Author Topic: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto  (Read 2061 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« on: October 15, 2021, 07:41:22 PM »
This kazi and bodaboda sound Hustler...Ruto hired Matiangi before he grew too big literally.Raila has to be careful ..Ile kichapo anachapwa inafanya exercises .My simple excel can tell me Ruto is unbeatable what about people with access to intelligence and polling..the presence of Uda diehards in meetings is another give way

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2021, 09:16:33 PM »

Would rather these tribal parties they suppor Raila and compete with UDA in such areas. Ruto will get his fair share and UDA will win majority of the seats due to dividing of the votes.
This kazi and bodaboda sound Hustler...Ruto hired Matiangi before he grew too big literally.Raila has to be careful ..Ile kichapo anachapwa inafanya exercises .My simple excel can tell me Ruto is unbeatable what about people with access to intelligence and polling..the presence of Uda diehards in meetings is another give way

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2021, 09:18:35 PM »
You talk Ruto..I don't.Terro him.What I know political animals are double faced.Matiangi and Uhuru have created wealth the last 5yrs..their biggest interest is protecting it..they will sign a pact with the devil

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2021, 09:26:42 PM »

He will never sign any deal with Matiangi , Kibichos and the like. They made their bed they will lay in it. Uhuru ,Raila ,Moi ,Mudavadi ,Kalonzo are career politicians .They play politics and these are people who know each other for more than 20 years have negotiated together and basically are one and the same people.
Ruto and Uhuru having gone through ICC together its just a matter of when they swallow their pride and will sit on the same table and even things out.
You talk Ruto..I don't.Terro him.What I know political animals are double faced.Matiangi and Uhuru have created wealth the last 5yrs..their biggest interest is protecting it..they will sign a pact with the devil

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2021, 10:02:46 PM »
Kibicho is blossom friend to kanyottu illegitimate child ngirichis.. nowadays..I don't know if it's to give Uhuru warm welcome come mashujaa but I think I have heard both murkomen n someone say that people are talking.. telling kalenjin that behind scenes people are singing.I would be worried if I was Raila .Real business start in may and April...hii ingine ni sarakasi..the day iebc announce the deadline hapo ni kufa conductor na driver.Drama Iko mingi coming months.Some wants to be forgiven and forgotten..some wants positions.just like delamere invited jomo for forgive and forget in know when it's over before it's over..even moi negotiated with kibaki once project Uhuru drunk water but fala wengine believed Uhuru to the last minute

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2021, 10:32:36 PM »
If Kibicho proves his worth in politics then he can get an ear. Otherwise atakula cha mtemakuu . There is a difference between politicking and undermining .One is a game and the other is personal.
Kibicho will just go back to JKUAT another good example of academics failing in the real world.
And Ngirichi is not Kanyotus child but someone he used to amass wealth , What is known as Wash wash guys these days.

Kibicho is blossom friend to kanyottu illegitimate child ngirichis.. nowadays..I don't know if it's to give Uhuru warm welcome come mashujaa but I think I have heard both murkomen n someone say that people are talking.. telling kalenjin that behind scenes people are singing.I would be worried if I was Raila .Real business start in may and April...hii ingine ni sarakasi..the day iebc announce the deadline hapo ni kufa conductor na driver.Drama Iko mingi coming months.Some wants to be forgiven and forgotten..some wants positions.just like delamere invited jomo for forgive and forget in know when it's over before it's over..even moi negotiated with kibaki once project Uhuru drunk water but fala wengine believed Uhuru to the last minute

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2021, 10:20:09 AM »
He is probably negotiating not to go to jail; everyone knows he is grown wealthy from grand corruption together with matiangi. Many of them have come to realize Uhuru used them and could cut a deal for himself...just like Moi did with Kibaki...leaving everyone else vulnerable.
If Kibicho proves his worth in politics then he can get an ear. Otherwise atakula cha mtemakuu . There is a difference between politicking and undermining .One is a game and the other is personal.
Kibicho will just go back to JKUAT another good example of academics failing in the real world.
And Ngirichi is not Kanyotus child but someone he used to amass wealth , What is known as Wash wash guys these days.

