Author Topic: Woe Bygone?  (Read 834 times)

Offline Omollo

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Woe Bygone?
« on: November 24, 2021, 07:18:38 AM »
In 2002, KANU Organizing Secretary & then minister for Interior William Ruto threatened to bar Secretary General & Rainbow Coalition Rebel from KICC KANU headquarters. Raila protested...

Twenty years later, Raphael Tuju - Jubilee Secretary General  bars William Ruto from accessing the party offices.  Ruto protested...
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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Re: Woe Bygone?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2021, 07:48:38 AM »
In the late 80s, the Zambian state under Kaunda accused Fredrick Chiluba of massive looting of trade unions. It rightly believed he was building a campaign chest to get into politics but didn't think he'd aim at the presidency. Chiluba spent a few days to weeks behind bars.

In 1990, he beat Kaunda at the polls and became president. Chiluba was set on revenge. He got it after he accused Kaunda of stealing state resources to construct his private house. He seized the house and threw Kaunda in prison.

It didn't help that the likes of Moi called him to advise that he can harass Kaunda's followers but protect mzee. Nyerere left retirement to visit Kaunda and Mandela, Obasanjo etc all called Chiluba to urge him to release Kaunda so Nyerere doesn't see him in a cell. He refused and infact ordered both Kaunda and his visitors =read Nyerere) be behind lock and key during visits! Such hubris had never been seen.

Kaunda never a coward explained that the midget thinks locking a giant will earn him a few extra inches of height & laughed it off from his prison.

Remember the constitution protected former presidents from arrest without parliamentary authorization.

8 years later after rigging an election, Chiluba stared at the end of his kleptocracy. He tried an Uhuru to get a 3rd term but failed. He opted to install a stooge years before Kabila and Uhuru. He got Mwanawasa.

But as it is well known - you can't get a good stooge these days! They get drunk on power & advisers tell them they don't look well as stooges. The stooges (now former stooges) then tear to pieces a perfectly good secret MoU and other secret understandings between them and puppet masters.

Mwanawasa was no different. But the worst was yet to come:

He raised corruption charges against Chiluba. He then personally addressed parliament seeking the lifting of Chiluba's immunity from arrest and prosecution. He had an easy job. The opposition had always demanded that. I think a unanimous parliament lifted the Midget's immunity in minutes. Before the sun set, Chiluba was back in his old cell! Writing a new "Chiluba was here" using fecal matter

But he wasn't made of steel like Kaunda. Chiluba cried real tears. He decried the violation  of his rights. He questioned why his immunity had been lifted yet he never lifted Kaunda's.

Journalists went from the wailing cell to ask Kaunda about it. Kaunda had one response: yes he never lifted my immunity. But ask him what did it prevent him from doing to me? Did it stop my arrest or imprisonment or appearance before a kangaroo court?

Fredrick Chiluba was a lucky man. He escaped it all when he died leaving Kaunda to enjoy Elder statesmanship.  Nobody in Zambia believes Kaunda stole. Everyone in Zambia knows Chiluba was a thief!

Woe bygone

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread