For every winner you pick; there is a looser; in the casino; generally you cannot beat the market; that is why I dont invest in equity; the rate of return is about 10% if you're VERY GOOD in Kenya; You rather give your money to Kenya treasury - otherwise if youre borrowing in kenya from banks- at 15% - you better get 30% rate of return.
So generally doesn't make much investment kenya...just buy 10 acres here and there...especially around cities....and wait..and have some trees on it. As long as it genuine will NEVER go wrong. Worse you'll retain your value.
As for the should be lucky to get 6-7% rate of return.
Once again you cannot consistently pick winners only - you'll end up making wrong calls - because really it's difficult to predict the future. You cannot be remorseful that you didn't predict Google or Facebook...nobody could. Tomorrow you may wake up to find they died. But your real estate investment will never die.
As for outright pyramid ponzi scheme like BitCoins
- GET SERIOUS for once in your life - who buys a virtual currency created by some phantom whose only use case is dirty money exchange??????? Someone withdraw 50,000 usd to go buy a bitcoin
I said the same thing about Google when it was $100, FB when it was $20, and I lost big.