Author Topic: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times  (Read 2060 times)

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This guy is still alive. I thought he had died. As a kid I was mesmerized by cold war. I thought the posibility of WWIII was real. I would ask my dad questions about Nuclear bombs.

I was actually surprised one afternoon to hear the news on the radio that Gorbachev had been placed on Home arrest by the military. The collapse came quickly and furious after that

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2022, 03:05:28 AM »
Here is documentary that gives into an insight of how Baltic states declaration of independence led to dissolution of USSR. Fascinatiing stuff how hard won Stalin Empire came down crushing. I so believe that any empire that is not kept in power due to self interest will implode. Even CCP one day will implode from within

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2022, 03:35:19 AM »
Biggest Catastrophy in the 20th Century.
A theorist who lead to collapse of a sovreign country and Warsaw pact.
Glasnost and Perestroika were not well thought out.
Cutting down of Military in Warsaw Pact countries and dalliance with Americans made U.S.S.R. weaker by the time he was realising C.I.A had sponsored politicians to overthrow the Communist Government.

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2022, 04:15:36 AM »
Biggest Catastrophy in the 20th Century.
A theorist who lead to collapse of a sovreign country and Warsaw pact.
Glasnost and Perestroika were not well thought out.
Cutting down of Military in Warsaw Pact countries and dalliance with Americans made U.S.S.R. weaker by the time he was realising C.I.A had sponsored politicians to overthrow the Communist Government.

The communist party was not going to be able to hold USSR together. Without the threat of Stalin type of violence the Baltic States and other states acquired during WWII looking for Independence.

Gorbachev was pragmatic. He knew the society had moved on past the notion of wanting an Empire at all costs. Like he says every soviet wanted peace by all means. They had suffered enough deaths during Stalin Regime

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2022, 04:16:29 AM »
He was a pragmatist. Realized all the lies couldnt be further maintained, so he chose pragmatism.

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2022, 04:25:35 AM »
He was a pragmatist. Realized all the lies couldnt be further maintained, so he chose pragmatism.

A pragmatist. A very wise guy. You see that every time he was confronted by a crisis and took time to understand the issue he would change his mind. Case in point is when Lithiunai confronted him in wanting Financial Freedow. He knew excatly where they were headed but he allowed it and just gave cover by warning them that USSR still maintained control over them. When they declared sovergeinity he choose not to use violence. He was focused on Reforms and a way out of the total economic chaos that was causing a lot of suffering for his people.

I think due to Moi dictatorship and us being young we missed this whole period. I started learning about it today by chance and it is fascinating.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2022, 05:16:34 AM »

You need to know history first , What was U.S.S.R. ?
Biggest Catastrophy in the 20th Century.
A theorist who lead to collapse of a sovreign country and Warsaw pact.
Glasnost and Perestroika were not well thought out.
Cutting down of Military in Warsaw Pact countries and dalliance with Americans made U.S.S.R. weaker by the time he was realising C.I.A had sponsored politicians to overthrow the Communist Government.

The communist party was not going to be able to hold USSR together. Without the threat of Stalin type of violence the Baltic States and other states acquired during WWII looking for Independence.

Gorbachev was pragmatic. He knew the society had moved on past the notion of wanting an Empire at all costs. Like he says every soviet wanted peace by all means. They had suffered enough deaths during Stalin Regime

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2022, 05:19:18 AM »

Gorbachev himself avknowledges he made a mistake. Youve been fed Western Propaganda to a level you have been brainwashed. Stalin died in 1953 so how did U.S.S.R. hold ?

He was a pragmatist. Realized all the lies couldnt be further maintained, so he chose pragmatism.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2022, 05:23:08 AM »

The Economic crisis was as a result of Perestoika , He unknowingly  manufacturee the crisis.
The example you give if from the view point of western world
He was a pragmatist. Realized all the lies couldnt be further maintained, so he chose pragmatism.

A pragmatist. A very wise guy. You see that every time he was confronted by a crisis and took time to understand the issue he would change his mind. Case in point is when Lithiunai confronted him in wanting Financial Freedow. He knew excatly where they were headed but he allowed it and just gave cover by warning them that USSR still maintained control over them. When they declared sovergeinity he choose not to use violence. He was focused on Reforms and a way out of the total economic chaos that was causing a lot of suffering for his people.

I think due to Moi dictatorship and us being young we missed this whole period. I started learning about it today by chance and it is fascinating.

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2022, 05:30:06 AM »
Stalin was brutal lunatic. How the fuck.He killed 30 million russians. Is that true? 30 million is a lot of people

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2022, 05:31:36 AM »

The Economic crisis was as a result of Perestoika , He unknowingly  manufacturee the crisis.
The example you give if from the view point of western world
He was a pragmatist. Realized all the lies couldnt be further maintained, so he chose pragmatism.

