Author Topic: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord  (Read 2886 times)

Offline Omollo

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Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« on: May 14, 2021, 08:02:18 AM »
There's no chance of simple tactics like All Kikuyu Appointments, most Kikuyu ministers, Most Kikuyu Police and Army recruits working. Even ethnic Kikuyus contracted Uhuru Tribalism Fatigue and are no longer excited by such stunts.

But the greatest negative for Uhuru is that his own Kikuyus FOUND HIM OUT! The discovered the truth. They now know these tokens won't help the massive poverty in Kikuyuland. Uhuru imposed some of the world's worst corrupt men as governors in Kikuyuland. These men have squandered resources meant for citizens & created new and rare forms of poverty to add to what was already there manifesting in some of the worst mud houses.

So if Uhuru wants fanatical following he should publicly shaft Raila, provoke a civil war and lead the Kikuyu Ethnic Army. He did it on a low scale in 2007 leading to his elevation as the Kikuyu Kingpin. He should do it again.

The price isn't that high: a few million emigre Kikuyus in Rift Valley may be evicted or killed. But since when did the son of Jomo worry about casualties of war? If the burnt to charcoal bodies of Luos in Naivasha have never bothered him to date what will a few more thousands do?  Uhuru has the rare experience of having been a war Lord with state protection who then seized the state to kill all questions about his war lordship. What a clever man.

Some disturbing facts here: Charles Taylor wasn't caught the 1st time he killed people. He wasn't caught the second time either. He was caught when he exported his thievery & murder to Sierra Leone. He hasn't been tried for crimes against Liberians. Nah! Those he killed with impunity. He killed fathers & mothers and asked their children to vote for him or he'll kill again.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2021, 08:11:17 AM »
He will never recover. He is like Moi and Kalenjin. Once the nation of Kikuyu realized that Uhuru was not about community but personal interest - it was over for him. People only defend a leader when they know he is fighting for communal interest. The moment you cross the rubicon - there is no going back. He became Muthamaki coz he indeed had defended Kikuyus when Kibaki had flumbled.

On a practical level - he cannot open two war fronts - with Raila and Ruto - and now BBI is no longer useful- all the cows were awoken by 20 VIBOKOS yesterday!! - But you never know with cows :) - they can be stubborn.

Uhuru can win back some love by simply ditching Raila and embracing Ruto. If he insist on kissing Raila - he kisses Mt Kenya support. If he apologizes and kiss Ruto black arse :) - he will gain some respect back.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2021, 08:33:50 AM »
I'll comment on one thing: To what end would he use the love if he got it?

Electioneering formally starts in May ( need to check it could be April 2022).

Most deadlines for completing tasks have already passed or will expire. For example constituency boundaries can not be changed or new constituencies created because the exercise should have ended on early this month.

You won't agree but I'll say it: Uhuru can get back some love by openly and sincerely declaring that he has no plans to stay on. He should unequivocally state and restate his neutrality in succession telling Kenyans he will hand over to anybody they elect.

Prescribing Ruto automatically angers Luos and others who detest him. Uhuru needs the goodwill of ALL tribes if he doesn't wish to endanger the family loot.

One other thing he must do: use his dimming presidential powers to complete the undone Jomo Kenyatta Succession. He must seek a fair distribution of the family wealth while the mom is alive. If she dies & Uhuru is out of office the younger brother will rob and impoverish him.


I have no idea why I offer despicable people good advice
He will never recover. He is like Moi and Kalenjin. Once the nation of Kikuyu realized that Uhuru was not about community but personal interest - it was over for him. People only defend a leader when they know he is fighting for communal interest. The moment you cross the rubicon - there is no going back. He became Muthamaki coz he indeed had defended Kikuyus when Kibaki had flumbled.

On a practical level - he cannot open two war fronts - with Raila and Ruto - and now BBI is no longer useful- all the cows were awoken by 20 VIBOKOS yesterday!! - But you never know with cows :) - they can be stubborn.

