Author Topic: Paperweight Weta wipes the floor with Ruto  (Read 5564 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Paperweight Weta wipes the floor with Ruto
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2021, 05:45:02 PM »
Come on lets be serious for a minute here now, if I do maths, thats a partly 4659 votes cast. Evidence have it that they were being bribed by 2k per person an improvement from standard 1k in 2017 . Thats around 10 Million KSHS. Very affordable . Now in a general election these MCAs and Party Chairmans  would not be able to afford it in a large scale . They are not Kenyattas family.

Gusii MCA... ODM tops - UDA distant 4th

ODM Party candidate Malack Matara put a sturdy lead to secure victory in the Thursday mini polls in Kiamokama, Kisii.

He garnered 1,907 votes, eclipsing his challengers with a strong margin, to secure victory for the Orange party.

The closest contestants Daniel Ondabu (PED) emerged second with 1,257 while Stephen Nyakeriga of New Democrats got 1,004 in to close the tally of the three best.

UDA's Nyandusi Nyakeramba - who had run-ins with the police in the morning hours - garnered a paltry 491 pushing his rank to a distant fifth.

A frictional start between the Tangatanga camp and delayed entry into the game limped the former tea director home with the paltry haul.

The seat was left vacant by the death of Kennedy Mainya (ODM) to Covid.

So lacklustre was UDA's candidate that he secured at 59 votes in a polling station outside his doorstep at Moremani area.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Paperweight Weta wipes the floor with Ruto
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2021, 06:06:27 PM »
Which "Gema elite" do you have in mind? You accuse Uhuru of enugu as he bend over for Raila. Waiguru, Kimunya, Kiraitu, Kimemia, Kamanda, Murathe, Wambugu, etc - all these folks have hosted or openly endorsed Raila on TV. I can share the videos. In fact Gema elite have gradually decamped from Ruto to Raila over 3 years and we can recap if you like. Ohoo MCAs were bribed with car grant  :) - Ruto got like 10 MCAs in entire Mt Kenya. Nakuru BBI split strictly along Gema-Kalenjin line.

BBI is Raila baby. Saying Gema or Mijikenda or Luhya support BBI but not Raila is laughable - it like how Moi would support Uhuru but not Ruto - while it same coin. Raila is never seriously venturing into Gema cause he does not need to. If say PK get PM - Gema will vote PK not Raila - ditto for Gusii and shebang. No-brainer.

By-election... lack of win is a loss because hustler is supposed to beat tribe which it didn't. Optics - seem there are literally no hustlers in Gusii. Nax Gema split and BBI MCA lanslide shows there is no "ground" for people to gravitate towards Ruto - mere 1 year to elections.

Again your theory major flaw remain - Gema elite and people trust deficit on Raila. Everything else your write then become flawed. Right now GEMA are running away from Raila and divorcing BBI from him. Now tell me when GEMA elite with Ruto's GEMA hustlers hot on their heels turn around and force GEMA to love Raila.

So for the sake of engaging in sane debate - Ruto, Raila, GEMA elite candidate - and the flower girls.

Once you accept such basis concept - we can debate the rest.

As for UDA in western - it didn't win - but it didn't flop. It like Kibra. But you won't know these things. Ruto is now permanent feature of Kibra because he will be there in general election.

Kabuchai is Weta home literally (split from Sirisia which he represented) - just like Raila's Kibra - and Ruto is giving them headache.

Ford-K just retained their seat.

If you were at zero - and score 30% - how is that a FLOP ?
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Paperweight Weta wipes the floor with Ruto
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2021, 06:32:33 PM »
GEMA elite are using Raila to fight Ruto; but they don't intend to support him; because it will be their waterloo; GEMA people do not want Raila. I don't know how this can be MADE CLEARER.Sick woman. Are you insane or totally incapable of reasoning.

GEMA elite - that include Uhuru - he is retiring - so it's not really his game - but the way I see - they have 3 options - Raila is out.

1) Option 1 - GEMA elite do what gema have always done - find their own candidate - raise GEMA nationalism - and ride that - for 2nd round contest. The problem is finding that candidate - unless they fish someone like James Mwangi - the existing bunch are all jokers who won't excite their own village.

2) Option 2 - Find proxy - weak proxy - I mean MaDVD or Kalonzo or Matiangi or even Gideon Moi (very much doubt) - support them - in the hope they will control the next gov. I think Daniel Moi showed nobody is really weak :)

3) Option 3 - Because GEMA laity are so much in love with Ruto - and they are swimming against the current - reconcile with Ruto. This is where the war currently is - the fight for GEMA heart and mind - btw GEMA elite and Ruto hustler nation.

Raila is not an option. End of the day - he need to be SOLD to GEMA people. They aint buying him. The gema elite FEAR Raila even more than their people.

