If Ouru wins fair and square, Raila will congratulate him and the country will move on. If he blatantly steals this elections like kibaki did in 2007, it will be another story. He may have gotten away with genocide at ICC but he will not get away with this one.
The opposition has always made this country better even without getting the presidency and again they will, win or loose. 1)multi party 2) new katiba 3) devolution 4) freedom of speech and press. This elections, the opposition has focused on the electoral process which is the last cog in democratizing Kenya. Everything they did to reform the electoral process was opposed by Jubilee just like the earlier achievements were opposed by the governments of the day. NASA has already advanced the cause of this democracy even before they win. These achievements will now be part of our a democracy like multi-party, new katiba, freedoms of speech and press, devolution, etc. "Ukiona vyaelea vimeundwa" . Pundit the other day was trying to say that Kenya naturally progressed to where we are today. That's what he has been reduced to- a shameless bold faced liar/propagandist.
This is all we need to take it easy actually, Joshua has nothing on some of us, it is not the end of the world... anyway by the time the teargas starts I will be nowhere near .ke
The only ungovernable crowd would be the one staring at irrefutable evidence of rigging.
When Kerry,Mbeki,NGOists,media.....all give it a clean bill of health and no evidence of rigging is coming, Babu will die of dehydration out of weeping and shouting himself hoarse.
Babu's strategy is to go to Supreme Court against the backdrop of massive Venezuela grade riots to intimidate Judiciary into sympathizing with him. If vooke knows this, the higher ups knew it before it crossed his mind