Author Topic: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru  (Read 2878 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« on: February 18, 2022, 12:58:54 PM »

She is in bed with Moi (Uhurus puppet) and Kalonzo (Railas designate running partner) Then she attacks Uhuru. What does she want ?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2022, 01:04:11 PM »
There is totally confusion and treachery
Some want to be used; Some are being used;
Dangerous cards being played - just like original OKA
Kalonzo and Martha are double dealing with Ruto - while Gideon and Uhuru are siamese twins.
I think Kalonzo is playing his hyena moves hoping Uhuru will see sense in dumping Raila for failing to sell
And picking him instead. Plan B maybe to ditch Uhuru for Ruto. Those are final cards. The rest I see as time-wasting.
Kalonzo will try to go as far as March - or even further - until deadline is near- to raise his stock.
Gachagua was claiming Uhuru is preparing to unleash Muhoho Kenyatta as Jubilee choice for Raila's DPORK
I doubt Gachagua would make idle statement like that.
Maybe Muhoho want to lose with Raila but build his name for 2027
With his money - he can lose - but like Uhuru in 2002 - he would have short circuited his way to top politics.
If Ruto fails - GEMA may embrace Muhoho in the future.

She is in bed with Moi (Uhurus puppet) and Kalonzo (Railas designate running partner) Then she attacks Uhuru. What does she want ?

Offline Kadudu

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2022, 02:20:46 PM »
I doubt. Muhoho is not like Uhuru. He is more of Gideon. Men who grew up in privelge and have no encounter with the common man on the street. Uhuru spent many years in local bars and that is why he can communicate in Kikuyu and Kiswahili at ease. The other two were only seen at high end hotels. How will such a man even stand up in a crowd and hold a speech?

There is totally confusion and treachery
Some want to be used; Some are being used;
Dangerous cards being played - just like original OKA
Kalonzo and Martha are double dealing with Ruto - while Gideon and Uhuru are siamese twins.
I think Kalonzo is playing his hyena moves hoping Uhuru will see sense in dumping Raila for failing to sell
And picking him instead. Plan B maybe to ditch Uhuru for Ruto. Those are final cards. The rest I see as time-wasting.
Kalonzo will try to go as far as March - or even further - until deadline is near- to raise his stock.
Gachagua was claiming Uhuru is preparing to unleash Muhoho Kenyatta as Jubilee choice for Raila's DPORK
I doubt Gachagua would make idle statement like that.
Maybe Muhoho want to lose with Raila but build his name for 2027
With his money - he can lose - but like Uhuru in 2002 - he would have short circuited his way to top politics.
If Ruto fails - GEMA may embrace Muhoho in the future.

She is in bed with Moi (Uhurus puppet) and Kalonzo (Railas designate running partner) Then she attacks Uhuru. What does she want ?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2022, 02:30:55 PM »
Rule no 1 - power concede nothing. Hakuna cha bure. You have to fight hard until they give up like WSR is doing now.
Rule no 2 - Kenyattas and Mois cannot be working hard and spending their money for someone like PK or whoever to come benefit.
Muhoho & Gideon & Uhuru have been working behind the scenes in Gigiri office
So it's likely they will want in - because they are financing it.
Raila is now their biatch. Nancy has delivered a weaken Raila & ODM that is now just Uhuru pet monkey - Jump? Sit down?
Uhuru has financed now 5 or 10 small parties - reduced ODM to a shell - of Luos.
He will be told take or refuse...we endorse Ruto :)
It's Raila job to take Muhoho to slums, teach him kiswahili, how to eat Ngenge, Omena
Wakina PK and Kamande will help polish his Kikuyu - or the taps will be cut.
ODM supporters like Kadudu will compose songs in praise of Muhoho and Uhuru - the brothers of Raila.
Tony Nyadundo will be compose songs like Raila Tibim Muhoho Tibim Tibim
Ndunguyu Muhoho! Mwana wa Jomo! Tibim Tibim
Gideon Moi mbayayaye Tibim Tibim!
Kadudu if you're still in ODM prepare to compose lyrical poems about Muhoho.
They better ryhme - otherwise ODM will withdraw your life membership certificate and hand it over to upcoming Kikuyu muscians :)
You will dig up his life story - his great business acumen in running Brookside.
He will be called - Muhoho wa Maziwa wa Ngina wa Kinyatta

