Author Topic: Someone need to be couragous enough to declare Miraa a drug and enforce control  (Read 3283 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Like alcohol & cigarette - it need to be consumed with serious controls and warning

Offline Nowayhaha

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Mombasa menace is a combination of issues
1. Joblessness
2.Ease of accessing drugs(the real cause of mental issues)
3. Its Predomimantly a Muslim county meaning unlike you who takes alcohol its forbiden as per religion hence they opt for different vice of making them high.
4. Lack of role models.  Imagine your role model being Joho .

Like alcohol & cigarette - it need to be consumed with serious controls and warning

Offline RV Pundit

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It's not in Mombasa alone - Central, Meru, Embu and Nairobi - many youths are gone!

Offline Nowayhaha

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With Pombe yes, Mental health Mombasa is on another league

It's not in Mombasa alone - Central, Meru, Embu and Nairobi - many youths are gone!

Offline Kadudu

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Of course miraa is a drug, but is banning it the solution? Merus would run riot in case miraa is banned or even the talk of controling it. Best would be the youth get informed in schools about the dangers of all kind of drugs including miraa.
Mombasa has always had an issue with drugs. Nowhere else in Kenya are there more drug zoomies than in Mombasa.

Offline gout

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It is now worse as young girls have also embraced the shit.

Just like they have been the focus of this shitty gin - Gilbeys - which is an entry to even cheaper alcohol.   
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline RV Pundit

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1st step is declaring it a drug - otherwise wameru wenyewe ndio wanaumia I am sure.

Offline Kadudu

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Miraa was declared a drug during Jomo Kenyatta's days. Not sure who revised it. I think it must have been Mzee Moi during his populists stints.

1st step is declaring it a drug - otherwise wameru wenyewe ndio wanaumia I am sure.

Offline patel

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Regulations would help but the problem is deeper. Lifestyle, we have whole heartily embraced drinking and getting high culture that need to change. Secondly urban centre planning. No parks, sports or other outlets for the youth. Majority all they do is watch European soccer while engaging in the vice. Hopelessness mainly due to unemployment. I am glad atleast this time around people are focusing on building the economy and creating opportunities.

Offline RV Pundit

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Yes it deeper problem - we need parks - but somehow people have conspired to keep forests and animal parks so private instead of making it free for people to visit - and play there. I would turn Karua and girigiri forest into huge parks - with play grounds - bars - fun activities.

Regulations would help but the problem is deeper. Lifestyle, we have whole heartily embraced drinking and getting high culture that need to change. Secondly urban centre planning. No parks, sports or other outlets for the youth. Majority all they do is watch European soccer while engaging in the vice. Hopelessness mainly due to unemployment. I am glad atleast this time around people are focusing on building the economy and creating opportunities.

Offline RV Pundit

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Yes It seem to have coincided with Somali state collapse and rise of somali diaspora who need khat in Kenya and elsewhere. Initial somalis camped in Meru and exported but soon Merus started hawking the khat to everyone.

I remember my room-mate - a meru guy in late 90s - telling me how angry they were - after some meru pioner exporter of khat to london was killed by somalis - when miraa went international - merus grew them in large scale

But now everyone is banning it

Tanzania has banned it. We need to control it.

Miraa was declared a drug during Jomo Kenyatta's days. Not sure who revised it. I think it must have been Mzee Moi during his populists stints.

Offline gout

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kiraitu has been at the forefront of having classified as a crop. he ate the 1 billion miraa kitty. MoH insists it is a drug.
Miraa was declared a drug during Jomo Kenyatta's days. Not sure who revised it. I think it must have been Mzee Moi during his populists stints.

1st step is declaring it a drug - otherwise wameru wenyewe ndio wanaumia I am sure.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline Kadudu

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Tz can ban miraa. They do not grow it. Tanzania has no business interest in miraa. Problem in Kenya miraa trade is big business.

Yes It seem to have coincided with Somali state collapse and rise of somali diaspora who need khat in Kenya and elsewhere. Initial somalis camped in Meru and exported but soon Merus started hawking the khat to everyone.

I remember my room-mate - a meru guy in late 90s - telling me how angry they were - after some meru pioner exporter of khat to london was killed by somalis - when miraa went international - merus grew them in large scale

But now everyone is banning it

Tanzania has banned it. We need to control it.

