There was no confusion. What we have had in Kenya is parties failing to honour their MOUs beginning with Kibaki's NAK and LDP MOU - and recently NASA coalition.
The real problem is changing the meaning of political party to include political coalition party. That I find offensive to our katiba and will be thrown out. The constitution talks about parties. Parties should form coalition. This new mongrel called party coalition party - with corporate membership and individual membership is a big problem.
Otherwise nobody has problems codifying how parties in coalition can share funds, sign and honour mous - those are okay - to prevent Raila odinga shafting NASA principals - by claiming all the funds are ODM despite being NASA.
The only coalition in kenya that has worked was Jubilee coalition - URP/TNA - plus little of NARC/Balala. It worked so well it became a political party by parties collapsing.
It was already a confused mongrel. The PP(Amendment) Bill is attempting to fix the confusion that often arises and has enabled party hopping with reckless abandon in the past!
See if you cite authorities like you have done, I am gladly respond to your post.
The Republic of Kenya shall be a multi-party democratic State
founded on the national values and principles of governance referred
to in Article 10.
The word party is mentioned 58 times!!!
I dont see this one surviving a constitutional court assault.
This makes it a more funnier confused mongrel, UDA is in a coalition with Jubilee Party STOP then Jubilee will enter a coalition with ODM!