Not everyone knows that what happened in Kenya last evening was akin to a spacecraft from out space landing. Life can't be normal or usual henceforth.
Civil society has woken up and it's not joking. Look at the cases? 8 different cases. Others are pending in other courts after they agreed on a tactic of wearing out the lazy state lawyers.
Kihara will come up with tricks but I doubt the activists will sleep. They too will act.
See how they weaved IEBC into traps of it's own making? They realized it relies on greedy outside lawyers who never read what others wrote before them. The activists waited for the IEBC to complete its lies then sprung a surprise. The affidavits sworn in previous cases, documents they issued and bellicose & arrogant (tendentious) statements by isaack Hassan returned to hit their asses!
So this as you wrote is the Rubicon and Caeser has already ordered his army over it. There's no turning back. We take this to the finish.
There's an advantage for us. Elections must be called atleast 3 months to the expiry of Uhuru's term. That means less than 12 months now. No matter how fast Kihara goes, the cases will overshoot that period. Uhuru can't hold a referendum too close to an election.
Let's see, he passed BBI. It goes to referendum but needs 3 months to conduct new voter registration. Then voter education and the campaigns. That's roughly 9 months. Any attempt to short circuit will end up in court. 9 months then he signs and runs for office arguing that the constitution is "new"?
That's a bit of a stretch. A wise man knows when the poker game is lost & surrenders his bets.
Back to class 3 debate; my thief is better than your thief. Blame everything on Kalenjin. There was no single Kalenjin judge yesterday