I doubt. Muhoho is not like Uhuru. He is more of Gideon. Men who grew up in privelge and have no encounter with the common man on the street. Uhuru spent many years in local bars and that is why he can communicate in Kikuyu and Kiswahili at ease. The other two were only seen at high end hotels. How will such a man even stand up in a crowd and hold a speech?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2022, 02:40:07 PM »
For Muhoho if Gachagua who was beggar recently in Kenyatta  empire - carrying Mlevi Uhuru handbag - as PA is now DPORK designate?
Why not him.
A royal prince?
Listen to Gachagua -  he knows the Kenyattas?
These people are very entitled.
It's like expecting Gideon Moi to bow down to Ruto.
He's consider it the biggest insult.
For him Ruto will forever remain that poor kid who was begging for money from him recently.

If they lose with Raila - Raila goes home - Muhoho has headstart in 35 percent of GEMA :) and a Jubilee party to run - from Zero to Hero

They will have played LONG - shorted Raila :)

Offline Pragmatic

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2022, 04:35:13 PM »
Ooh man, shows how little you know.... just yapping here with no knowledge of what you say.

Never ending Uhuru is weakening Raila schemes.... you aren't done with Ruto has this thing wrapped up?? Why do you want a different competitor to WsR if RAO is gonna be a thrashing for him??

Why do you imagine WsR is the smartest dude around the corner and the others are all nincompoops? who would even think of such wild proposition.... it is so far fetched, it only exists in your fertile imagination.

Muhoho does a lot of locals (it is you who has never met him at those locals). And he can hold his own in Kyuk language just as good as Uhuru. Finally, no way Muhoho will agree to get into the murky politics.... that is so far fetched, has not even been contemplated, has never been imagined.

So, stop with your whimsical speculations.

Rule no 1 - power concede nothing. Hakuna cha bure. You have to fight hard until they give up like WSR is doing now.
Rule no 2 - Kenyattas and Mois cannot be working hard and spending their money for someone like PK or whoever to come benefit.
Muhoho & Gideon & Uhuru have been working behind the scenes in Gigiri office
So it's likely they will want in - because they are financing it.
Raila is now their biatch. Nancy has delivered a weaken Raila & ODM that is now just Uhuru pet monkey - Jump? Sit down?
Uhuru has financed now 5 or 10 small parties - reduced ODM to a shell - of Luos.
He will be told take or refuse...we endorse Ruto :)
It's Raila job to take Muhoho to slums, teach him kiswahili, how to eat Ngenge, Omena
Wakina PK and Kamande will help polish his Kikuyu - or the taps will be cut.
ODM supporters like Kadudu will compose songs in praise of Muhoho and Uhuru - the brothers of Raila.
Tony Nyadundo will be compose songs like Raila Tibim Muhoho Tibim Tibim
Ndunguyu Muhoho! Mwana wa Jomo! Tibim Tibim
Gideon Moi mbayayaye Tibim Tibim!
Kadudu if you're still in ODM prepare to compose lyrical poems about Muhoho.
They better ryhme - otherwise ODM will withdraw your life membership certificate and hand it over to upcoming Kikuyu muscians :)
You will dig up his life story - his great business acumen in running Brookside.
He will be called - Muhoho wa Maziwa wa Ngina wa Kinyatta

I doubt. Muhoho is not like Uhuru. He is more of Gideon. Men who grew up in privelge and have no encounter with the common man on the street. Uhuru spent many years in local bars and that is why he can communicate in Kikuyu and Kiswahili at ease. The other two were only seen at high end hotels. How will such a man even stand up in a crowd and hold a speech?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2022, 04:44:33 PM »
You're poster child of an ODMoron.
I am a pundit and my work is to analyze politics. I dont play politics. I am not involved IN ANY WAY directly in politics.
All I do is to use publicly available information to predict moves - HIYO TU.
Most of you are directly involved - I'd never waste my time with politricks - it's a dog life unless I was like RVHH - really close to power.


I am just reporting what Gachagua said - that Muhoho is going to be Raila's DPORK
The same way I helped you know that Weta+Lusaka had already signed in

We know Gigiri group funded by Muhoho and Gideon - headed by Nancy Gitau - are in charge of Uhuru political succession matrix.

Raila hakuna kitu hapo - yeye ni KUPANGWA ANAPANGWA.

