Author Topic: My Dear Nyanza Friends No amount of Wishfull thinking Will Make Raila Win  (Read 1447 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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We have been in the political scene for along time.
Going back to 1992 Moi was losing the elections to Matiba until He had to play his cards well.
He sponsored Kibaki and divided FORD.
Why Im I saying this, You can never win elections in Kenya if GEMA is united . Raila unified them in 2007.
Ruto will win 2022 with the highest votes since independence.
Raila has been taken to a corner where he must run for financial reason. In 2002 he did a Tosha if he wants Ruto to lose like he did with Moi his only way is to tosha someone else. Otherwise 2022 is a done deal.
Its turning out to be 1997 election no ethusisam at all...

Offline RV Pundit

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Moi won in 1997 against combined GEMA.
There are many configurations to win in Kenya
Raila has sisyphian curse.
Everytime he comes very close
And instead of consolidating the gains (keeping friends, building trust and honouring promises)
He chooses to everytime dismantle his coalition
And starting from a fresh.
He missed 2007 by a whisker (stolen) - and was PM with half gov with Kibaki retiring - Uhuru/Ruto under ICC- there was no way a sane person could miss 2013
But his first business in 2008 was to go against Kalenjin nation in Mau forest
Like Mau forest was biggest burning issue.
It wasnt even in ODM manifesto.
ODM manifesto biggest agenda was to get regional majimbo parliamentary system

Offline Nowayhaha

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RV, in 1997 Kiambu Muranga Nyandarua and Nairobi didnt come out to vote and in Rift Valley there was voter supression.
Those counties used to look at Kibaki as a weakling. They named him General Kiguoya.
Even in 2003 substantial number of GEMA voted for Uhuru. They wete united in 2007 and from there hence forth have been an item.
Once Raila dissapears from the picture GEMA will be divided again.
2007 Weve discussed here many times. Tell me the ciunties Raila won I will tell you the counties Kibaki won.
I repeat to win Kenyan Presidecy you have to divide Mt Kenyans
There is a reason in 2002 Moi picked Uhuru apart from safeguarding wealth. Moi knows what happened in 92 and 97.

Moi won in 1997 against combined GEMA.
There are many configurations to win in Kenya
Raila has sisyphian curse.
Everytime he comes very close
And instead of consolidating the gains (keeping friends, building trust and honouring promises)
He chooses to everytime dismantle his coalition
And starting from a fresh.
He missed 2007 by a whisker (stolen) - and was PM with half gov with Kibaki retiring - Uhuru/Ruto under ICC- there was no way a sane person could miss 2013
But his first business in 2008 was to go against Kalenjin nation in Mau forest
Like Mau forest was biggest burning issue.
It wasnt even in ODM manifesto.
ODM manifesto biggest agenda was to get regional majimbo parliamentary system

Offline RV Pundit

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Dude GEMA are at best 28 percent of the vote - out there is 72 percent; Moi won twice in 1992 and 1997 with barely any vote from big tribes including GEMA (zero kikuyu vote), just a few merus/embus in northern dry areas, zero luo vote, etc etc.

A smart candidate should be able to weave 50 percent.

Raila has come close to this in 3 elections - 2007 he was 43-45, 2013 43-45 and 2017 45 percent

Pretty close - just 5 percent - or maybe a million votes! He could have won it if he worked harder and smarter - if he kept friends - build on the last coalitions.

But everytime instead of consolidating these gains; he starts a fresh - his first business is to cannibalize his party and coalition - to make new enemies from guys who assisted him - looking for new magic and friends. Instead of keep the 45 percent - and meticolously working on 5 percent - surely how hard is it add 5 percent in 5yrs? A few Key voter winners - maybe 2 small tribe kingpins - spend billions on them - voila - home dry.

Now as we approach 2022 - with six months to election - he is trying to amend political parties act - to anchor Azimio. Ruto folks have put 78 hurdles - until Mbadi had to bite an MP in frustration :) - after jumping those 78 hurdles - the bill still has to go senate - for public participation of 3 weeks - then Murkomen and company will enact 78 hurdles - Orengo will bite Cheriuyot in frustration - then if it passes - court will put in abeyance. By march or april - it will be null and void - because old political parties envisage 3 months coalition - and it will have left a bad taste in the mouth of kenyans - because they will see BBIsque attempt to rail road a election related law.

