Stima was Nyachae invention. Nyachae was also a effective go-getter. It would be dishonest to attribute Jubilee with electricity. They found something already working.
Yes the last mile accelerated it - but big change came during Nyachae tenure - by allowing private contractors to work on new connection - and unlocking it from KPLC monopoly. The private contractors are therefore able to connect faster - otherwise KPLC would be dealing with usual backlog and lethargy - and we would be where uganda are.
Jubilee simply accelerated it...with loan from world bank to subsidize connection.
Michuki, Nyachae and Ruto are few public officials who can make gov works - you need to be forceful and problem solver - as problem in implementation will arise - you have to solve them as soon as possible - otherwise it become the usual it been that way - we are poor - nothing can be done.
You need a Michael Joseph of Safaricom or James Mwangi in the public sector - someone who wont accept status quo and will push lethargic public sector to perform.
Ruto will be greatest PORK because he posses more skills than say Nyachae or Michuki - or Matiangi. He posses critical political skills - so you cannot be effective if you're just Matiangi (forceful) - you need to be very good in politics - because it mix of politics and policies.
Also Moi was good but an idiot - education and IQ was the problem.
But bottomline - Ruto is kind of leader who will be in office from 5 am till late - if need be - making things work.