Author Topic: Pundit kikuyus are masters in tribal census  (Read 2055 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Pundit kikuyus are masters in tribal census
« on: March 13, 2022, 06:38:30 PM »
Everyone and their mother is literally licking the kikuyu boot. Raila can't even pee without asking uhuru where should he pee. Ruto is under the spell of ichungwa and cucu mbila meno alice wahome. The kikuyu are calling shots and they been calling shots even before mzungu came to give kalenjins clothes. Mtatii amri. Wii muega mugimbuzigisi? Wii mwega? I know every morning you have to wake up and see how kikuyus are feeling. We need more money in Central so you guys better hurry up before we go to Gideon
« Last Edit: March 14, 2022, 06:08:04 PM by KenyanPlato »

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Pundit kikuyus are masters in tribal census
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2022, 07:19:49 PM »
We are the yardstick of mediocrity. I am not sure what it is but we are a sorry lot. An underachieving lot. We need a collective kick in the ass. This board is personification of the African elite at his or her best. The board is owned by Veritas who could be a mossad bot. Think even our geniuses are defective. Double oo who was a very talented individual was pouring his secrets nightly to veri. Veri who we do not know if she is red brown, tall, short or is an alien from Mars. He is crying too veri while dreaming of being an african che Guevara. His revolutionary ideas stopped below his belt. We need to be recreated again as a people. Our gods are dead. I just met an African cardiologist yesterday after 10 minutes of talking to the guy I felt sorry for us. His thoughts are that of a child

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Pundit kikuyus are masters in tribal census
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2022, 07:27:36 PM »
I personally have no problem with kikuyus.My father was great admirer of Kikuyu nation and lead many delegation of kipsigis to understudy Kikuyus.. enterprise, hardwork and grit.Almost every bonus he would take villagers to Uganda or Tanzania or Gema.My father career began in Asumbi teacher college..he spoke fluent Luo...our mechanic was John a Luo..who use to come fix our Volkswagen in 80s..but my father considered most Luos unworthy of leadership..he had kipsigis natural total disdain for Luo s but mixed with deep knowledge of them.My father had excellent relationship with many Luos..mostly mechanicsm.My father considered moi a useless scum..tugens useless scums..Moi to my father was useless tugen iduot.I grew up in that background supporting kibaki as only DP family in konoin...when I wanted to marry my father flipped told me kalenjin or kipsigis were excellent wives..Nandi n massai were sluts.. Kikuyus were the most evil of women...I was like boss I am confused here.. politically Kikuyus are Okay but personally it's no go zone.. eventually because we are stubborn headed I got my embu woman

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: Pundit kikuyus are masters in tribal census
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2022, 03:12:48 AM »
I personally have no problem with kikuyus.My father was great admirer of Kikuyu nation and lead many delegation of kipsigis to understudy Kikuyus.. enterprise, hardwork and grit.Almost every bonus he would take villagers to Uganda or Tanzania or Gema.My father career began in Asumbi teacher college..he spoke fluent Luo...our mechanic was John a Luo..who use to come fix our Volkswagen in 80s..but my father considered most Luos unworthy of leadership..he had kipsigis natural total disdain for Luo s but mixed with deep knowledge of them.My father had excellent relationship with many Luos..mostly mechanicsm.My father considered moi a useless scum..tugens useless scums..Moi to my father was useless tugen iduot.I grew up in that background supporting kibaki as only DP family in konoin...when I wanted to marry my father flipped told me kalenjin or kipsigis were excellent wives..Nandi n massai were sluts.. Kikuyus were the most evil of women...I was like boss I am confused here.. politically Kikuyus are Okay but personally it's no go zone.. eventually because we are stubborn headed I got my embu woman
Your dad held the old collective Kalenjin stereotypes on other groups. Other groups, too had and still have equal, but baseless stereotypes on us. I think you can find devils or angels in any group of people. There is no differences whatsoever among all the colors, nationalities, and tribes of this world. I, too, grew up being told Kikuyu women are evil of this world only to date and marry one. 20 years later, with kids together and a perfect relationship, I have to come to realize collective thinking and stereotypes are just upuzi ya society!
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Pundit kikuyus are masters in tribal census
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2022, 05:00:41 AM »
Gusii also have that stereotype about Kikuyu women (that they are dangerous/evil and better anybody else but them).

The ones who border Kipsigis have positive stereotype about Kipsigis women, saying getting one is as good as marrying a Gusii woman; while they are ok with Luo women, too. As long as you don't marry a Kikuyu woman, though, they can accept. Legions of Kamba women are in Kisii town, married to Gusii men. You might not know because they speak ekegusii, but there's a ton of them.

For men, it's the other way around. Gusii will accept most husbands for their daughters shingo upande but are weary of Luo men. They are also weary of men of other tribes but none come close to the resistance they have toward the prospect of their daughter/sister marrying a Luo man. It's only matched by their resistance to Kikuyu women.

These attitudes/folk "wisdoms" are all shifting with new generations, of course, but they're still present enough for even born Nairobians to know them pretty well.

Now, those Gusii who are not supporting Baba, even if in the minority, I can tell you here without fear of contradiction, 8/10 times are refusing to do so out of this tribalist fear/contempt/spite for Luo men. If you believe in your guts someone isn't worthy to be a husband, it's difficult to support them to be the leader of the nation. Those Kikiyu who still speak rubbish insults like Kihii in 2022 remind me of these very primitive Gusii I'm talking about. People like these cannot be helped. They're like Kenyan red-necks. The only hope is they will only get fewer and fewer with each successive generation.