Uhuru can win back some love by simply ditching Raila and embracing Ruto. If he insist on kissing Raila - he kisses Mt Kenya support. If he apologizes and kiss Ruto black arse :) - he will gain some respect back.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2021, 08:39:12 AM »
Yes, I agree. You thinking is better than mine. Indeed Uhuru can win national support by indeed declaring that he has no intention to continue in power in any form, and to leave kenyans to decide 2022 - and to help IEBC conduct fair elections. It's good for his legacy. He really should be focusing on his lung cancer and obesity.

For now boundaries and anything IEBC is dead...until new team is appointed. New team will need to quickly procure gadgets for 2022 - start mass registrations - and then from January, it's party nomination till April  - where IEBC and courts will be busy with complains- official campaign period start in May till August. So by April - all the candidates and formations should be ready - time is running out.

So we go into 2022 mode - starting yesterday. The BBI confusion is over. The focus shifts singularly to 2022 - knowing CoK2010 will be around for a longwhile.

I'll comment on one thing: To what end would he use the love if he got it?

Electioneering formally starts in May ( need to check it could be April 2022).

Most deadlines for completing tasks have already passed or will expire. For example constituency boundaries can not be changed or new constituencies created because the exercise should have ended on early this month.

You won't agree but I'll say it: Uhuru can get back some love by openly and sincerely declaring that he has no plans to stay on. He should unequivocally state and restate his neutrality in succession telling Kenyans he will hand over to anybody they elect.

Prescribing Ruto automatically angers Luos and others who detest him. Uhuru needs the goodwill of ALL tribes if he doesn't wish to endanger the family loot.

One other thing he must do: use his dimming presidential powers to complete the undone Jomo Kenyatta Succession. He must seek a fair distribution of the family wealth while the mom is alive. If she dies & Uhuru is out of office the younger brother will rob and impoverish him.


I have no idea why I offer despicable people good advice
He will never recover. He is like Moi and Kalenjin. Once the nation of Kikuyu realized that Uhuru was not about community but personal interest - it was over for him. People only defend a leader when they know he is fighting for communal interest. The moment you cross the rubicon - there is no going back. He became Muthamaki coz he indeed had defended Kikuyus when Kibaki had flumbled.

On a practical level - he cannot open two war fronts - with Raila and Ruto - and now BBI is no longer useful- all the cows were awoken by 20 VIBOKOS yesterday!! - But you never know with cows :) - they can be stubborn.

Uhuru can win back some love by simply ditching Raila and embracing Ruto. If he insist on kissing Raila - he kisses Mt Kenya support. If he apologizes and kiss Ruto black arse :) - he will gain some respect back.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2021, 10:01:47 AM »
Uhuru has declared he has no intention of staying. He has dtated that he wont handover to a thief. Simple. The thief will be jailed soon

Offline Omollo

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2021, 10:37:17 AM »
CoK 2010 has scored a major victory setting it on the road to.join the best constitutions in the world. There's just one criterion: The ability of a constitution to successfully resist mutilation & destruction. If it fails then it's dead.

CoK has in round one floored very powerful forces. It has got some very powerful principles added to its defences including recognition of unamendable basic structure; Recognition of its protection by international treaties that Kenya has signed. By clearly barring the president and state personages and institutions from Article 257 popularly known as The Wanjiku Only Amendment Clause, the court unearthed a powerful defence provision that few knew about.

By protecting the basic structure of the constitution and stating clearly the sections that are unamendable opportunistic "amendments" by STEALTH will almost always fall short. Indeed Stealth has been identified and outlawed. Uhuru was cited several times for "hiding behind" one or other guise to effect amendments of huge sections of the constitution by STEALTH.

In future all citizens will need to do is prove existence of stealth in any proposed amendment and kill it.

We can't celebrate too long as there's a an evil man by the name Paul Kihara Kariuki. This man will need to be imprisoned like his namesake Paul Muwanga. Look at Amos Wako. Kibaki let him stay. He wrecked the Bomas Draft. He belonged in jail to his last day.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2021, 10:39:01 AM »
He neither has the power to refuse to hand over or to jail anybody or declare anyone else a thief. He doesn't even power to arrest anybody if police were to obey the CoK2010 and become truly independent with DPP.

In short, Uhuru is powerless - stop hanging on his coattails - like desperate Raila.

