Author Topic: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA  (Read 2745 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« on: September 22, 2021, 03:17:18 PM »
Will she? I think she should - battle in UDA nomination - then if she fails - she can run as independent.

Offline patel

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2021, 03:22:06 PM »
I hope this will be the end of Waiguru short political career and a beginning of long legal battle on corruption. The woman is a thief.period

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2021, 03:25:21 PM »

Nope UDA should never allow such. She supported Raila and BBI . An opportunist . Let her run on ODM ,Kibicho on Jubilee  Ngirici on UDA and Martha with NARC Kenya.
Martha will win this one . All she needs to do is avoid Raila.

Will she? I think she should - battle in UDA nomination - then if she fails - she can run as independent.

Offline GeeMail

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2021, 03:42:13 PM »
She qualifies by the common virtue that connects UDA heavyweights. Sits her in the high table.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline vooke

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2021, 03:52:52 PM »
UDA's unparalleled forays into Mount Kenya is dizzying.

Only obstacle is deep state determination to stop Ruto from showing up on the ballot and possibly some implosion following primaries.  Else SH is all his
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2021, 04:06:17 PM »
What will you use to block her from joining UDA? UDA ni ya kila mtu. She will join and participate. Ngirici had better beat her otherwise Ruto will appoint Ngirici to cabinet.

Expect many people to join UDA - and I dont think RUto will be able to rig nomination.

Knowing Ruto from his days in ODM, URP and Jubilee - he wont rig for you.  If he rigs - he knows the ground will go hostile.

So like in 2017 - expect people like Alfred Keter to walk to UDA the last minute - pick their membership card - and triumph :)

Nope UDA should never allow such. She supported Raila and BBI . An opportunist . Let her run on ODM ,Kibicho on Jubilee  Ngirici on UDA and Martha with NARC Kenya.
Martha will win this one . All she needs to do is avoid Raila.

Will she? I think she should - battle in UDA nomination - then if she fails - she can run as independent.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2021, 04:08:19 PM »
Unless deep state plan to murder Ruto - there is nothing they can do to stop UDA and Ruto now.

These guys have had almost 4-5yrs now - with nothing to show - it's not for lack of trying - they have thrown everything - dci, kra, dpp, eacc, money, threats,ara, bbi, oka, matiangi, funding all crazy ideas, daily propaganda, kiambaa, mutahi ngunyi, name it.

we are doing a countdown into 10 months now.

UDA's unparalleled forays into Mount Kenya is dizzying.

Only obstacle is deep state determination to stop Ruto from showing up on the ballot and possibly some implosion following primaries.  Else SH is all his

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2021, 11:33:06 AM »
The people spoke long ago but people kept asking which ground?

Seems ufool is ready to go with raila's skunk al the way.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2021, 02:14:55 PM »
Ufool family has the most to lose in a hostile gov - he will reconcile with Ruto - assuming this is not some high level game. Mama ngina will drag him and Gideon screaming to Ruto and they will buy a million wheelbarrows - for 10k each.
The people spoke long ago but people kept asking which ground?

Seems ufool is ready to go with raila's skunk al the way.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2021, 05:39:43 AM »

The same tactic used against Koegeis Sally and Henry and Frank Bett in 2013 will be used. Unlike Alfred Keter who was did not join Raila but was fighting Ruto snd Uhuro being financed by Kalenjin Oligarchy . Any one who joined hands with Raila read it right Raila will be kept at bay from UDA by voters .Voters always talk and the talk will reach Waiguru. Now for those who stuck with Uhuru but did not associate with Raila can move to UDA and win.

What will you use to block her from joining UDA? UDA ni ya kila mtu. She will join and participate. Ngirici had better beat her otherwise Ruto will appoint Ngirici to cabinet.

Expect many people to join UDA - and I dont think RUto will be able to rig nomination.

Knowing Ruto from his days in ODM, URP and Jubilee - he wont rig for you.  If he rigs - he knows the ground will go hostile.

So like in 2017 - expect people like Alfred Keter to walk to UDA the last minute - pick their membership card - and triumph :)

Nope UDA should never allow such. She supported Raila and BBI . An opportunist . Let her run on ODM ,Kibicho on Jubilee  Ngirici on UDA and Martha with NARC Kenya.
Martha will win this one . All she needs to do is avoid Raila.

Will she? I think she should - battle in UDA nomination - then if she fails - she can run as independent.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2021, 06:13:35 AM »
Uda members will decide in nominations.The rest are details.Joyce laboso stayed with Raila until three months she won in 2013 and became jubilee deputy speaker.Bora uko na ground game... Alfred keteris not easy to remove because he works well with cdf.You can be very close to Ruto but without development won't make it.As long as you defect before the window..

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2021, 06:29:57 AM »
From what I am gathering Waiguru is very unpopular and will lose no matter which party she goes to. She too arrogant to be able to work with anyone. Waiguru can't do politics. She is a toxic bitch. Belongs in places like treasury where team work is not necessary and. She has messed Healthcare so bad and people in kirinyaga know they goofed big time to have remove the former governor for her. Her record is terrible

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2021, 06:46:47 AM »
Yeah she has been an epic failure - impeached but saved by Uhuru and Raila. Look like the battle is btw Ngirici and martha.
From what I am gathering Waiguru is very unpopular and will lose no matter which party she goes to. She too arrogant to be able to work with anyone. Waiguru can't do politics. She is a toxic bitch. Belongs in places like treasury where team work is not necessary and. She has messed Healthcare so bad and people in kirinyaga know they goofed big time to have remove the former governor for her. Her record is terrible

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2021, 11:32:36 AM »

Voters can identify what is happening and reward or punish uou in elections.
Charles Keter has stayed with Uhuru but come 2022 elections he still will win .
Staying and fighting for are very different . Like Kutunny has fought Ruto and openly supported Raila and BBI for that he will be kicked mercilessy come Aug 2022. Waiguru is in this lane.

Uda members will decide in nominations.The rest are details.Joyce laboso stayed with Raila until three months she won in 2013 and became jubilee deputy speaker.Bora uko na ground game... Alfred keteris not easy to remove because he works well with cdf.You can be very close to Ruto but without development won't make it.As long as you defect before the window..

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Wananchi are now the bosses - Waiguru told to join UDA
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2021, 12:09:13 PM »
I am talking about Alfred Keter - who is not afraid to call Ruto a thief. Keter is like me - we do not respect nothing but the truth :)
Alfred keter is very popular in the ground because he is always on the ground, and is very fair.
He can only lose if he doesnt join UDA.

He will join UDA and win again. Then he will speak his mind - calling Ruto names if he wants.

Ruto cannot rig him out.  It why Kalenjin trust Ruto. They know he is not MOI - interfering with local elections or Raila with ODM shenagians.

It's not in Ruto DNA to rig.
Many Ruto folks normally get beaten in RV - because Ruto doesnt interfere with local politics..
But people still blame Ruto when they lose.
I expect some rebels to make it back - Mtu kama the idiot Chepkut :) will make it back. If you're with people on the ground - they will re-elect you.

There is a big shocker awaiting many Mt Kenya Mps - when UDA will conduct free and fair nomination - and they will find themselves out.

Support Ruto like Ndidi Nyoro - and do you homework kwa ground.

Voters can identify what is happening and reward or punish uou in elections.
Charles Keter has stayed with Uhuru but come 2022 elections he still will win .
Staying and fighting for are very different . Like Kutunny has fought Ruto and openly supported Raila and BBI for that he will be kicked mercilessy come Aug 2022. Waiguru is in this lane.+