Kibicho is blossom friend to kanyottu illegitimate child ngirichis.. nowadays..I don't know if it's to give Uhuru warm welcome come mashujaa but I think I have heard both murkomen n someone say that people are talking.. telling kalenjin that behind scenes people are singing.I would be worried if I was Raila .Real business start in may and April...hii ingine ni sarakasi..the day iebc announce the deadline hapo ni kufa conductor na driver.Drama Iko mingi coming months.Some wants to be forgiven and forgotten..some wants positions.just like delamere invited jomo for forgive and forget in know when it's over before it's over..even moi negotiated with kibaki once project Uhuru drunk water but fala wengine believed Uhuru to the last minute

Offline vooke

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2021, 09:18:42 AM »
Matiangi is no thief as such and if he is, his tribe will insulate him from any backlash under Ruto State House.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2021, 09:37:36 AM »
He is a thief and he has no political cover as gusii is a small tribe.
Matiangi is no thief as such and if he is, his tribe will insulate him from any backlash under Ruto State House.

Offline vooke

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2021, 01:06:29 PM »
Then he must be dead sure Ruto will NEVER be president. This is more than belief but certainty at least as far as he and deep state are concerned. How they keep him off the ballot is still a mystery

He is a thief and he has no political cover as gusii is a small tribe.
Matiangi is no thief as such and if he is, his tribe will insulate him from any backlash under Ruto State House.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2021, 01:21:06 PM »
Power is taken...never given..Ruto is not asking for power..he is taking by sheer force.The only way to stop him is through the ballot but time is running out.

If you're thinking some deep state and system will be able to rig - then think again. The election will be hard to rig due to all the reforms over the years in IEBC. Now what will Matiangi do? Send police to block Ruto public rallies?

Deep state and so called system if they want to beat Ruto - they have to out-talk/campaign ruto - they have to united all players against Ruto - they have to outspend Ruto - and they have to be better organized than Ruto.

So far evidence points that Ruto is leading in almost all fronts - except maybe in Mass Media. But social media has already overtaken mass media - that is how Trump and Obama won in the US.

In short, I do not see what miracle the deep states will perform, sort of re-uniting NASA, undoing all Ruto gains in NASA strongholds - that should take Raila to 45 percent - then working hard in GEMA to get 5 percent ( that will about 20 percent of GEMA) - that should make for 50:50 with Ruto.

Now for Deep State to give Raila a 50 percent chance.

1) Raila uniting with OKA principles is easier said that done - If kambas do not play ball - and look likely - as broke Kalonzo cannot stand alone without Muthama money - then project Raila is dead as DODO. Uhuru tried but seem he has given up on uniting OKA.

If any of big OKA guys back Ruto - it ends before we proceed to next step. Ukambani is critical - 10 percent - and already Ruto seem to be going away huge chunk of it.

2) Undo Ruto gains former NASA area - in MATUSA+COAST+Other areas -  I think in Gusii - Matiangi might be able to deliver if they combine forces with Raila something like 60-70 percent - other areas I think are lost causes.

3) Finally deliver at least 20-30 percent of GEMA.

All that is enough to give Raila 50 against Ruto 50; That is the mountain they need to climb just be equal to Ruto.

For Ruto he just need 70 percent of GEMA and to retain the Jubilee zones - and he nicks it with 50 percent. If he increase in NASA strongholds and loses 30 percent of GEMA - he still wins by about 55 percent. For every potential GEMA vote he loses; he is gaining in Non-GEMA.

If he sign in one of the OKA principles - he moves to 60 percent (min - Wetangula) and upto 65 percent (Kaloi).

Offline vooke

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2021, 01:44:10 PM »
This is not about your Ruto invincibility beliefs but Matiangi. Do they know something we don't, or are they plain blind to your beliefs?