He will wake up to find ODM has 20 Mps and is he as effective as Kalonzo.

Ooh man, shows how little you know.... just yapping here with no knowledge of what you say.

Never ending Uhuru is weakening Raila schemes.... you aren't done with Ruto has this thing wrapped up?? Why do you want a different competitor to WsR if RAO is gonna be a thrashing for him??

Why do you imagine WsR is the smartest dude around the corner and the others are all nincompoops? who would even think of such wild proposition.... it is so far fetched, it only exists in your fertile imagination.

Muhoho does a lot of locals (it is you who has never met him at those locals). And he can hold his own in Kyuk language just as good as Uhuru. Finally, no way Muhoho will agree to get into the murky politics.... that is so far fetched, has not even been contemplated, has never been imagined.

So, stop with your whimsical speculations.

Offline Pragmatic

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2022, 04:54:39 PM »
Yes, I am an ODM'er not an ODM'oron; big difference.

I am not involved in active politics whatsover..... I would have gone for the very first run as governor Bungoma or Trans Nzoia; had the gravitas and the resources to do so and was even urged to but had no desire or interest.

I look at politics from a social interest and public good perspective and obviously we are so far from achieving positive traction. That is my interest in politics. My only time away from private life/business into public service at any one time will be to serve for public good and my work will be done.


You're poster child of an ODMoron.
I am a pundit and my work is to analyze politics. I dont play politics. I am not involved IN ANY WAY directly in politics.
All I do is to use publicly available information to predict moves - HIYO TU.
Most of you are directly involved - I'd never waste my time with politricks - it's a dog life unless I was like RVHH - really close to power.


I am just reporting what Gachagua said - that Muhoho is going to be Raila's DPORK
The same way I helped you know that Weta+Lusaka had already signed in

We know Gigiri group funded by Muhoho and Gideon - headed by Nancy Gitau - are in charge of Uhuru political succession matrix.

Raila hakuna kitu hapo - yeye ni KUPANGWA ANAPANGWA.

He will wake up to find ODM has 20 Mps and is he as effective as Kalonzo.

Ooh man, shows how little you know.... just yapping here with no knowledge of what you say.

Never ending Uhuru is weakening Raila schemes.... you aren't done with Ruto has this thing wrapped up?? Why do you want a different competitor to WsR if RAO is gonna be a thrashing for him??

Why do you imagine WsR is the smartest dude around the corner and the others are all nincompoops? who would even think of such wild proposition.... it is so far fetched, it only exists in your fertile imagination.

Muhoho does a lot of locals (it is you who has never met him at those locals). And he can hold his own in Kyuk language just as good as Uhuru. Finally, no way Muhoho will agree to get into the murky politics.... that is so far fetched, has not even been contemplated, has never been imagined.

So, stop with your whimsical speculations.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2022, 04:58:41 PM »
But why are you fighting with facts and reality and possible scenarios.
Find out where Dr Nancy Gitau is - and who is financing her to come up with high octane siasa you ODMorons cannot handle.
She is Uhuru brain.
Gideon and Muhoho are working on grand scheme of things that remain byzantine, fuzzy and secretive.
Your ODM are where they want.
Weaken - and at their mercy.
Ruto thanks to his parrellel intelligence knows their game
And knew from day one what their plan was
Unfortunately you beloved ODM has now been reduced into a party that will confined to few areas - as they are gazillion parties under Azimio
Uhuru has no choice to make in DPORK and even Nairobi governor.
Look like Uhuru will demand Gideon somewhere, Muhoho somewhere and Ngatia somewhere.
He will remain Jubilee and maybe even Azimio Chairman :)

ONLY RUTO is their biggest threat - otherwise huyu Mama anawapanga kuwapanga :)

She is brilliant but Ruto is the GURU

Yes, I am an ODM'er not an ODM'oron; big difference.

I am not involved in active politics whatsover..... I would have gone for the very first run as governor Bungoma or Trans Nzoia; had the gravitas and the resources to do so and was even urged to but had no desire or interest.

I look at politics from a social interest and public good perspective and obviously we are so far from achieving positive traction. That is my interest in politics. My only time away from private life/business into public service at any one time will be to serve for public good and my work will be done.


Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2022, 05:06:52 PM »
NIS seem to have told Uhuru to stay in statehouse. The ground is still very hostile. He will embrass himself unless he invited CSs, PSs and Ass Chiefs for his meeting.