A pragmatist. A very wise guy. You see that every time he was confronted by a crisis and took time to understand the issue he would change his mind. Case in point is when Lithiunai confronted him in wanting Financial Freedow. He knew excatly where they were headed but he allowed it and just gave cover by warning them that USSR still maintained control over them. When they declared sovergeinity he choose not to use violence. He was focused on Reforms and a way out of the total economic chaos that was causing a lot of suffering for his people.

I think due to Moi dictatorship and us being young we missed this whole period. I started learning about it today by chance and it is fascinating.

get out here and go worship communism far away. How was Prestorkia responsible for system that had already collapsed. Wasn't MG trying to save it from total collapse

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2022, 06:27:48 AM »

Will not engage you further continue watching American made Documentaries. You started today learning the fall of U.S.S.R.  Do mpre research and come back.

The Economic crisis was as a result of Perestoika , He unknowingly  manufacturee the crisis.
The example you give if from the view point of western world
He was a pragmatist. Realized all the lies couldnt be further maintained, so he chose pragmatism.

A pragmatist. A very wise guy. You see that every time he was confronted by a crisis and took time to understand the issue he would change his mind. Case in point is when Lithiunai confronted him in wanting Financial Freedow. He knew excatly where they were headed but he allowed it and just gave cover by warning them that USSR still maintained control over them. When they declared sovergeinity he choose not to use violence. He was focused on Reforms and a way out of the total economic chaos that was causing a lot of suffering for his people.

I think due to Moi dictatorship and us being young we missed this whole period. I started learning about it today by chance and it is fascinating.

get out here and go worship communism far away. How was Prestorkia responsible for system that had already collapsed. Wasn't MG trying to save it from total collapse

Offline Kadudu

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2022, 10:45:33 AM »
The Eastern Block was dead broke by end 1990's. There was no other way out, but to open up. Many forget countries like Poland and Hungary had already started political reforms even before Gorbachev appeared in the scene. The people in these countries would have revolted had political reforms not been pushed through.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2022, 02:30:00 PM »
The Eastern Block was dead broke by end 1990's. There was no other way out, but to open up. Many forget countries like Poland and Hungary had already started political reforms even before Gorbachev appeared in the scene. The people in these countries would have revolted had political reforms not been pushed through.

Sometimes you wonder if nowayah is just a contrarian for the sake of it. By the time Gorbachev appeared the economy had collapsed. The currency was not worthy a dime. Years of communist inefficiency had broken the whole system. Revolts were everywhere. Workers got paid in coupons that you could exchange for food. Stalin expansion of ussr empire after wwiii created a monster that was hard govern. It was like moi in the 90s. Everyone had already figured out that his government was no good and will never reform.

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2022, 05:49:02 PM »
Ussr is very funny..back in the day kemrlin used to ask unpopular leaders to claim they sick to leave power. Emissaries would be sent eg in Hungary the deregulation from kermlin. Just told the pm after Stalin death that it has been decided he is sick and so he knew what that meant

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2022, 06:21:47 PM »
Gorbachev came into power in 1985 U.S.S.R. fell in late 90s early 90s. The economy you say was dead broke is because of thw reforms Gorbachev Introduced. When did the political reforms in Humgary and Poland happen ?

The Eastern Block was dead broke by end 1990's. There was no other way out, but to open up. Many forget countries like Poland and Hungary had already started political reforms even before Gorbachev appeared in the scene. The people in these countries would have revolted had political reforms not been pushed through.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2022, 06:35:46 PM »
Read the man's biography first before commenting. He says very clearly the U.S.S.R was on its knees and could not keep up with the US in the arms race and also could not keep on subsidising its satellite nations and Eastern Block allies.
In 1983 East Germany was so broke that West Germany gave it a credit of over 1B DM. The two sister countries were bitter enemies, but the East had to swallow the bitter pill and beg for a credit. Things were thick.

Gorbachev came into power in 1985 U.S.S.R. fell in late 90s early 90s. The economy you say was dead broke is because of thw reforms Gorbachev Introduced. When did the political reforms in Humgary and Poland happen ?

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2022, 06:49:17 PM »
Read the man's biography first before commenting. He says very clearly the U.S.S.R was on its knees and could not keep up with the US in the arms race and also could not keep on subsidising its satellite nations and Eastern Block allies.
In 1983 East Germany was so broke that West Germany gave it a credit of over 1B DM. The two sister countries were bitter enemies, but the East had to swallow the bitter pill and beg for a credit. Things were thick.

Gorbachev came into power in 1985 U.S.S.R. fell in late 90s early 90s. The economy you say was dead broke is because of thw reforms Gorbachev Introduced. When did the political reforms in Humgary and Poland happen ?

This guy just circlejerks arguments is hard to debate or converse with him

Offline KenyanPlato

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