What kind of unpreparedness is this? This man has had 30yrs if not 60yrs to plan for election.

BBI the same - wasted 4yrs collecting views - instead of getting to work with referendum as early as 2018.

Raila and his supporters I have told them to get their notebook out and watch Ruto win PORK in his maiden run.

PORK haitangi michezo. No room for errors. No room for people not ready to throw billions. No room for cowards. No room for lazybones. Unless you come from big GEMA...for a Moi to have won 92 and was NOT A JOKE.

Moi incredible victory was built almost on the back on little small tribes...against rejection by all big tribes, international community, collapsed economy under heavy sanctions and even jesus :)

Ruto understudied Moi - and he took very many vital lessons.

First lesson - have BILLIONS - I mean literally build a war chest of money in your bedroom. Just dig your bedroom - and bury as much cash as you possible - you will need to oil so many people. Giving out 20M per day - as you approach election is part of the game - gather as much money as you can get - otherwise nobody loves you without money.

Lesson no 2 - have topnotch intelligence - know everything your opponent is planning - what he ate for lunch - who he called - counter intelligence is key - political intrigues is the game - pretend to be nice humble christian - float like butterfly - but stink like a bee - when you get a little window - go for the kill. You can only be ahead by knowing your enemy inside out. Reconnaissance is key. This is a very old Kalenjin tactic - Kalenjin being a raiding community - studied their targets sometimes for even 3 months - until they knew everything - the attack unlike Maasai one was by small raiding party - sometimes 10 men - so it  had to be swift and well planned. The intelligence would monitor their targets for months - mostly hidding in trees - at night - daytime - until they knew everything - because the targets also had elaborate security, many kept cows in deep gorges with heavy fencing - and under watch. By the time the first nduru from victim is raised - you need to be 10 to 20kilometres away - because they will attempt to rescue the cows and cows dont run as fast - the same applies to politics - intelligence is everything.

Lesson no 3 - work hard - campaign hard - Moi by 70s had gone all over kenya - by 90s - he literally knew people by their village names.

RV, in 1997 Kiambu Muranga Nyandarua and Nairobi didnt come out to vote and in Rift Valley there was voter supression.
Those counties used to look at Kibaki as a weakling. They named him General Kiguoya.
Even in 2003 substantial number of GEMA voted for Uhuru. They wete united in 2007 and from there hence forth have been an item.
Once Raila dissapears from the picture GEMA will be divided again.
2007 Weve discussed here many times. Tell me the ciunties Raila won I will tell you the counties Kibaki won.
I repeat to win Kenyan Presidecy you have to divide Mt Kenyans
There is a reason in 2002 Moi picked Uhuru apart from safeguarding wealth. Moi knows what happened in 92 and 97.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Moi won in 1997 against combined GEMA.
There are many configurations to win in Kenya
Raila has sisyphian curse.
Everytime he comes very close
And instead of consolidating the gains (keeping friends, building trust and honouring promises)
He chooses to everytime dismantle his coalition
And starting from a fresh.
He missed 2007 by a whisker (stolen) - and was PM with half gov with Kibaki retiring - Uhuru/Ruto under ICC- there was no way a sane person could miss 2013
But his first business in 2008 was to go against Kalenjin nation in Mau forest
Like Mau forest was biggest burning issue.
It wasnt even in ODM manifesto.
ODM manifesto biggest agenda was to get regional majimbo parliamentary system
Moi rigged 1992 and 1997 as you very happily state taht Kibaki rigged 2007 even after Noway and Mankind posted overwhelming evidence that Kibaki had won fair and square. You see Pundit when your moass doesn't add up you claim rigging.let me tell you once your mathematics go wrong it doesn't mean everyone else is wrong. GEMA turnout is critical for Ruto and Raila being on the ballot is a sure bet for Rutos win.
People are so fatigued by endless drama and mlima people stay and wait camly fo 22 hapo ndio azimio itajua haijui.
Spent xnas with dad and he is a member of several groups and was telling me whenever he goes atleat 7-8 out of 10 is strongly pro Ruto him included. Actually baba risk a total washdown this time like 97.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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We have been in the political scene for along time.
Going back to 1992 Moi was losing the elections to Matiba until He had to play his cards well.
He sponsored Kibaki and divided FORD.
Why Im I saying this, You can never win elections in Kenya if GEMA is united . Raila unified them in 2007.
Ruto will win 2022 with the highest votes since independence.
Raila has been taken to a corner where he must run for financial reason. In 2002 he did a Tosha if he wants Ruto to lose like he did with Moi his only way is to tosha someone else. Otherwise 2022 is a done deal.
Its turning out to be 1997 election no ethusisam at all...
Its all about experience. Most importantly dont count your chicks before they hatch as luos are doing. Luos are only counting days certain baba is president fattened up by citizen,ntv and ktn.
But we lay low on 22 we strike,if gatheca does not rig Ruto takes it first round.

