Author Topic: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky  (Read 3760 times)

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Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« on: February 25, 2022, 04:49:17 AM »

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2022, 04:57:34 AM »
Its too late . This is what he should have done in 2019 once he won the election.
Biden propped him with lies. Now he is all alone.
There comes a time to surrender. Yankuvich did that in  2014 and ran away tp Rostov .Zelensky should just go away to Poland and make a comeback politically later.
Putin is after him cause he might become a political nuisance for the next regime.

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2022, 05:39:25 AM »
I think Vicktor who run to Russia willl be installed as PORU by Putin.

Zelensky if he doesnt run will be captured and charged with genocide by Russians.

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2022, 05:50:13 AM »
I think Putin will go for an option of a caretaker Government. Majpr reforms are required in Ukraine. This will require a grace period.
Viktor is done with politics.His biggest Mistake was to Entertain EU deal and do an about turn about it. Then also when he required Putins assistance Putin was hesitant to come in quickly.
This is one thing which Putin thinks he need to correct.

I think Vicktor who run to Russia willl be installed as PORU by Putin.

Zelensky if he doesnt run will be captured and charged with genocide by Russians.

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2022, 06:56:25 AM »
Isn't this what I said to Plato yesterday when he told me we should stand with Ukraine now so they'll stand with us when it's our turn to be invaded by a powerful country? Sasa skiza the Ukrainian President,

Neither Ukraine nor nobody will say zilch if one of the big countries starts raining bombs on us. We saw it in Iraq and Libya. The only one that has survived is Syria: Why? Because it was important enough to another big military boy (Russia) to stick their neck in for them. Otherwise, we know what Obama and Killery wanted to do in Syria. We know what Trump WANTED to do to Iran JUST two years ago. The harsh realities of the world.

Europe isn't risking a war with Russia over Ukraine. Neither is the U.S. Despite the fact that they are the ones who goaded them into this position with their Sabre-rattling games with Russia on their border. Taiwan better be watching. Nobody will go to war with China over them, either, so they'd better make peace with their countrymen in the mainland, throw away any idealistic ideas about independence. That's how this very rough world goes.

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2022, 07:30:59 AM »
Isn't this what I said to Plato yesterday when he told me we should stand with Ukraine now so they'll stand with us when it's our turn to be invaded by a powerful country? Sasa skiza the Ukrainian President,

Neither Ukraine nor nobody will say zilch if one of the big countries starts raining bombs on us. We saw it in Iraq and Libya. The only one that has survived is Syria: Why? Because it was important enough to another big military boy (Russia) to stick their neck in for them. Otherwise, we know what Obama and Killery wanted to do in Syria. We know what Trump WANTED to do to Iran JUST two years ago. The harsh realities of the world.

Europe isn't risking a war with Russia over Ukraine. Neither is the U.S. Despite the fact that they are the ones who goaded them into this position with their Sabre-rattling games with Russia on their border. Taiwan better be watching. Nobody will go to war with China over them, either, so they'd better make peace with their countrymen in the mainland, throw away any idealistic ideas about independence. That's how this very rough world goes.
. Obama sanctions decapitated Syria. Syria at the moment is a basket case. On economic ranking Haiti, Mozambique, Mali, and most poor countries dwarfs Syria. It will take decades for Syria to go where she was. Russia did nothing to help Syria!
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2022, 07:33:44 AM »

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2022, 07:40:33 AM »
The war has ravaged Syria, RVHH, But they still control two-thirds of their country. Obama wanted to literally bomb their president out :D with fake accusations that they launched chemical attacks right as they were winning. There's no way they'd have a country to recover for those decades you mentioned if Russia never stepped in! Their involvement meant the US couldnt do just whatever lest it escalate into direct confrontation with Russia. The moment Russia got involved those terrorists being propped up by the CIA as a fake opposition were turned all the way back; it literally turned the tide. Otherwise, Gadaffi and Sadam fate would've repeated in Syria. Instead, guy is still there this many years later and holding two thirds of his country with his people's support, contrary to Western propaganda about his people opposing their govt. Without Russian interests prompting their direct involvement there, this would be a dream. All of Syria would've become another ISIS stronghold way back when.

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2022, 07:47:53 AM »
Russia & Putin rise has been due to US blunders post end of cold war
Starting from George Bush bombing Iraq without any justification and without ever finding the so called Weapon of Mass destruction.
From there it's been a misadventure after another.
The world is crying for a Putin to counter the US messes.
The war has ravaged Syria, RVHH, But they still control two-thirds of their country. Obama wanted to literally bomb their president out :D with fake accusations that they launched chemical attacks right as they were winning. There's no way they'd have a country to recover for those decades you mentioned if Russia never stepped in! Their involvement meant the US couldnt do just whatever lest it escalate into direct confrontation with Russia. The moment Russia got involved those terrorists being propped up by the CIA as a fake opposition were turned all the way back; it literally turned the tide. Otherwise, Gadaffi and Sadam fate would've repeated in Syria. Instead, guy is still there this many years later and holding two thirds of his country with his people's support, contrary to Western propaganda about his people opposing their govt. Without Russian interests prompting their direct involvement there, this would be a dream. All of Syria would've become another ISIS stronghold way back when.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2022, 07:51:21 AM »

Lopsided reporting. President Zelensky is as defiant as ever. Read other media outlets. Even your own local media is reporting so!

Ukraine's president vows to stay put

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2022, 08:03:21 AM »
Russia & Putin rise has been due to US blunders post end of cold war
Starting from George Bush bombing Iraq without any justification and without ever finding the so called Weapon of Mass destruction.
From there it's been a misadventure after another.
The world is crying for a Putin to counter the US messes.

