Author Topic: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown  (Read 9931 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« on: August 17, 2021, 10:05:00 PM »
The day Ruto single handily destroyed BBI. The video has 1m views. Ruto brilliance and delivery are on another level. His courage and bravery amidst all the noise from BBI crew is truly admirable.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2021, 10:11:20 PM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2021, 10:12:35 PM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2021, 10:21:42 PM »
Prof Joel Ngugi and rest - will go down in legal history if their powerful and persuasive ruling is upheld. Their judgement will become a classic in commnwealth.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2021, 10:22:46 PM »
Unsung hero Isaac Alochier from Migori - like Omtataha are people who should be winning Burning Spear - not Githeri Man or Alai - for promoting democracy and rule of law.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2021, 01:20:26 PM »

Offline Pragmatic

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2021, 04:02:46 PM »
My sense is that they have Intel to the effect that the Appeals Court has sustained the High Court ruling albeit with tiding up some loose ends and inconsistencies.

Time for Baba to let it go and focus fully on 2022; after all BBI was infiltrated and adulterated with vested interests and personal agenda much outside Baba's original desire.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2021, 08:14:29 PM »
Yes, BBI has drunk water. 2022 and COVID-19. Ruto was smart to start campaigning in 2018.
My sense is that they have Intel to the effect that the Appeals Court has sustained the High Court ruling albeit with tiding up some loose ends and inconsistencies.

Time for Baba to let it go and focus fully on 2022; after all BBI was infiltrated and adulterated with vested interests and personal agenda much outside Baba's original desire.

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2021, 10:16:42 AM »
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2021, 10:41:46 AM »
Basic structure is foundation.
If it fails; then BBI can be salvaged;
If it sustained; it indeed become very difficult to ammend katiba.
But that was what kenya wanted in 2010 anyway.
They did not want something easy to ammend.
After the last one was ammended.

To ammend the katiba - it has to be a single amendment with rigorous civic and public participation - and a referendum for protected clauses.

And that is how it should be.

US constitution is 200yrs old. If every PORK came with 78 amendments - it would be something crazy now.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2021, 10:43:50 AM »
From Uhuru Mombasa meeting - look like BBI has failed.
Uhuru is now telling NASA - parliamentary route is a possibility.
Yet another lie to keep them busy doing nothing.
For parliamentary process to start and finish - with 2/3 - it requires a lot time and a lot of resources.
2/3 may no longer be possible as we approach 2022 - as most Mps are going to listen to public opinion.
And court cases

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2021, 11:34:12 AM »
BBI failed because simply Uhuru didnt want it to succeed from the onset. By the time he decided to use it as a tool to have a say in Post 2022 power strings . It was too late.
In comparison with Kibaki who from word go wanted to leave a new constituion as part of his legacy .Uhuru didnt care.
Now the most funniest thing is being the focal point of BBIs failure and instead of Raila and team dissasociating with Uhuru foe being tricked .They are still tagging with more tricks being played. A big difference with Ruto who charted his own path after realising Uhuru wanted to eat alone and the games he was playing could affect his 2022 chances. But again Raila Kalonzo and Mudavadi receive allowances feom exchequer and Uhuru has a big say in the money they receive just like pre 2018 can decide kuwafinys kidogo .
All said and done these politicians are from Mois school of politics they were all in KANU at the same time  pre 2002 and used to sit in his offical and non official cabinet meetings at the same time. They are one and the same people. They are just playing politics.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2021, 11:43:28 AM »
Kibaki did not want a new constitution. If he wanted he wont have sabotaged Bomas. 2007 PEV made new constitution happens. Everyone realized that things had to change. Kibaki saw his economic growth evaporate. He knew something had to give - and he stopped sabotaging the constitution making processes - and allowed COE to midwife it. Abdikadir (Mandera MP) was an usung hero in that process chair of PSC...he really steered the process and his harvard degree were not wasted. Mt kenya greatest fear (irrational) was the fear of Majimbo/Federalism/Devolution. If they were smarter - they would have realized they stood the most to benefit from federalism - because they would keep their taxes. Now with devolution...Turkana generate nothing and get the most. With federalism - most of kiambu money - would stay in Kiambu.
BBI failed because simply Uhuru didnt want it to succeed from the onset. By the time he decided to use it as a tool to have a say in Post 2022 power strings . It was too late.
In comparison with Kibaki who from word go wanted to leave a new constituion as part of his legacy .Uhuru didnt care.
Now the most funniest thing is being the focal point of BBIs failure and instead of Raila and team dissasociating with Uhuru foe being tricked .They are still tagging with more tricks being played. A big difference with Ruto who charted his own path after realising Uhuru wanted to eat alone and the games he was playing could affect his 2022 chances. But again Raila Kalonzo and Mudavadi receive allowances feom exchequer and Uhuru has a big say in the money they receive just like pre 2018 can decide kuwafinys kidogo .
All said and done these politicians are from Mois school of politics they were all in KANU at the same time  pre 2002 and used to sit in his offical and non official cabinet meetings at the same time. They are one and the same people. They are just playing politics.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2021, 11:57:21 AM »

