who still hang on him) that he is killing two birds with one stones - returning Jaramogi and Moi favours.
The rest of you will be told - BIGGEST ENEMY IS RUTO
Focus on the enemy. DPORK is useless thing.
And indeed it's only useful if PORK dies or become mad.

Lol. All the love songs in the world won't make me vote for Gideon Moi. :D I want to see Raila president, but not that badly. I should at least be able to pretend the person who takes over if he dies in office is someone I can stomach as president. That's how you need to think of DP, not just in terms of votes and money.

I don't believe this story of Gideon DP. But if it comes true, I'm out. I'm not talking emotionally, I'm very sober about this. Same way I told people I couldn't participate in the vote for the constitutional referendum and people thought I was just joking. I never voted for Uhuru and I'm never voting for Gideon Moi. Iyo tu.

So you see, I'm the real 'hustler,' btw us  :D You guys are just pretend anti-dynasty. :D