Majority Gusii support him, though, so I think this is a sign this thing must be waning among Gusii, which is good.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Pundit kikuyus are masters in tribal census
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2022, 06:31:49 AM »
Kipsigis have no big issues marrying gusii..either men or's like marrying another kalenjin..nobody will ask questions...Luos generally a no.. historical there were no intermarriage with Luo or even adoption like in war..Luo hostages would be ransomed and returned back..for kalenjin it was just down to them refusing to cut...other Kenya bamtus near kalenjin/maasai generally adopted the cut..But some people like late laboso did get married while zakayo cheruiyot wife is a's so rare you can almost count such marriages.Those tribes that adopted the cut also adopted very negative attitudes towards the dirty gentiles unworthy of any relationship with them . this has affected Luos in Kenya more than any other tribe.Uganda it's non issue as majority don't cut...just the fee bordering Mt Elgon & those who are Muslims.Just 20 percent of Uganda cut while in Kenya it's 80 percent with only Luo, busis luhya, teso and turkana who don't.The sane with TZ..but rest of Bantus all way down to South Africa generally don't cut

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Pundit kikuyus are masters in tribal census
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2022, 11:54:27 AM »
Everyone and their mother is literally licking the kikuyu boot. Raila can't even pee without asking uhuru where should he pee. Ruto is under the spell of ichungwa and cucu mbila meno alice wahome. The kikuyu are calling shots and they been calling shots even before mzungu came to give kalenjins clothes. Mtatii amri. Wii muega mugimbuzigisi? Wii mwega? I know everyone morning you have to wake up and see how kikuyus are feeling. We need more money in Central so you guys better hurry up before we go to Gideon
And this is bad because it has reduced other kabilas especially Luos to be conditioned that only Kikuyu can decide who the president is,its sad hearing Luos and western people talk as if Kikuyus are gods alpha and omega eti because now they support baba thats all the deep state,
Generally most GEMA people are actually opposing gatheca on this same thing,that a few people can decide the fate of millions of others,My granddad in law yesterday told me "Kenyatta ati tuikia Kisumu na lazima" I just watched him in astonishment,if the elderly are against Kenyatta then its bad.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Pundit kikuyus are masters in tribal census
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2022, 02:46:44 PM »
This attitude of kikuyus is very dangerous. It has really hampered efforts to unite kenyans. Since independence kikuyus have been demanding everything first. Even conman kenyatta forced jaramogi to tosha him while he lounged in kapenguria. Then came his succession njonjo had moi by nuts until 1982 coup. Had the coup by njonjo succeeded we would have had a president for life. Can you imagine njonjo would have rules until his death the other day. I wonder if njonjo would have built an apartheid like state that would have very efficient elites and very oppressed and disciplined poor. Anyway moi was then harassed by kikuyus from 1998 t0 2002. He lived under the threat of kikuyu supremacy. Then raila toshad the brain dead kibaki and kikuyus took the whole cake and told raila to go fly a kite. We had pev and still the slothful kibaki took everything. Now we are here and another succession is being muddled by kikuyus belligerence and ethnic chauvinism. It is going to end with a very weakened uhuru successor who reelection will be bloody and chaotic.

Gikuyu Ambana muchezo. We produce grade AAA tribalism

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Pundit kikuyus are masters in tribal census
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2022, 03:18:10 PM »
It's all about the numbers and the economic power.
But be afraid because the demographics are changing - kikuyus are having less and less kids
New tribes like Somalis - are not only growing demographic - they are supplanting kikuyus in business.
Somalis and Ethiopeans if they can fix their politics - would overrun kenya small tribes.
I was talking to an Ethiopean friend - telling kikuyus were largest tribe with 8m people - he laughed.
He said in Ethiopia - they would be part of Gambela and southern nations - small tribes.
Because a tribe in Ethiopia - is 30 million big - tigrays who are minority are 6 million plus.
Oromos & Amharas are 35 million each.
So our ethnic problem is really overrated.
Tribes like Hutus, Yorubas, Zulus, Kongo, Hausa, Somalis, Oromos, Amharas are trully big tribes that can form real one tribe nation.
So far it appears only Somalis have Nation & State - but for some reason they are fractured.
Kenya tribes are too small - in everything to really form a nation.
Maybe Maasai would have been big tribe - if they didnt get into civil war mess.
This attitude of kikuyus is very dangerous. It has really hampered efforts to unite kenyans. Since independence kikuyus have been demanding everything first. Even conman kenyatta forced jaramogi to tosha him while he lounged in kapenguria. Then came his succession njonjo had moi by nuts until 1982 coup. Had the coup by njonjo succeeded we would have had a president for life. Can you imagine njonjo would have rules until his death the other day. I wonder if njonjo would have built an apartheid like state that would have very efficient elites and very oppressed and disciplined poor. Anyway moi was then harassed by kikuyus from 1998 t0 2002. He lived under the threat of kikuyu supremacy. Then raila toshad the brain dead kibaki and kikuyus took the whole cake and told raila to go fly a kite. We had pev and still the slothful kibaki took everything. Now we are here and another succession is being muddled by kikuyus belligerence and ethnic chauvinism. It is going to end with a very weakened uhuru successor who reelection will be bloody and chaotic.

Gikuyu Ambana muchezo. We produce grade AAA tribalism

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Pundit kikuyus are masters in tribal census
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2022, 04:10:36 PM »
Somalis won't get their act together. They are locked in clan wars. It is like luhyia subtribes but with religion and hate mixed in there. Ethiopia is a mess. I am not afraid of those suckers. They have proven that they are a failed nation that needs surgical restructuring. They are ethno bandits. Anyway kikuyus supremacy won't end well. It will be implode but it will it will take a century for kikuyus to come to terms with them not being powerful. Same thing with kalenjins they cannot undo the moi golden years high. They want to come back to that era so bad. They are like a crack head that I'd chasing a high