Which "Gema elite" do you have in mind? You accuse Uhuru of enugu as he bend over for Raila. Waiguru, Kimunya, Kiraitu, Kimemia, Kamanda, Murathe, Wambugu, etc - all these folks have hosted or openly endorsed Raila on TV. I can share the videos. In fact Gema elite have gradually decamped from Ruto to Raila over 3 years and we can recap if you like. Ohoo MCAs were bribed with car grant  :) - Ruto got like 10 MCAs in entire Mt Kenya. Nakuru BBI split strictly along Gema-Kalenjin line.

BBI is Raila baby. Saying Gema or Mijikenda or Luhya support BBI but not Raila is laughable - it like how Moi would support Uhuru but not Ruto - while it same coin. Raila is never seriously venturing into Gema cause he does not need to. If say PK get PM - Gema will vote PK not Raila - ditto for Gusii and shebang. No-brainer.

By-election... lack of win is a loss because hustler is supposed to beat tribe which it didn't. Optics - seem there are literally no hustlers in Gusii. Nax Gema split and BBI MCA lanslide shows there is no "ground" for people to gravitate towards Ruto - mere 1 year to elections.

Again your theory major flaw remain - Gema elite and people trust deficit on Raila. Everything else your write then become flawed. Right now GEMA are running away from Raila and divorcing BBI from him. Now tell me when GEMA elite with Ruto's GEMA hustlers hot on their heels turn around and force GEMA to love Raila.

So for the sake of engaging in sane debate - Ruto, Raila, GEMA elite candidate - and the flower girls.

Once you accept such basis concept - we can debate the rest.

As for UDA in western - it didn't win - but it didn't flop. It like Kibra. But you won't know these things. Ruto is now permanent feature of Kibra because he will be there in general election.

Kabuchai is Weta home literally (split from Sirisia which he represented) - just like Raila's Kibra - and Ruto is giving them headache.

Ford-K just retained their seat.

If you were at zero - and score 30% - how is that a FLOP ?

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Paperweight Weta wipes the floor with Ruto
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2021, 06:34:06 PM »
This is your big prayer - pegged on court killing BBI. But BBI is already sold on ground... Ruto propaganda has been debunked. Now he has ombudsman and bloated parliament hence watermelon. All big fish but even some omena in Ruto camp are pro-BBI - all Raila need is to unveil the lineup. Without serious ground momentum - which now seem tall order - Ruto has nothing to offer anyone. Even Nanok and Mvurya will bolt like Kivutha - position themselves as influencer as they angle for MP/CS. Ala Kingi.

Parliamentary dilutes appeal of mass party like 2016-17 Jubilee - you need to be local kahuna to land MP and/or CS. Small cog in mega UDA is bad idea.

Again your theory major flaw remain - Gema elite and people trust deficit on Raila. Everything else your write then become flawed. Right now GEMA are running away from Raila and divorcing BBI from him. Now tell me when GEMA elite with Ruto's GEMA hustlers hot on their heels turn around and force GEMA to love Raila.

So for the sake of engaging in sane debate - Ruto, Raila, GEMA elite candidate - and the flower girls.

Once you accept such basis concept - we can debate the rest.

As for UDA in western - it didn't win - but it didn't flop. It like Kibra. But you won't know these things. Ruto is now permanent feature of Kibra because he will be there in general election.

Kabuchai is Weta home literally (split from Sirisia which he represented) - just like Raila's Kibra - and Ruto is giving them headache.

Ford-K just retained their seat.

If you were at zero - and score 30% - how is that a FLOP ?
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Paperweight Weta wipes the floor with Ruto
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2021, 06:40:35 PM »
Is there a clause that say BBI won't include Ruto. BBI gives everyone a bigger pie. Now if Ruto will be at say 40% - and he has 5 positions to give to get 10% - who do you think will win.

BBI crew each come with 1% (johos, oparanyas, mutuas) 2% (Wetangulas, gideon moi,matiangi), 4% (maDVD), 8% (kalonzo), GEMA XYZ (someone gema elite will back against Ruto's hustler nation) (maybe 10-15%), Raila 20-25% (max).

Now tell me who is likely to benefit more from BBI :) :). Handshake crew need everyone on board.

Ruto need to tap 8% like Kalonzo for Prime Minister - something he won't get in BBI crew

So for Ruto it will be easy  Ruto pork, Kiunjuri dpork, Kalonzo dpork, and game shot.

For handshake crew - they need Raila - as top - and they get problems immediately in GEMA - and then they basically need everyone else adding - if they lose Kalonzo with 8% - it become impossible. How will Raila convince the rest to keep supporting him :)

Which is why BBI crew want to kick Raila as asap...and try aim for 2nd round contest.

Raila I belief is busy with his own crew - Mutuas, Oparanyas, Kituyis, Joho- those are newbies - still excited to be pictured next to Babu.