Mr Uhuru Kenyatta is not Jomo or Moi - he just a mere president in a modern democracy. He is not Museveni.

Uhuru has declared he has no intention of staying. He has dtated that he wont handover to a thief. Simple. The thief will be jailed soon

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2021, 10:41:24 AM »
Absolutely. And like it should. CoK2010 will stand the test of time. Paul Kihara is worst AG kenya has ever had. You don't pick judge to be AG. AG KUHARA should resign today!
CoK 2010 has scored a major victory setting it on the road to.join the best constitutions in the world. There's just one criterion: The ability of a constitution to successfully resist mutilation & destruction. If it fails then it's dead.

CoK has in round one floored very powerful forces. It has got some very powerful principles added to its defences including recognition of unamendable basic structure; Recognition of its protection by international treaties that Kenya has signed. By clearly barring the president and state personages and institutions from Article 257 popularly known as The Wanjiku Only Amendment Clause, the court unearthed a powerful defence provision that few knew about.

By protecting the basic structure of the constitution and stating clearly the sections that are unamendable opportunistic "amendments" by STEALTH will almost always fall short. Indeed Stealth has been identified and outlawed. Uhuru was cited several times for "hiding behind" one or other guise to effect amendments of huge sections of the constitution by STEALTH.

In future all citizens will need to do is prove existence of stealth in any proposed amendment and kill it.

We can't celebrate too long as there's a an evil man by the name Paul Kihara Kariuki. This man will need to be imprisoned like his namesake Paul Muwanga. Look at Amos Wako. Kibaki let him stay. He wrecked the Bomas Draft. He belonged in jail to his last day.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2021, 10:42:07 AM »

You can't be that naive. I suspect willful naivete on your part. Kenya: Kibaki declared that he'd only run for one term. He recanted on his 1st day in office

Ivory Coast: Alasane Ouattara is serving his 3rd term after swearing that he was retiring.

DRC: Kabila squeezed through a 3rd illegitimate term before he was forced to step aside.

Uhuru has declared he has no intention of staying. He has dtated that he wont handover to a thief. Simple. The thief will be jailed soon
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2021, 11:29:14 AM »
We are not ivory coast or drc. I have talked to uhuru advisors, he has no intentions of staying on 

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2021, 03:02:43 PM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2021, 03:07:00 PM »
Back to class 3 debate; my thief is better than your thief. Blame everything on Kalenjin. There was no single Kalenjin judge yesterday :)

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2021, 03:18:45 PM »
The Supreme Court will save Kenya, you guys are celebrating too early. I am personally not for this particular document but I am for some kind of a government of national unity or Kenya burns.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2021, 03:23:16 PM »
Nothing stops Uhuru from forming a coalition gov with his brother Raila. Kalenjin occupy large part of your otherwise empty brain.
The Supreme Court will save Kenya, you guys are celebrating too early. I am personally not for this particular document but I am for some kind of a government of national unity or Kenya burns.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2021, 04:06:23 PM »
Kenyan Farto

I didn't say you are DRC or Ivory Coast and saying so as a way of countering what I wrote is plain silly. Whether you spoke to Uhuru or had sex with him is immaterial as you can't prove any of it. Even if you post a video of him banging your ass it still won't meet the criteria for believability of his hos empty promises of departure/ retirement.

I've had the misfortune to argue with people like you who operated without a second brain cell. They mix idiocy and buffoonery to bamboozle others. Many people give up arguing with a clown and let him get away with his stench.

Don't try that shit on me.
We are not ivory coast or drc. I have talked to uhuru advisors, he has no intentions of staying on 
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2021, 04:20:10 PM »
For the first time am agreeing with you 💯 but since this happened and we now have to live with the consequences. Ruto outsmarted uhuru in first term its too late for Uhuru to do anything now. Please join us to support mzito Ruto we don't have any other options. The chickens have come home to roost.
Thats why Mlima must negotiate to hold finance, devolution, infrastructure, agricultural and other key government position and institutions In Rutos government.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2021, 04:24:32 PM »

Not everyone knows that what happened in Kenya last evening was akin to a spacecraft from out space landing. Life can't be normal or usual henceforth.