Offline Nowayhaha

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With what percentage did Moi win in both elections ?

Dude GEMA are at best 28 percent of the vote - out there is 72 percent; Moi won twice in 1992 and 1997 with barely any vote from big tribes including GEMA (zero kikuyu vote), just a few merus/embus in northern dry areas, zero luo vote, etc etc.

A smart candidate should be able to weave 50 percent.

Raila has come close to this in 3 elections - 2007 he was 43-45, 2013 43-45 and 2017 45 percent

Pretty close - just 5 percent - or maybe a million votes! He could have won it if he worked harder and smarter - if he kept friends - build on the last coalitions.

But everytime instead of consolidating these gains; he starts a fresh - his first business is to cannibalize his party and coalition - to make new enemies from guys who assisted him - looking for new magic and friends. Instead of keep the 45 percent - and meticolously working on 5 percent - surely how hard is it add 5 percent in 5yrs? A few Key voter winners - maybe 2 small tribe kingpins - spend billions on them - voila - home dry.

Now as we approach 2022 - with six months to election - he is trying to amend political parties act - to anchor Azimio. Ruto folks have put 78 hurdles - until Mbadi had to bite an MP in frustration :) - after jumping those 78 hurdles - the bill still has to go senate - for public participation of 3 weeks - then Murkomen and company will enact 78 hurdles - Orengo will bite Cheriuyot in frustration - then if it passes - court will put in abeyance. By march or april - it will be null and void - because old political parties envisage 3 months coalition - and it will have left a bad taste in the mouth of kenyans - because they will see BBIsque attempt to rail road a election related law.

What kind of unpreparedness is this? This man has had 30yrs if not 60yrs to plan for election.

BBI the same - wasted 4yrs collecting views - instead of getting to work with referendum as early as 2018.

Raila and his supporters I have told them to get their notebook out and watch Ruto win PORK in his maiden run.

PORK haitangi michezo. No room for errors. No room for people not ready to throw billions. No room for cowards. No room for lazybones. Unless you come from big GEMA...for a Moi to have won 92 and was NOT A JOKE.

Moi incredible victory was built almost on the back on little small tribes...against rejection by all big tribes, international community, collapsed economy under heavy sanctions and even jesus :)

Ruto understudied Moi - and he took very many vital lessons.

First lesson - have BILLIONS - I mean literally build a war chest of money in your bedroom. Just dig your bedroom - and bury as much cash as you possible - you will need to oil so many people. Giving out 20M per day - as you approach election is part of the game - gather as much money as you can get - otherwise nobody loves you without money.

Lesson no 2 - have topnotch intelligence - know everything your opponent is planning - what he ate for lunch - who he called - counter intelligence is key - political intrigues is the game - pretend to be nice humble christian - float like butterfly - but stink like a bee - when you get a little window - go for the kill. You can only be ahead by knowing your enemy inside out. Reconnaissance is key. This is a very old Kalenjin tactic - Kalenjin being a raiding community - studied their targets sometimes for even 3 months - until they knew everything - the attack unlike Maasai one was by small raiding party - sometimes 10 men - so it  had to be swift and well planned. The intelligence would monitor their targets for months - mostly hidding in trees - at night - daytime - until they knew everything - because the targets also had elaborate security, many kept cows in deep gorges with heavy fencing - and under watch. By the time the first nduru from victim is raised - you need to be 10 to 20kilometres away - because they will attempt to rescue the cows and cows dont run as fast - the same applies to politics - intelligence is everything.

Lesson no 3 - work hard - campaign hard - Moi by 70s had gone all over kenya - by 90s - he literally knew people by their village names.