Kibaki wanted a New Constituion , However the truth as is the case with BBI he wanted a constituion that would cover his and his people interests espcially the People surrounding him. during inougration of parliament in 2008 he specifically mentioned even one man Orengo can make the constituion basically attesting to the fact that he was ready to compromise for the sake of having a new constituion during his tenure.
Kibaki a very accomodating person almost fired Uhuru ,Michuki and Kalonzo for initially opposing the Constituion. Ruto was subsequently downgraded.
If you were clearly following Kibaki he exhibited emotions of joy in the public twice during Inagruation of the 2010 constituion  and secondly when he was handing power to his Godchild Uhuru.

Kibaki did not want a new constitution. If he wanted he wont have sabotaged Bomas. 2007 PEV made new constitution happens. Everyone realized that things had to change. Kibaki saw his economic growth evaporate. He knew something had to give - and he stopped sabotaging the constitution making processes - and allowed COE to midwife it. Abdikadir (Mandera MP) was an usung hero in that process chair of PSC...he really steered the process and his harvard degree were not wasted. Mt kenya greatest fear (irrational) was the fear of Majimbo/Federalism/Devolution. If they were smarter - they would have realized they stood the most to benefit from federalism - because they would keep their taxes. Now with devolution...Turkana generate nothing and get the most. With federalism - most of kiambu money - would stay in Kiambu.
BBI failed because simply Uhuru didnt want it to succeed from the onset. By the time he decided to use it as a tool to have a say in Post 2022 power strings . It was too late.
In comparison with Kibaki who from word go wanted to leave a new constituion as part of his legacy .Uhuru didnt care.
Now the most funniest thing is being the focal point of BBIs failure and instead of Raila and team dissasociating with Uhuru foe being tricked .They are still tagging with more tricks being played. A big difference with Ruto who charted his own path after realising Uhuru wanted to eat alone and the games he was playing could affect his 2022 chances. But again Raila Kalonzo and Mudavadi receive allowances feom exchequer and Uhuru has a big say in the money they receive just like pre 2018 can decide kuwafinys kidogo .
All said and done these politicians are from Mois school of politics they were all in KANU at the same time  pre 2002 and used to sit in his offical and non official cabinet meetings at the same time. They are one and the same people. They are just playing politics.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2021, 01:04:44 PM »
I knew Kibaki from 90s - never did fancy constitution has been anything important - for him the economy was everything. 2007 might have been turning point. Maybe he changed.
Kibaki wanted a New Constituion , However the truth as is the case with BBI he wanted a constituion that would cover his and his people interests espcially the People surrounding him. during inougration of parliament in 2008 he specifically mentioned even one man Orengo can make the constituion basically attesting to the fact that he was ready to compromise for the sake of having a new constituion during his tenure.
Kibaki a very accomodating person almost fired Uhuru ,Michuki and Kalonzo for initially opposing the Constituion. Ruto was subsequently downgraded.
If you were clearly following Kibaki he exhibited emotions of joy in the public twice during Inagruation of the 2010 constituion  and secondly when he was handing power to his Godchild Uhuru.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2021, 06:31:49 PM »
All set for 9am BBI historic 7 bench judge

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2021, 07:27:55 PM »
Taking an off specifically for this.

All set for 9am BBI historic 7 bench judge

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2021, 07:36:56 PM »
If they sustain most of high court groundbreaking work; the constitution of Kenya would have been set in stones; and we would have ended this cynical constitution is the problem lame excuse; and really focus on the real problems; I hope they tie all the loser ends, and make it clear that katiba  2010 should never retrogress.

Taking an off specifically for this.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2021, 08:32:05 AM »
With 30 minutes to go - I think COA may rescue Uhuru and kill BBI. That only deal they would entertain.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: BBI Court of Appeal Countdown
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2021, 08:51:23 AM »
I can see top notch lawayers arriving. Watching feom CitizenRv Waigurus wife the way he is talking seems he is am advosr to Raila and Uhuru.