Offline Pragmatic

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2022, 05:13:49 PM »
We can place "thousands" of possible scenarios, they will remain just that, possible scenarios. Indeed you as a data man knows that you can graph many permutations... and they will remain just that permutations and speculations until you make deliberate moves to make them reality. So, all these are perceptions and everyone is entitled to his.

Nancy Gitau the fabled genius remains just that, a fable! Nothing she could do, conjure or configure which you can't. Why would she hold sway and not you?? Do you imagine that an experienced hand like RAO and his ODM think tank have no ability to put together and play their own jig-saw??

Everyone knows Gideon comes with nothing except himself and his polo horses... so no one would put much political capital on him. Of course we need his chopper(s?) to take us across the Kenya landmass.

Absolutely zero parallel intelligence Ruto has.... that is stupid Dennis Itumbi Hollow Intelligence Beuarau (HNIB)... stupid fellow even believes his own lies :D :D. The only person who has ever had a parallel intelligence rivaling national intelligence was Baba and the circumstances were ripe for that... it was high-stakes revolutionary and big shift/change time. No such situation exists today and so Ruto would have even no reason for that... that said he has nothing, which is reason he never saw his being shunted aside coming!

But why are you fighting with facts and reality and possible scenarios.
Find out where Dr Nancy Gitau is - and who is financing her to come up with high octane siasa you ODMorons cannot handle.
She is Uhuru brain.
Gideon and Muhoho are working on grand scheme of things that remain byzantine, fuzzy and secretive.
Your ODM are where they want.
Weaken - and at their mercy.
Ruto thanks to his parrellel intelligence knows their game
And knew from day one what their plan was
Unfortunately you beloved ODM has now been reduced into a party that will confined to few areas - as they are gazillion parties under Azimio
Uhuru has no choice to make in DPORK and even Nairobi governor.
Look like Uhuru will demand Gideon somewhere, Muhoho somewhere and Ngatia somewhere.
He will remain Jubilee and maybe even Azimio Chairman :)

ONLY RUTO is their biggest threat -

Yes, I am an ODM'er not an ODM'oron; big difference.

I am not involved in active politics whatsover..... I would have gone for the very first run as governor Bungoma or Trans Nzoia; had the gravitas and the resources to do so and was even urged to but had no desire or interest.

I look at politics from a social interest and public good perspective and obviously we are so far from achieving positive traction. That is my interest in politics. My only time away from private life/business into public service at any one time will be to serve for public good and my work will be done.


Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2022, 05:26:44 PM »
I analyze politics -
Nancy plan the moves for lazy boys with little political experience like she did for Kibaki, Uhuru and now Muhoho-Gideon.
Gideon has money - big money - and like Uhuru doesnt have to think.
They get given a game-plan by Phdis consultants - some internationally - and all they need to do is follow.
Actually all they do is release money - arrive in arranged meeting - make arranged phone calls - lazy boys do nothing.
Baba use to have many brilliant Luos - but over years he has remained with just cows left - now is biggest adviser is Ida, Junior, Winny and their boyfriends - outside is D- Minus Joho and Wariah from Migori Junet.
Ruto does everything for himself - because he is multi-talented hardworking sober go-getter - he thinks, he plans, he execute - all he need is Farouk to carry cash and them girls :) in room 305 after work :)

As regard parrael NIS - dont make me laugh.
You clearly understimate Ruto - :)  The man is MOI 2.0. Nothing happens without is knowledge. That is how he made money in gov.

Raila has never had any NIS - he had ex-82 airforce guys who were acting more like his security force - and men in black.
I remember in 2002 - he sent those guys late a night - and all they wanted to know was Raila itinerary - and such.

In 2007 - Raila relied on Ruto for financing and intelligence.

They are many Kalenjin former NIS and current NIS - working for Ruto.
Ruto pays them - they know how to gather intelligence. Ruto has intelligence on almost anyone - even his friends.
What is released to Itumbi is just the TIP of the iceberg.
This is not an idle joke - :)

We can place "thousands" of possible scenarios, they will remain just that, possible scenarios. Indeed you as a data man knows that you can graph many permutations... and they will remain just that permutations and speculations until you make deliberate moves to make them reality. So, all these are perceptions and everyone is entitled to his.