RV, in 1997 Kiambu Muranga Nyandarua and Nairobi didnt come out to vote and in Rift Valley there was voter supression.
Those counties used to look at Kibaki as a weakling. They named him General Kiguoya.
Even in 2003 substantial number of GEMA voted for Uhuru. They wete united in 2007 and from there hence forth have been an item.
Once Raila dissapears from the picture GEMA will be divided again.
2007 Weve discussed here many times. Tell me the ciunties Raila won I will tell you the counties Kibaki won.
I repeat to win Kenyan Presidecy you have to divide Mt Kenyans
There is a reason in 2002 Moi picked Uhuru apart from safeguarding wealth. Moi knows what happened in 92 and 97.

Offline RV Pundit

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Why ask stupid questions that you can google? Moi won 1992 - an improbable win by 36 percent - then 40 percent in 1997 - this was at back of total rejection by all the big tribes - scoring almost zero in Kikuyu, Luo, and amongst many big tribes - generally he won by assembling small tribes. It was not an easy win. Moi spend billions, worked day and night.

Elections in Kenya can be WON WITHOUT GEMA - Moi did it twice - Ruto would have done it without GEMA.

Raila won in 2007 - and even if you go with official election results; he had solid base of 43 percent - and only needed to gain 7 percent more to win PORK.

All he needed was simple. Keep Ruto very very happy. That was easy task. Ruto was clearly the ENGINE of ODM but Raila saw him as a threat - rather than just an ambitious politician.

If Raila has made Ruto the VP or DPM - Ruto was willing to sit out 2013 and 2017 - and now he would be inheriting power from Raila.

Raila had solid foundation in 2007 - tripartire agreement btw Luos, Luhyas (minus Bukusu) and Kalenjin.

To win 2013 - all that was needed was to bring Bukusu on board.

Now imagine Kalenjin, Luhya, and Luo - that is already 11+13+14 = that is almost 40 percent.

Now add MATUSA to the mix - and voila you're at 50 percent.
With what percentage did Moi win in both elections ?

Offline RV Pundit

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MOAS is very rigorous maths my friend. I got everything right in 2007 except for Kibaki numbers. That tell you it was rigged.
Got all subsequent MOAS very right.
For now - MOASS has factored a big drop in turn out in GEMA -
GEMA will drop turnout from 85 percent to 70 percent - that is almost 2 people - who voted in 2017 - not voting this time.
The signs from registration of voters is very clear.
Ruto with 70 percent of GEMA and 70 percent now at 48 percent.
He needs one of OKA principles to win by a whisker - and two principles to have rigging proof.
That reality as of now.
As for Raila - he is depending on Uhuru byzantine moves - if Uhuru pulls out - he is dead - if Kalonzo or maDVD or Weta pulls out he is dead.
Generally Raila need everyone on board.
And need to win almost 30 percent of GEMA - to just get Ruto level.
Moi rigged 1992 and 1997 as you very happily state taht Kibaki rigged 2007 even after Noway and Mankind posted overwhelming evidence that Kibaki had won fair and square. You see Pundit when your moass doesn't add up you claim rigging.let me tell you once your mathematics go wrong it doesn't mean everyone else is wrong. GEMA turnout is critical for Ruto and Raila being on the ballot is a sure bet for Rutos win.
People are so fatigued by endless drama and mlima people stay and wait camly fo 22 hapo ndio azimio itajua haijui.
Spent xnas with dad and he is a member of several groups and was telling me whenever he goes atleat 7-8 out of 10 is strongly pro Ruto him included. Actually baba risk a total washdown this time like 97.

Offline Nowayhaha

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What you are failing to say is that in 92 Kibaki and Matiba numbers were more than Mois. 
Fact is with the new threshold of 50%+1 You need GEMA to win elections or divide them to win elections.
Thats why you see Ruto and Raila courting GEMA

Why ask stupid questions that you can google? Moi won 1992 - an improbable win by 36 percent - then 40 percent in 1997 - this was at back of total rejection by all the big tribes - scoring almost zero in Kikuyu, Luo, and amongst many big tribes - generally he won by assembling small tribes. It was not an easy win. Moi spend billions, worked day and night.

Elections in Kenya can be WON WITHOUT GEMA - Moi did it twice - Ruto would have done it without GEMA.

Raila won in 2007 - and even if you go with official election results; he had solid base of 43 percent - and only needed to gain 7 percent more to win PORK.