Miraa was declared a drug during Jomo Kenyatta's days. Not sure who revised it. I think it must have been Mzee Moi during his populists stints.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Good luck trying to ban Miraa :D
Kenyatta tried it Miraa growers visited him and gave him the twigs to chew he changed his mind after handas took hold.
Others along the Line Moi and,Kibaki knew it was in their best interest to ignore the issues and unfortunately gatheca came when Miraa was banned abroad. So he had to make it a national crop and pay what I call ransom money of 1 Billion yearly from the national kitty just to calm growers anger,now how this money is spent its a wild guess to everyone last time i saw Embus demonstrating that they just got 147M from that kitty.
My personal take Miraa should just be for cultural use not commercial like it is now and yes should be regulated. Merus however are immune to its effects compared to other Kabilas who it drives to madness.

Offline audacityofhope

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.... Merus however are immune to its effects compared to other Kabilas who it drives to madness.
Of course Merus are different from other Kenyans. You are not telling us anything new!

Offline KenyanPlato

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For you to chew miraa to a point of losing your mind it would take lots of days of chewing. Miraa less harmful when compared to alcohol or drugs. I chewed miraa. A normal person can only stand chewing miraa one time in week. Mombasa has a lot of drugs that have been a menace before miraa. I believe that the biggest problem. Deal with unemployment and underemployment and abuse of miraa will go down

Offline sema

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It's not in Mombasa alone - Central, Meru, Embu and Nairobi - many youths are gone

Seems like Kenya has lost a generation of youths to unemployment, drugs and alcoholic abuse. A society that has slowly degenerated into moral decay and you can see it everywhere with the single mothers/deadbeat fathers; how many men now have multiple baby mama's that they're not married to and can't afford to financially support? marriages not lasting beyond even two years, schools burning down, wash wash guys, etc, etc..This is going to take decades to fix (assuming you don't end up with more lunatic leaders)

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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It's not in Mombasa alone - Central, Meru, Embu and Nairobi - many youths are gone

Seems like Kenya has lost a generation of youths to unemployment, drugs and alcoholic abuse. A society that has slowly degenerated into moral decay and you can see it everywhere with the single mothers/deadbeat fathers; how many men now have multiple baby mama's that they're not married to and can't afford to financially support? marriages not lasting beyond even two years, schools burning down, wash wash guys, etc, etc..This is going to take decades to fix (assuming you don't end up with more lunatic leaders)
Society is decaying at astonishing speed. We've been binge-watching loyalty tests, and we can't believe the rot in Kenya's relationships, especially the folks between 20-30. Alcohol and drugs make people reckless, and over time, it wrecks society beyond repair, especially when there is no functioning institution to remedy it! Families are filled with unresourceful, broken young, and broke people, thus weakening the economic output and GDP of the country in the long run! There is a direct relationship between sound people and sound economy! If one sinks, the other kaputs!
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Miraa has been cultivated and used for over 2,000 years by horn of africa and middle east kabilas. Try banning anything that deep rooted just like alcohol, prostitution and other biblical mentioned things you will be wasting time. My take ban Miraa usage outside Meru.

Offline RV Pundit

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Bhang, Cigarettes, Alcohol have even longer history. But they are not mild tea or coffee stimulants. They are drugs. There has to be control - on them - if not outright banning. We have to admit Miraa cause mental illness. People need to be told this is a dangerous drug - take at your own risk.

Should miraa be banned - Nope. I personally use miraa when driving for long distance - and I can drive for long without getting tired. I think Miraa has saved kenya a lot in accidents.I have planted Mukuga (embu one) - in Nairobi and Shags - and I use it on rare occasion.

It's like alcohol - you need to have some control - not chew khat day in day out. My own bro in law in Embu is beyond repair - brain damaged - and I saw in their villages - many such cases - people who dont have any more sense of time or life - zero sex drive.

Miraa has been cultivated and used for over 2,000 years by horn of africa and middle east kabilas. Try banning anything that deep rooted just like alcohol, prostitution and other biblical mentioned things you will be wasting time. My take ban Miraa usage outside Meru.