Power is taken...never given..Ruto is not asking for power..he is taking by sheer force.The only way to stop him is through the ballot but time is running out.

If you're thinking some deep state and system will be able to rig - then think again. The election will be hard to rig due to all the reforms over the years in IEBC. Now what will Matiangi do? Send police to block Ruto public rallies?

Deep state and so called system if they want to beat Ruto - they have to out-talk/campaign ruto - they have to united all players against Ruto - they have to outspend Ruto - and they have to be better organized than Ruto.

So far evidence points that Ruto is leading in almost all fronts - except maybe in Mass Media. But social media has already overtaken mass media - that is how Trump and Obama won in the US.

In short, I do not see what miracle the deep states will perform, sort of re-uniting NASA, undoing all Ruto gains in NASA strongholds - that should take Raila to 45 percent - then working hard in GEMA to get 5 percent ( that will about 20 percent of GEMA) - that should make for 50:50 with Ruto.

Now for Deep State to give Raila a 50 percent chance.

1) Raila uniting with OKA principles is easier said that done - If kambas do not play ball - and look likely - as broke Kalonzo cannot stand alone without Muthama money - then project Raila is dead as DODO. Uhuru tried but seem he has given up on uniting OKA.

If any of big OKA guys back Ruto - it ends before we proceed to next step. Ukambani is critical - 10 percent - and already Ruto seem to be going away huge chunk of it.

2) Undo Ruto gains - in MATUSA+COAST+Other areas -  I think in Gusii - Matiangi might be able to deliver if they combine forces with Raila something like 60-70 percent - other areas I think are lost causes.

3) Finally deliver at least 20-30 percent of GEMA.

2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2021, 01:52:03 PM »
What do you think Matiangi knows that you dont?

Maybe he has access to NSIS briefs - that ultimately should tell him Ruto is unbeatable.

Otherwise if anybody has access to excel - and basic knowledge of tribal maths - and keen eye - you can easily tell Ruto is leading by far.

Now Matiangi and company initially thought they were ready - for prime time - but seem they are now afraid to enter political arena.

They know worse case for them - hostile Ruto wins and 2) best case scenario - is a slightly less hostile Raila win  - Once Raila or Ruto is in power - they will be fired by either of them. Hiyo ni basic political knowledge.

So at this point knowing R or R will win - Matiangi if he is smart - will try to negotiate with both - for JAIL FREE CARD = nothing more - he aint getting power.

This is not about your Ruto invincibility beliefs but Matiangi. Do they know something we don't, or are they plain blind to your beliefs?

Offline vooke

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2021, 08:27:09 PM »
The fact that he is least interested in making peace with Ruto tells me all; they KNOW Ruto will be stopped before he arrives at the ballot

What do you think Matiangi knows that you dont?

Maybe he has access to NSIS briefs - that ultimately should tell him Ruto is unbeatable.

Otherwise if anybody has access to excel - and basic knowledge of tribal maths - and keen eye - you can easily tell Ruto is leading by far.

Now Matiangi and company initially thought they were ready - for prime time - but seem they are now afraid to enter political arena.

They know worse case for them - hostile Ruto wins and 2) best case scenario - is a slightly less hostile Raila win  - Once Raila or Ruto is in power - they will be fired by either of them. Hiyo ni basic political knowledge.

So at this point knowing R or R will win - Matiangi if he is smart - will try to negotiate with both - for JAIL FREE CARD = nothing more - he aint getting power.

This is not about your Ruto invincibility beliefs but Matiangi. Do they know something we don't, or are they plain blind to your beliefs?
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Is matiangi secretly talking to Ruto
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2021, 08:34:33 PM »
Stopped how? By a bullet maybe. Otherwise if Ruto run while indicted by ICC what makes you think anybody can bankrupt Ruto or make him run mad or jail him for six months, exhaust all appeals and reviews.

Some desperation really is laughable.

Ruto can only be stopped by assisination or natural death.

The fact that he is least interested in making peace with Ruto tells me all; they KNOW Ruto will be stopped before he arrives at the ballot