I think most women are intuitive. "Mother Nature". Most men on the other hand have to be innoculated from feeling too much otherwise they'll be scared to get some bacon lol. That's why you also find that men who are too small-minded and into women things/ behave like women also tend to be sissies.
Ps: I'm team Mother Nature here but only if you have the ticket.
Yes, women and men are different. In carl jung's psychological types (which is how I got interested in him in the first place) he distinguishes 8 basic functions of how the human mind works, 4 are passive/perceptive...acquiring information, while 4 are judging functions, basically sorting through the info, categorizing, making sense of it etc. Among the judging functions are what are basically ethics (feeling) and logic, and feeling is associated with women much more than men. Feeling is more like sorting through info and prioritizing in terms of good/bad, right/wrong judgments, and is inclined towards humans specifically or regarding human as "good/right"; while thinking/logic is more detached, about facts and true/false statements, objective causal connections that don't separate humans from the rest of environment, so it may seem "cold" in comparison. We have all 8 functions but they occupy different places in our minds. for many women, the feeling/ethical is nearer to the driver seat than for many men. So maybe that's why women seem more intuitive. their intuitions are naturally inclined towards humanitarian things. men have intuition too but it manifests differently.
You should read bout it, its interesting stuff.
Helped me understand many of my peculiarities.