Author Topic: Kenya black original dynasties - was like the like Biwotts and Tirens  (Read 1381 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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I was following the funeral of the late Tiren wife -  one of tiren grandkid is my friend - and there are few families around Eldoret who grew up in wealth as early as 1940s.The kaburus (Boers) unlike other Wazungu empowered Africans. Tiren and Biwott father owned cars as early  as 1945. There are among elite uasin gishu families who owned 3,000 acres plus of farm land.

By that time Jomo and his group were very poor.

Of all the elites - Biwott did not know poverty. By 1952 - Biwott father had been granted permission to keep kikuyu workers - during Mau Mau emergency - then owning many farms.

By 1956 - the Tirens were hosting queen Elizabeth.

Most successful at Tambach were Kite
Tiren and Salim Chepkeitanv. According to Huxley, the former
is described as a successful and efficient farmer and trader.
She avers that:
Arap Tiren is a Samuel Smiles hero, African
style.... Everyone of Arap Tiren's paddocks
is neatly fenced and watered, and he is
building himself a stone dairy and cowshed.
Around a yard are grouped the farm buildings
of which the most important is a store holding
... 700 bags of wheat worth pound 1,700....
He was born on a European farm on the Uasin
Gishu plateau and became a chicken-bov to his
employer, Mr. Wright, whose son Alec was about
the same age.... In due course Alec Wright
inherited the farm and Arap Tiren, with saved
money, decided to start on his own.... Now he
is something of an entrepreneur. He has
several beer shops, little stores dotted about
in most of the townships in Elgeyo, a petrol
station in the nearby village, and a mail
contract between Tambach . . v and various local
chiefs and trading centres/0
It seems from the above that Tiren's entrepreneurial
initiative and capital came from the experiences obtained
while working in the settler farms. Tiren employed his sons
as managers of his businesses and acted a model for other
emerging Keiyo entrepreneurs. He is credited to have been the

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenya black original dynasties - was like the like Biwotts and Tirens
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2021, 11:08:43 PM »
He is credited to have been the
enterprising Keiyo named Chepkon'ga had by 1928 accumulated
enough funds to purchase a lorry. Oral evidence indicates
that Chepkonga was the first Keiyo to own a lorry.24 His
transport business included ferrying labourers from as far as
Baringo and other parts of Keiyo to settler farms. In
addition, the lorry was used for transporting farm produce
like maize, potatoes, pyrethrum and wheat to train terminals
at Kaptagat, Kipkabus or Eldoret stations.2

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenya black original dynasties - was like the like Biwotts and Tirens
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2021, 11:18:06 PM »
Biwott father
His contemporaries in the transport business included, among others, Kite Tiren and Joel Chebor. This was an active generation of go-ahead Kenyans who matched to some extent the local Europeans for business acumen.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenya black original dynasties - was like the like Biwotts and Tirens
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2021, 11:25:48 PM »
The Tirens, Kibors, Chirchirs, Chemwenos, Katams and amongst other owning 3,000 acres did not wait for British money to acquire farmland like Kenyatta and his corrupt elite. They farmed as good as the Boer and traded as far as congo - got enough money to buy huge land cash.

What helped is that Kaburu=Boer - who settled in Eldoret - had no colonial hangup or overt racism - having lived with africans for centuries - and made friends with Africans - unlike the British farmers like Delmare and Egerton - who were mainly upper class British - who had a dim view of Africans.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Kenya black original dynasties - was like the like Biwotts and Tirens
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2021, 07:07:08 AM »
You seem to have extra idle time nowadays. No amount of rewriting history can erase fact that Nkalenjini need to work harder and avoid state handouts. The 2 you mentioned are just a trickle in the sand where kalenjin masses wait for handouts. In brief get off the couch and go work

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenya black original dynasties - was like the like Biwotts and Tirens
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2021, 07:23:01 AM »
Sasa handout imetoka wapi? It's like you're jealous of Kalenjin because soon you'll be our farm hand after you're done working for Njamba.

Moi was last in power 20yrs ago - na bado unalia - ohoo Moi did not help us.

