That would be irresponsible - because criminals will roam free.
Best for me is to fine them heavily.
There is really no need for contempt of court jail terms.
Judges need to issue jaw dropping contempt of court fines.
Like fine someone 20M kshs for contempt of court.
Then people will listen and obey court orders.
It's like that Luhya Mp who was fined 500M kshs

- such kind of fines have serious impact on crime!
Court should go rogue on sentencing. They have a lot of discretion and can be a little creative.
Kenya = MONEY - is more important than anything.
You hit these gov functionaries and politician with serious millions of fine - they will listen.
Just declare the XYZ be done or the personal responsible to pay a fine of Kshs 20M to the treasury.
In developed world - people don't engage in white collar crime - because you cheat IRS- they bankrupt - you disobey the law - they bankrupt you - the fines are serious.
What if the judiciary goes rogue, throws tantrums and refuses to hear cases brought by police and ODPP?