Civil society has woken up and it's not joking. Look at the cases? 8 different cases. Others are pending in other courts after they agreed on a tactic of wearing out the lazy state lawyers.

Kihara will come up with tricks but I doubt the activists will sleep. They too will act.

See how they weaved IEBC into traps of it's own making? They realized it relies on greedy outside lawyers who never read what others wrote before them. The activists waited for the IEBC to complete its lies then sprung a surprise. The affidavits sworn in previous cases, documents they issued and bellicose & arrogant (tendentious) statements by isaack Hassan returned to hit their asses!

So this as you wrote is the Rubicon and Caeser has already ordered his army over it. There's no turning back. We take this to the finish.

There's an advantage for us. Elections must be called atleast 3 months to the expiry of Uhuru's term. That means less than 12 months now. No matter how fast Kihara goes, the cases will overshoot that period. Uhuru can't hold a referendum too close to an election.

Let's see, he passed BBI. It goes to referendum but needs 3 months to conduct new voter registration. Then voter education and the campaigns. That's roughly 9 months. Any attempt to short circuit will end up in court. 9 months then he signs and runs for office arguing that the constitution is "new"?

That's a bit of a stretch. A wise man knows when the poker game is lost & surrenders his bets.

Back to class 3 debate; my thief is better than your thief. Blame everything on Kalenjin. There was no single Kalenjin judge yesterday :)
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2021, 04:26:14 PM »
The Supreme Court will save Kenya, you guys are celebrating too early. I am personally not for this particular document but I am for some kind of a government of national unity or Kenya burns.
Wishful thinking.knock your head bro whats coming out? If you hear an echo sound your head is empty debe. The only thing for Mlima is negotiate hard with Ruto. Ruto himself not a problem but Kalenjins smarting from Moi era handouts would decimate the economy. 

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2021, 04:37:15 PM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Can Only Mobilize Kikuyus If He Becomes War Lord
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2021, 04:52:31 PM »
Appealing BBI will make Kuhara look like the idiot he is. Judiciary will never self-immolate. BBI targets them. Judiciary want to be powerful and independent.

If Kuhara appeals - he will get another added maybe another 10 strokes - including being held accountable for wasted BBI billions. This should be one way to bankrupt these court order to uhuru to pay 10B kshs will take away all his graft money.

This and the 2017 election annulment are the defining moments for the judiciary. Ultimately if they can rein on the PORK...they become a powerful arbiter and Kenya become a modern democracy.

Powerful judiciary stems from a powerful constitution. So both have to defend each other.

The days when PORK was everything is long gone.

Well unless the next regime starts killing, kidnapping and torturing judges.


Not everyone knows that what happened in Kenya last evening was akin to a spacecraft from out space landing. Life can't be normal or usual henceforth.

Civil society has woken up and it's not joking. Look at the cases? 8 different cases. Others are pending in other courts after they agreed on a tactic of wearing out the lazy state lawyers.

Kihara will come up with tricks but I doubt the activists will sleep. They too will act.

See how they weaved IEBC into traps of it's own making? They realized it relies on greedy outside lawyers who never read what others wrote before them. The activists waited for the IEBC to complete its lies then sprung a surprise. The affidavits sworn in previous cases, documents they issued and bellicose & arrogant (tendentious) statements by isaack Hassan returned to hit their asses!

So this as you wrote is the Rubicon and Caeser has already ordered his army over it. There's no turning back. We take this to the finish.

There's an advantage for us. Elections must be called atleast 3 months to the expiry of Uhuru's term. That means less than 12 months now. No matter how fast Kihara goes, the cases will overshoot that period. Uhuru can't hold a referendum too close to an election.

Let's see, he passed BBI. It goes to referendum but needs 3 months to conduct new voter registration. Then voter education and the campaigns. That's roughly 9 months. Any attempt to short circuit will end up in court. 9 months then he signs and runs for office arguing that the constitution is "new"?

That's a bit of a stretch. A wise man knows when the poker game is lost & surrenders his bets.

Back to class 3 debate; my thief is better than your thief. Blame everything on Kalenjin. There was no single Kalenjin judge yesterday :)