All he needed was simple. Keep Ruto very very happy. That was easy task. Ruto was clearly the ENGINE of ODM but Raila saw him as a threat - rather than just an ambitious politician.

If Raila has made Ruto the VP or DPM - Ruto was willing to sit out 2013 and 2017 - and now he would be inheriting power from Raila.

Raila had solid foundation in 2007 - tripartire agreement btw Luos, Luhyas (minus Bukusu) and Kalenjin.

To win 2013 - all that was needed was to bring Bukusu on board.

Now imagine Kalenjin, Luhya, and Luo - that is already 11+13+14 = that is almost 40 percent.

Now add MATUSA to the mix - and voila you're at 50 percent.
With what percentage did Moi win in both elections ?

Offline Kichwa

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Re: My Dear Nyanza Friends No amount of Wishfull thinking Will Make Raila Win
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2022, 06:11:40 PM »
Everyone in a political race counts their chicken before it hatches-its called campaigning.  Nobody campaigns by saying- I leave it all to God.  Its amazing that Kale's can say Ruto is going to win, but the moment Luos say, RAO is going to win then, they are counting their chickens before they hatch.  Your hate for luo people is well documented and nobody listens to that nonsense.  Someone is going to be president and life will continue unabated. I just happen to believe that RAO is the Fith. Kwani iko nini.  Trying to demoralize luos has never worked.  Stolen elections have not done it, saying that a luo can never win has not done it, saying that Raila is cursed and will never win has not done it.  You will never demoralize luos with those cheap politics-Kumbafffffff.  When will a Meru be president?

We have been in the political scene for along time.
Going back to 1992 Moi was losing the elections to Matiba until He had to play his cards well.
He sponsored Kibaki and divided FORD.
Why Im I saying this, You can never win elections in Kenya if GEMA is united . Raila unified them in 2007.
Ruto will win 2022 with the highest votes since independence.
Raila has been taken to a corner where he must run for financial reason. In 2002 he did a Tosha if he wants Ruto to lose like he did with Moi his only way is to tosha someone else. Otherwise 2022 is a done deal.
Its turning out to be 1997 election no ethusisam at all...
Its all about experience. Most importantly dont count your chicks before they hatch as luos are doing. Luos are only counting days certain baba is president fattened up by citizen,ntv and ktn.
But we lay low on 22 we strike,if gatheca does not rig Ruto takes it first round.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: My Dear Nyanza Friends No amount of Wishfull thinking Will Make Raila Win
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2022, 08:34:41 PM »
Well Pundit baba Moi rigged in 92 and 97. As for 2007,Mankind and Noway provided figures that you couldn't contest or debunk with your mursik Moas.Provide Moas figures for 92 and 97 as Noways says.
 Like i repeat myself if you get your maths wrong it doesn't mean everyone else got theirs wrong bana.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: My Dear Nyanza Friends No amount of Wishfull thinking Will Make Raila Win
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2022, 09:23:08 PM »
Every elections has its dynamic.its foolish to say that combined gema at 28 percent when they turn up well or 25 percent like it's looking is a must win.There are 72 percent out there meaning you can win with zero gema or kalenjin or winning everywhere's easy to win with gema no doubt but no impossible.1992 moi divided gema.1997 he increased his votes beating kibaki with combined gema.Raila has come so close but he just lacks the finishing..he will likely score 40 plus if backed by kalonzo..Don't take Raila strategic and tactical blunders to inflate the importance of gema.Ruto has dismantle gema political machinery to the extend they have no option..but say Ruto tosha...that is Moisque political brilliance.Things are made to happen.They just don't happen.its has costed billions and lots of hardwork to make happen and looks so easy...but it not easy to become pork... especially if you don't have gema like headstart.If Ruto had sat there waiting for gema to repay him kalonzo style he would dead...if he had only relied on gema..then they do the 70 percent and low turnout..he would also be dead..but Ruto like moi has attempted to build a national coalition..these cost money and time..while staying ahead of gema elite that has tried to pull the usual betrayal inciting a class divide and empowering new class of gema elite.Just staying there sucking thumbs like kalonzo did in kibaki Nara leads to tears...or being led to kraal like Raila or worse falling to propaganda by allowing the gema elite to easily cast you as evil..Moi was brilliant but had power..Ruto is twice as brilliant