Omollo you could be right afterall- I watched KTN yesterday and they blacked out ODM rallies - probably Shollei & Gideon Moi have decided to go partisan.
Thanks for admitting a truth for once. This helps to start the difficult task of planning to think about renewing the thought of having confidence in you.
KTN has lost it and I assure you this is a dangerous period to go partisan for a media house.
Should NASA win, as a government they will scart around those media houses, deny them access and place bottlenecks in their way. I know for a fact that it has been a long standing NASA strategy to start own media networks mostly outside Nairobi and in competition with the current ones.
There is the anti-trust laws which are not being implemented:
1. One person / family controls milk production
2. One person owns nearly all the radio stations
3. Three media houses also own TV, Radio and Newspapers
4. One telecom company dominating others
For 3 (which affects KTN) they are not supposed to have a common editorial policy and must be clearly independent and in competition with each other. That means for instance the newspaper should not be run by the same person at any stage even though in one company. It is dangerous to democracy and journalism! They can have a guy counting the profits at the top but no editorial intervention. I doubt they will manage so the answer is to split.
So KTN and other media have every reason to fear and dread a government that seeks to enforce laws.
As for Gideon, his goose is cooked. I think Ruto has fixed him properly. He has simply dispersed his voters and they may only vote if IEBC sends mobile voting stations. Either way, there will be massive ballot stuffing. It was a huge mistake for them to disband the fathers secret militia. Silly kabisa. whether it is Uhuru winning or Raila, Gideon is gone. His father could live up to 120 but he is now weakening and will become a mess in the next two three years judging by how I saw him when I visited him late last year.