Nothing is that straight. Many complex issues of tribe, religion, economics, politics. ....
Iraq - Different bullies at different times. Saddam bully Kuwait, he bully his own people, then Uncle Sam bully him.
Libya - Qaddafi bully his people, big oil companies bully him, Uncle Sam bully him.
Afghanistan - Russia bully Afghans, Afghans bully Russia, Russia and Uncle Sam bully each other, Afghanistan bully itself.
Syria - Assad bully rebels, rebels bully Assad, both acquire foreign masters (Assad Russia, rebels America). Checkmate up to now. Assad play queen, Syrians played pawns by foreign powers.
Ukraine not Putin's own war. He's front for oligarchs. NATO also not own war but proxy for Uncle Sam. Many complex interests even China watching with interest because CCP have fingers in Taiwan itching to go. North Korea also watching they want to see what to do with the south.