Nancy Gitau the fabled genius remains just that, a fable! Nothing she could do, conjure or configure which you cant. Why would she hold sway and not you?? Do you imagine that an experienced hand like raila and his ODM think tank have no ability to put together and play their own jig-saw??

Everyone knows Gideon comes with nothing except himself and his polo horses... so no one would put much political capital on him. Of course we need his chopper(s?) to take us across the Kenya landmass.

Absolutely zero parallel intelligence Ruto has.... that is stupid Dennis Itumbi Hollow Intelligence Beuarau (HNIB)... stupid fellow even believes his own lies :D :D. The only person who has ever had a parallel intelligence rivaling national intelligence was Baba and the circumstances were ripe for that... it was high-stakes revolutionary and big shift/change time. No such situation exists today and so Ruto would have even no reason for that... that said he has nothing, which is reason he never saw his being shunted aside coming!

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2022, 05:43:49 PM »
I analyze politics -
Nancy plan the moves for lazy boys with little political experience like she did for Kibaki, Uhuru and now Muhoho-Gideon.
Gideon has money - big money - and like Uhuru doesnt have to think.
They get given a game-plan by Phdis consultants - some internationally - and all they need to do is follow.
Actually all they do is release money - arrive in arranged meeting - make arranged phone calls - lazy boys do nothing.
Baba use to have many brilliant Luos - but over years he has remained with just cows left - now is biggest adviser is Ida, Junior, Winny and their boyfriends - outside is D- Minus Joho and Wariah from Migori Junet.
Ruto does everything for himself - because he is multi-talented hardworking sober go-getter - he thinks, he plans, he execute - all he need is Farouk to carry cash and them girls :) in room 305 after work :)

As regard parrael NIS - dont make me laugh.
You clearly understimate Ruto - :)  The man is MOI 2.0. Nothing happens without is knowledge. That is how he made money in gov.

Raila has never had any NIS - he had ex-82 airforce guys who were acting more like his security force - and men in black.
I remember in 2002 - he sent those guys late a night - and all they wanted to know was Raila itinerary - and such.

In 2007 - Raila relied on Ruto for financing and intelligence.

They are many Kalenjin former NIS and current NIS - working for Ruto.
Ruto pays them - they know how to gather intelligence. Ruto has intelligence on almost anyone - even his friends.
What is released to Itumbi is just the TIP of the iceberg.
This is not an idle joke - :)

We can place "thousands" of possible scenarios, they will remain just that, possible scenarios. Indeed you as a data man knows that you can graph many permutations... and they will remain just that permutations and speculations until you make deliberate moves to make them reality. So, all these are perceptions and everyone is entitled to his.

Nancy Gitau the fabled genius remains just that, a fable! Nothing she could do, conjure or configure which you cant. Why would she hold sway and not you?? Do you imagine that an experienced hand like raila and his ODM think tank have no ability to put together and play their own jig-saw??

Everyone knows Gideon comes with nothing except himself and his polo horses... so no one would put much political capital on him. Of course we need his chopper(s?) to take us across the Kenya landmass.

Absolutely zero parallel intelligence Ruto has.... that is stupid Dennis Itumbi Hollow Intelligence Beuarau (HNIB)... stupid fellow even believes his own lies :D :D. The only person who has ever had a parallel intelligence rivaling national intelligence was Baba and the circumstances were ripe for that... it was high-stakes revolutionary and big shift/change time. No such situation exists today and so Ruto would have even no reason for that... that said he has nothing, which is reason he never saw his being shunted aside coming!
Agreed on most things except room 305 manenos. DP collects intelligence on anyone from hundreds of his paid trusted moles everywhere. In Koito manenos, folks are always shocked how he knows 1000 family members names, their problems, their kids, grades, middle names, and mundane things that shocks everyone. He knows those that drink, use weed, hardworking and lazy folk. Uhuru's step brother is his right hand man supplying him daily with Uhuru's and Kenyatta details. Same with Moi's. 
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline Pragmatic

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2022, 05:50:16 PM »
Ooooh man, you make me laugh....

