Stronghold rigging happen everywhere the candidate has 95 percent of support.
This happens in Luo Nyanza, Kalenjin RV and GEMA.
It's simple - there are no strong opposition agents.
Community are all united in a singular cause including IEBC staff who are also locals.
Therefore they rig - and you can see it by turnout - and a candidate getting even 99 percent of the votes in some polling station
I saw in Kalenjin during Moi era.
Opposition agents would be support MOi - Church and NGO observers supported Moi - only few folks like my dad were opposition.
Total community collusion.
This is also reflected in difference btw parliamentary/governorship and presidential vote -
But in Moi era - Moi was smart - because KANU candidates would be unopposed in general election
I am not sure if Ruto can pull that - but generally April nomination is last election date in Kalenjin local politics.
Politician now are diarhoeaing as the d-day approaches - they are not sleeping - they now April is the END GAME.
UDA candidates can take loans - because post April - focus shift to presidential
Come election date - it will be focused on the presidential vote.
Ensuring 90 percent turnout - and supressing any Raila vote.
Any Raila vote in the box will be examined thoroughly - and declared Invalid for a slight mistake like crossing the box

Sometimes even Raila vote is counted as Uhuru or Moi or now Ruto vote.
This is rigging that Moses Kuria is talking about. Stronghold rigging.
Other rigging that happened I believe was in Mandera - remote rigging that Moi used to do - places without internet or roads or anything.
You set up a polling station - and vote - for candidate you want - in the middle of the desert. It even better when Somalis clan elders have already decided who win or lose.
Jubilee rigged in Mandera in 2013 but ODM were foolish not to SMELL IT.Biometric has significantly reduced the stronghold and fake remote polling stations or stuffing
Otherwise stronghold rigging will happen - IEBC local staff are going to collude with party agents and with rest of community to ensure Raila get MAX in Luo Nyanza and Ruto similarly will ensure they get maximum in RV - Azimio or KK agents will be threatened during the night counting to shut up.
What is vodoo is SERVERS/ ELECTRONIC RIGGING/ALGORITHMS. THAT IS NONENSE ODM HAVE PURSUED - while our election is MANUAL - paper based - instead of gathering evidence in Mandera.
Keep singing like a canary. Before we vote on Aug 9th, Kenyans, the naysayers - will finally be convinced just like the SCOK was that indeed 2017 was stolen. As saw were the previous 2 elections - also stolen. More of those whose conscience cannot hold back will come out and do the same. I suspect they will largely come from this list that Moses Kuria announced at UDA's NDC:
"Kuna wengine wanasema ati kura ya mlima itagawanywa; mheshimiwa sisi ndio tulikuwa tunamuibia kura
I kindly request @Pundit to keep away his Moass under lock and key and stop making posts of "how accurate his Moass was in 2017" because it has conclusively been pointed out that IEBC looked the other way as people from the mountain stole votes.