Putin is a thug. But the U.S. and NATO should not be Sabre-rattling with countries that border Russia IF they're really interested in maintaining the status quo that has existed since the end of the cold war.

Just imagine Russia or China playing this game with Mexico at the US border, ati making a security pact with Russia or China  :D We all know what would happen to poor Mexico and all its neighbors: they'd be overrun by the US military before they could bat an eye. Fact. NATO should never have tried to expand beyond what the West promised in the 80s.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2022, 08:26:54 AM »
Russia & Putin rise has been due to US blunders post end of cold war
Starting from George Bush bombing Iraq without any justification and without ever finding the so called Weapon of Mass destruction.
From there it's been a misadventure after another.
The world is crying for a Putin to counter the US messes.

Putin is a thug. But the U.S. and NATO should not be Sabre-rattling with countries that border Russia IF they're really interested in maintaining the status quo that has existed since the end of the cold war.

Just imagine Russia or China playing this game with Mexico at the US border, ati making a security pact with Russia or China  :D We all know what would happen to poor Mexico and all its neighbors: they'd be overrun by the US military before they could bat an eye. Fact. NATO should never have tried to expand beyond what the West promised in the 80s.
Stop using hypothetical examples to labour your point when historically the world is replete with scenario like those? How young are you not to know these cases or were you never a student of history? Who on this forum can help Dear Mami with a fact of the 60s so she does not have to pluck countries from the sky? Anyone? @Kirigit? This is a forum of persuasive arguments. There should be less of this "I think ..." business.

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2022, 08:29:35 AM »
How is it loopsided when even State Department has asked Zelensky  to go for neutrality option.

The Ukrainian President and his team "are going to make decisions in the coming hours, in the coming days, based on what's in the best interest of them, what's in the best interest of Ukrainian people, what's in the best interest of the Ukrainian state," Price added.

Lopsided reporting. President Zelensky is as defiant as ever. Read other media outlets. Even your own local media is reporting so!

Ukraine's president vows to stay put

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2022, 08:31:07 AM »
Ati real examples? :D Who else has tried to make a security pact like this post cold war besides NATO expansion?

I'm getting sick of your whining posing as debate. You sound like a big child. I won't respond to any of your emo posts any more.

Stop using hypothetical examples to labour your point when historically the world is replete with scenario like those? How young are you not to know these cases or were you never a student of history? Instead of plucking a country Mexico from the sky, who on this forum can offer Dear Mami with a real fact of the 60s? To put forth a persuasive argument it helps to use real examples.

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2022, 08:46:57 AM »
Putin 20 miles from Kiev.
He will likely have lunch tomorrow in Kiev.
under new leadership

Lopsided reporting. President Zelensky is as defiant as ever. Read other media outlets. Even your own local media is reporting so!

Ukraine's president vows to stay put

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2022, 08:59:37 AM »

Zelensky begged Macron to call Putin to have a sit down.
Poor Comedian was cheated by U.S.  Atleast Macron told him weeks ago to go for Neutrality he listened to U.S. who were talking the talk. Now he is target No 1. I believe by now he should be in Lyviv . What he should do is just flee to Poland . It will end badly.
Russia is not U.S. who took Months before Capturing Saddam. They know where he is and his next steps.Putin still has an ear for Macron he should first negotiate his way out . Coz he will end up in Jail as the best case scenario for the genocide which happened in East Ukraine. Bidden is so senile and has already given up.
I think Bidden approach has culminated in these . He should approached the issue with Caution. He now fears even meeting up or talking to Putin. Funny enough he will be out of power in the next 2 years or so. The Democrats defeat in the midterm elections and the G.E. will be wo massive that it will take minimum 8 years to recover.
Secondly No one will ever take U.S. seriously. If U.S. threatens them they will do a Kazakhstan and Belarus and ask for Russian help.
Bush by passing U.N.S
C. and going into Iraq was the biggest mistake they ever did.

Putin 20 miles from Kiev.
He will likely have lunch tomorrow in Kiev.
under new leadership

Lopsided reporting. President Zelensky is as defiant as ever. Read other media outlets. Even your own local media is reporting so!

Ukraine's president vows to stay put

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2022, 09:07:07 AM »
Did you say Lunch? Or more like lunch in 4 years?  :o
The siege of Sarajevo lasted 1 425 days almost 4 years!
More recently Tigray forces got close to Addis but turned tail and went back home. My point is simple: Street fighting is totally different in population centers. If someone comes into your kitchen, you have nowhere to go but fight. In close quarter combat the term super power doesn't count unless you  throw a nuclear bomb. That is what America avoided when they dropped two atomic bombs on Japan rather than walk onto the main island.

Some more facts:
The siege of Sarajevo lasted three times longer than the Battle of Stalingrad and more than a year longer than the siege of Leningrad, and was the longest siege of a capital city in the history of modern warfare

Putin 20 miles from Kiev.
He will likely have lunch tomorrow in Kiev.
under new leadership

Lopsided reporting. President Zelensky is as defiant as ever. Read other media outlets. Even your own local media is reporting so!

Ukraine's president vows to stay put

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2022, 11:01:16 AM »
In modern warfare, and as of old, he who wins the combat in close quarters is the one who knows the terrain better. The resident or the visitor?

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Re: Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, says Zelensky
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2022, 11:23:22 AM »
You probably dont know Russia Ukraine closeness. Do you know how many Ukrainian Army personell crossed over to Russian Army ?
No amount of emotional posts will change the course of events.

In modern warfare, and as of old, he who wins the combat in close quarters is the one who knows the terrain better. The resident or the visitor?