You seem to have extra idle time nowadays. No amount of rewriting history can erase fact that Nkalenjini need to work harder and avoid state handouts. The 2 you mentioned are just a trickle in the sand where kalenjin masses wait for handouts. In brief get off the couch and go work

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Kenya black original dynasties - was like the like Biwotts and Tirens
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2021, 07:46:04 AM »
Where have I mentioned Moi,Moi left you guys with a legacy and Pundit the problem is you trying too hard to prove nkalenjini are self made but obviously the opposite is true.
Where are those dynasties today? do they still maintain the huge tracts of land or the offsprings blew up the wealth. I would be interested to know what companies that have created employment for hustlers have come out of them,
About farm hands,you have lost y
our lands to farm hands mogusii,okuyu,mbaluja among others that came dirt poor to RV but because you guys were happy go lucky you sold your land to them and now they are your overlords
I bet pundit kisiis own most land in your area.
What is average living standard  of a typical native in nkalenjin land Pundit??

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenya black original dynasties - was like the like Biwotts and Tirens
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2021, 07:56:11 AM »
Let me help; Only Nandis sell land to non-kalenjin; the rest of Kalenjin do not. Kipsigis will never sell their land to non-kipsigis; it almost impossible. Keiyos, name it, do not. The other land was kenyattas awarding his friends historically kalenjin land...but that is water under the bridge.And of course large farm holding still exists but mostly Nandis are the ones selling and drinking with the money.

In fact the reason you see Gusii aggresively looking for land in Nairobi and elsewhere is because Kipsigis has never allowed an inch of their land to be land hungry they can only expand outside in Nairobi, Nakuru, Eldoret and Kisumu towns. But baluhyas are expanding into Nandi/uasin gishu/transzoia.

Kalenjin have done well farming wise - coming from pastoral background - with disdain for manual labour.

Most of you bantus have farmed all your entire centuries of existing - yet you're not excellent farmers now. You havent improved anything.

Where have I mentioned Moi,Moi left you guys with a legacy and Pundit the problem is you trying too hard to prove nkalenjini are self made but obviously the opposite is true.
Where are those dynasties today? do they still maintain the huge tracts of land or the offsprings blew up the wealth. I would be interested to know what companies that have created employment for hustlers have come out of them,
About farm hands,you have lost y
our lands to farm hands mogusii,okuyu,mbaluja among others that came dirt poor to RV but because you guys were happy go lucky you sold your land to them and now they are your overlords
I bet pundit kisiis own most land in your area.
What is average living standard  of a typical native in nkalenjin land Pundit??

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Re: Kenya black original dynasties - was like the like Biwotts and Tirens
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2021, 10:18:54 AM »
They stole land from neighbours who were resisting. Or how comes Koitalel Samoei family is not the biggest land owners but these mzungu in black masks?
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Offline Kadudu

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Re: Kenya black original dynasties - was like the like Biwotts and Tirens
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2021, 10:54:40 AM »
So if Nicholas Biwott was a dynasty, where did his lust for wealth come from? To me he was like a hustler who landed a fortune and did not want to go back to where he came from.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenya black original dynasties - was like the like Biwotts and Tirens
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2021, 11:21:01 AM »
Biwott knew how to do business; having done business with his father; This skill Moi and many lacked; And that is where he came help Moi with business fronts while Moi's was a vice president. I think it was recommendation from Matiba or Nyachae to Moi...while Biwott worked under one of them.

When you're in enterprenuer like Biwott father - you just want to accumulate and accumulate wealth.

Jaramogi I think also was in business...before joining politics...although like his was cooperative business where he got money from Luos...Luo thrify association or something.

So if Nicholas Biwott was a dynasty, where did his lust for wealth come from? To me he was like a hustler who landed a fortune and did not want to go back to where he came from.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenya black original dynasties - was like the like Biwotts and Tirens
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2021, 11:28:14 AM »
They didnt own land in native home counties..but in white highlands.

In the native land or was almost impossible to own large land size because it was community land and mzungu had left just about enough native reserve for Africans to survive.

So the likes of Kibor or Tiren or Biwott father did business - and were able to buy large pieces of farm.  They are maybe 10 such large farms of 3,000 acres and then couple with more than 1,000s. The Koisitany is one such dynasty.

The likes of Kenyattas, Mois, and Nyachae...simply used their position in allocate themselves land using gov loans. In Eldoret Chesire is one such who got large farm due to political connection. Mark Too acquired EATEC land. And such new purchases like WSR.

The rest of Africans without political connection...had to do with 20 - max 40 acres - given out as loans.

They stole land from neighbours who were resisting. Or how comes Koitalel Samoei family is not the biggest land owners but these mzungu in black masks?