That is real Raila BBI lineup...Raila will not have problem being head of such a ticket

Kalonzo, gideon, madvd, matiangi and Uhuru man - will make another BBI lineup - if they can agree who will deputize who.

Ruto will have his own BBI line up.

This is your big prayer - pegged on court killing BBI. But BBI is already sold on ground... Ruto propaganda has been debunked. Now he has ombudsman and bloated parliament hence watermelon. All big fish but even some omena in Ruto camp are pro-BBI - all Raila need is to unveil the lineup. Without serious ground momentum - which now seem tall order - Ruto has nothing to offer anyone. Even Nanok and Mvurya will bolt like Kivutha - position themselves as influencer as they angle for MP/CS. Ala Kingi.

Parliamentary dilutes appeal of mass party like 2016-17 Jubilee - you need to be local kahuna to land MP and/or CS. Small cog in mega UDA is bad idea.

Again your theory major flaw remain - Gema elite and people trust deficit on Raila. Everything else your write then become flawed. Right now GEMA are running away from Raila and divorcing BBI from him. Now tell me when GEMA elite with Ruto's GEMA hustlers hot on their heels turn around and force GEMA to love Raila.

So for the sake of engaging in sane debate - Ruto, Raila, GEMA elite candidate - and the flower girls.

Once you accept such basis concept - we can debate the rest.

As for UDA in western - it didn't win - but it didn't flop. It like Kibra. But you won't know these things. Ruto is now permanent feature of Kibra because he will be there in general election.

Kabuchai is Weta home literally (split from Sirisia which he represented) - just like Raila's Kibra - and Ruto is giving them headache.

Ford-K just retained their seat.

If you were at zero - and score 30% - how is that a FLOP ?

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Paperweight Weta wipes the floor with Ruto
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2021, 07:35:49 PM »
Anything Kalonzo near Ruto is poisonus, that stamement Mt Kenyas should lie low is very brutal. Ruto is fine we should not make Uhurus mademoni mistake which made him to almost at fault lucky for Ruto to never recover from it.

Is there a clause that say BBI won't include Ruto. BBI gives everyone a bigger pie. Now if Ruto will be at say 40% - and he has 5 positions to give to get 10% - who do you think will win.

BBI crew each come with 1% (johos, oparanyas, mutuas) 2% (Wetangulas, gideon moi,matiangi), 4% (maDVD), 8% (kalonzo), GEMA XYZ (someone gema elite will back against Ruto's hustler nation) (maybe 10-15%), Raila 20-25% (max).

Now tell me who is likely to benefit more from BBI :) :). Handshake crew need everyone on board.

Ruto need to tap 8% like Kalonzo for Prime Minister - something he won't get in BBI crew

So for Ruto it will be easy  Ruto pork, Kiunjuri dpork, Kalonzo dpork, and game shot.

For handshake crew - they need Raila - as top - and they get problems immediately in GEMA - and then they basically need everyone else adding - if they lose Kalonzo with 8% - it become impossible. How will Raila convince the rest to keep supporting him :)

Which is why BBI crew want to kick Raila as asap...and try aim for 2nd round contest.

Raila I belief is busy with his own crew - Mutuas, Oparanyas, Kituyis, Joho- those are newbies - still excited to be pictured next to Babu.

That is real Raila BBI lineup...Raila will not have problem being head of such a ticket

Kalonzo, gideon, madvd, matiangi and Uhuru man - will make another BBI lineup - if they can agree who will deputize who.

Ruto will have his own BBI line up.

This is your big prayer - pegged on court killing BBI. But BBI is already sold on ground... Ruto propaganda has been debunked. Now he has ombudsman and bloated parliament hence watermelon. All big fish but even some omena in Ruto camp are pro-BBI - all Raila need is to unveil the lineup. Without serious ground momentum - which now seem tall order - Ruto has nothing to offer anyone. Even Nanok and Mvurya will bolt like Kivutha - position themselves as influencer as they angle for MP/CS. Ala Kingi.

Parliamentary dilutes appeal of mass party like 2016-17 Jubilee - you need to be local kahuna to land MP and/or CS. Small cog in mega UDA is bad idea.

Again your theory major flaw remain - Gema elite and people trust deficit on Raila. Everything else your write then become flawed. Right now GEMA are running away from Raila and divorcing BBI from him. Now tell me when GEMA elite with Ruto's GEMA hustlers hot on their heels turn around and force GEMA to love Raila.

So for the sake of engaging in sane debate - Ruto, Raila, GEMA elite candidate - and the flower girls.

Once you accept such basis concept - we can debate the rest.

As for UDA in western - it didn't win - but it didn't flop. It like Kibra. But you won't know these things. Ruto is now permanent feature of Kibra because he will be there in general election.

Kabuchai is Weta home literally (split from Sirisia which he represented) - just like Raila's Kibra - and Ruto is giving them headache.

Ford-K just retained their seat.

If you were at zero - and score 30% - how is that a FLOP ?