I honestly think it's the other way around.
You guys who are so partisan towards the West understimate them severely. You underestimate how crafty they can be, and I mean specifically, the US.
Modern-day Europe without the US is prone to being reasonable often, if we exclude France, but the US? Having been completely taken over by its own special brand of oligarchy the Big US of A is truly something else. Study American imperial history since WWII vizuri and you'll develop a healthy fear of this Bazungu. No exaggeration.
Btw, China is like a continent. Place is ridiculously huge and has great diversity. Are you really, seriously saying that out of literally
hundreds of Chinese cities, you've sufficiently inspected and judged only Beijing and Shanghai to surpass the "s-hole" standard, as you put it?
You've been to ALL these cities here? Soma tu hii wiki pekee. How many of these cities have you evaluated?
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_ChinaI think you're the victim of relentless American propaganda.
I've seen some American places that are truly nothing to write home about.
So maybe we should start by defining what you classify as "s-hole."