You history too is restricted to your Ololo neigherbhood where Mboya was MP - and therefore you imagine Mboya was popular all over kenya - becuase he was popular in Jeri
Mboya politically was not up there - with say Kenyatta or Jaramogi or even Moi.
What Mboya had was big brains, excellent oratory skills, and cunningness (political schemer). He was an Obama - very high IQ, good orator and quick thinker. Ruto is cut from the same cloth..although Ruto is better politician by far than Mboya.
I don't see how he would have won PORK without some jujistu movesNjonjo tried to pull in 1980s or like waiting for Kenyatta to die like Moi did.
All Mboya needed was to scheme using CIA/Internation networks to inherit the dying Kenyatta - and hence his assisination. Those days CIA were busy overthrowing Africa gov. All Mboya needed for a coup like happened one year or two after he died...where Ndolo and Jaramogi were involved. After the coup - US and Europe would endorse Mboya. That is why he had to die - he was too cunning - and after finishing up jaramogi - with his international network - he could easily turn on Kenyattas.
Kiambu mafai at the point remember did not control Army - the army was mainly Kambas as officers and Kalenjin as foot soldiers - civil services were mostly Luos (Luo were ahead of most tribes education wise) - Indians and even whites were still in many top jobs.
Kenya army first mutinied in 1966 - and then Kenyatta/Kiambu mafia created GSU to counter-balance the army - and in 1970s there was also a coup attempt that was quietly crashed - Jaramogi jailed under house arrest, Ndolo retired and my neighbour - who was china ambassador - also jailed under house arrest. The 1970s coup was backed by Russia/China.
I can understand you since you only have lived to see half baked Kenyan politicians who do not see beyond their stomachs. Any other kind of politician to you comes form Mars.
Mboya was one politician who could call for a kamkuji and Kenyans of all walks of life go there to attend the meeting. He was never identified with Nyanza politics and most Luos only embraced him as one of their own after he was assasinated. That assasination almost brought Kenyatta's regime down as many Kikuyus too were disgusted by that killing.
Mind you, Mboya was born in Nyanza, grew up in Central Kenya and eneded up working in Nairobi.
Alone the fact he shaped Kenya's economy and managed to play a very central role in getting young Kenyans to US universities speaks for itself. Many of the government officials who ran the ministries after independence got their education through Mboya's efforts and I know many people's parents that were on that programm.
This air lifting of Kenyan students to US universities laid the foundation of the strong relations Kenyan students have in the US till today. Compare the number of Kenyans in the US to Tanzanians or Ugandans and you will see the difference. So saying Tom Mboya "amounted to nothing" shows your ignorance in history.
Death saved his legacy, he would not have amounted to anything.