You're an idiot who should be digging kumbe kumbe and not be engaging in adult conversation.
Let your facts speak for itself or go back to with your base insult - typical ODMoron.
None of the convoluted political coalition party make any sense.
Jubilee coalition became Jubilee party. That is tight coupling.
The reason why Azimio want this loose coupling is to avoid party nomination leading to one candidate.
Now how will Azimio decide which of 10 parties will carry the official party flag?
Will they zone the country - say ODM flies Azimio in Nyanza? When it come to Nairobi - it become every party for it's own.
This law doesnt make any sense.
Uhuru is just sending Raila in wild goose chase because he need an excuse to delay coalition btw Jubilee and ODM.
That is really the main target - Jubilee in another month will probably be dead as dodo - with Tuju alone.
The six months deadline was meant to pressurize OKA - but that failed - it's was reduced to 4 months to election - meaning April 10th is deadline for pre-election campaigns.
In any case I dont see that mongrel of political coalition surviving constitutional court challenge.
And most importantly like BBI or OKOA - anyone who blames the tools (law) or the jembe is not a farmer.
The lack of political strategy this late in the game is really the reason for all the panic, matusi and violence from ODMorons.
The first strategy ought to have been to retain 45 percent of NASA - before going on a wild goose chase in Jubilee waters.
Obviously that has failed - Kalonzo look set to run - and MaDVD set to run or join UDA with Weta - and Azimio is just ODM (few Jubilee members are leaving one by one) - maybe Azimio will be ODM + PNU

- that now boast of zero mp and one governor.
I dont quite yet understand how the mongrel called political coalition party will work. So Azimio is registered both as coalition and a party. Meaning you can run in Azimio - which is also coalition. If coalition agreement dies - you remain in Azimio?How does that solve the problem of having one big party? Azimio would want to present one candidate but how will 10 parties under it agree who flies the azimio flag?
My expectation - any competent court will find the mongrel of political coalition party - uncostitutional and it will be thrown out.
The other ammendments are fine
I don't get what your panicky concerns are. In the beginning was TNA & URP. Any of those two parties could have collapsed as in Ford splitting up into Ford Asili and Ford-K. Anyway TNA and URP merged to take the name that was the name of the coalition - Jubilee. So what if Jubilee "dies",does Kenya politically come to an end. No!
Back to your dumb question. If the law says the "10 parties in Azimio must present one candidate", then it will be so because THAT IS THE LAW.
Back there you touted yourself as an a analyst par excellence but kumbe you can be just a chokora at times in which case the title of this thread does really apply to you.
Psst learn from me on this one and after doing so go make adjustments on that MOASS of yours. I might then be able to read it. Yes you heard it here from me coz I am an armchair analyst who when I have time, I cogitate!
So listen carefully. The "System" is a living breathing thing that learns from loopholes it didn't cover, which is unlike many of you on this forum! In 2007 Kibaki handlers openly rigged the presidential vote but forgot his MP numbers. ODM thereafter gave them a hard time in parliament. So come 2013 & 2017 the "System" also opted to rig in a number of MP seats. You can tell those from the ones that were winning with a consistent 54% on the sever. Now fast forward to 2022, the last thing the system want is the Kalonzo katikati game. Stay with me on this one so I explain: NASA lost seats to Jubilee coz the individual parties in the coalition fielded candidates and shared NASA votes allowing weak candidates to win seats. So that is the real purpose of the political parties bill, to prevent Ruto sponsoring candidates from various parties - now or even last minute - so that they defeat what in effect would be the most popular candidate on the ballot. Now if you haven't had that story then surely you do not have your ears onthe ground. GOOD DAY!