This part here.... :s_laugh: :s_laugh:

I analyze politics -
Nancy plan the moves for lazy boys with little political experience like she did for Kibaki, Uhuru and now Muhoho-Gideon.
Gideon has money - big money - and like Uhuru doesnt have to think.
They get given a game-plan by Phdis consultants - some internationally - and all they need to do is follow.
Actually all they do is release money - arrive in arranged meeting - make arranged phone calls - lazy boys do nothing.
Baba use to have many brilliant Luos - but over years he has remained with just cows left - now is biggest adviser is Ida, Junior, Winny and their boyfriends - outside is D- Minus Joho and Wariah from Migori Junet.
Ruto does everything for himself - because he is multi-talented hardworking sober go-getter - he thinks, he plans, he execute - all he need is Farouk to carry cash and them girls :) in room 305 after work :)

And this part... :s_laugh:

As regard parrael NIS - dont make me laugh.
You clearly understimate Ruto - :)  The man is MOI 2.0. Nothing happens without is knowledge. That is how he made money in gov.

Raila has never had any NIS - he had ex-82 airforce guys who were acting more like his security force - and men in black.
I remember in 2002 - he sent those guys late a night - and all they wanted to know was Raila itinerary - and such.

In 2007 - Raila relied on Ruto for financing and intelligence.

They are many Kalenjin former NIS and current NIS - working for Ruto.
Ruto pays them - they know how to gather intelligence. Ruto has intelligence on almost anyone - even his friends.
What is released to Itumbi is just the TIP of the iceberg.
This is not an idle joke - :)

Anyway, enjoy your analysis.

Let Nancy earn her money from the lazy boys as you say and let WsR work the phones. He needs it, his whole life depends on this one. The fellow has never done anything else his whole life, it is about to come to the high noon of his "political" life. It is the only thing that he has ever known or done and living off public coffers. He will be dead outside of this.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2022, 05:54:47 PM »
I was drinking in Litein town Kericho in August 2017 - and I met Julius Kones guy - he had gotten some millions from Itare dams (I think 100M to sign off the Italians as he was Water chairman)  - he was under rehabilitation by Ruto after he disobeyed William Ruto and run to another party in 2013 - peter kenneth KNC - after Plogom Isaac rigged him out in URP nomination.

As part of his rehab to Ruto camp - Ruto had placed spies on him - his job was to spread Jubilee manenos on top of truck - with NIS spies reporting on how he vigorously dance to Jubilee Tosha :)  hit song - we laughed so hard - anyway you get the drift. He knew better - than mess around - because he knows Ruto knows everything on everyone.

Once you fallout with Ruto - he will never trust you - you go into a long rehab - with many spies on you.

Agreed on most things except room 305 manenos. DP collects intelligence on anyone from hundreds of his paid trusted moles everywhere. In Koito manenos, folks are always shocked how he knows 1000 family members names, their problems, their kids, grades, middle names, and mundane things that shocks everyone. He knows those that drink, use weed, hardworking and lazy folk. Uhuru's step brother is his right hand man supplying him daily with Uhuru's and Kenyatta details. Same with Moi's. 

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2022, 06:00:20 PM »
If people listen to me; they would know these characters; each person has their strength - and weakness; you can easily decipher if you are keen.

I have studied Ruto very closely.
Ruto is a brilliant version of MOI
Ruto doesnt take chance with anything.
He doesnt want to lose a deal or seat or business ideas because he didnt know about it.
He seeks intelligence on everything.
That is how he excel in politics, business and deal making.

You guys understimate him - yet from 2001 - I started taking him seriously.

RUTO= MOI+BIWOTT in one man.

Many people underestimated Moi. A lot More only came to know Biwott was lethal way later.
It wasnt until mid 90s that people realized what a great tactician and strategist Biwott - and why he was indespinsible for Moi.
Biwott pulled business deals, political deals and name it like nobody could do - while staying under-radar.

The first lesson - knowledge is power - know everything happening - then it's easy to plan and make moves.

Anyway, enjoy your analysis.

Let Nancy earn her money from the lazy boys as you say and let WsR work the phones. He needs it, his whole life depends on this one. The fellow has never done anything else his whole life, it is about to come to the high noon of his "political" life. It is the only thing that he has ever known or done and living off public coffers. He will be dead outside of this.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: What is Martha End Game ? She is now attacking Uhuru
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2022, 07:21:38 PM »
I am from statehouse and we don't want anything to do with Karua...Uhuru has repeatedly said that to Raila and thats why karua is throwing tantrums.Let her go rot in hell.SHIT HEAD.