Author Topic: NASA Flag-Bearer Scenarios  (Read 4683 times)

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Re: NASA Flag-Bearer Scenarios
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2017, 04:12:41 PM »
well if you can hear about MoUs with Raila; I can hear similar things too, can't I?

Scientific Exorcism is not witchcraft, is it?

I see we are back to wichcraft, romours and grapevine.That didn't take long.

Let me start with some admissions: The bottom line is that if anybody other than Raila is flagbearer NASA is sunk. The best deal would be to look outside these four and select two persons that would shock the living daylights out of Jubilee.

That is not likely to happen.

Pundit, we know Ruto's game plan. Unfortunately for him GEMA also knows. Let me confess that from time to time they do dump info about Ruto right in to the laps of NASA (earlier CORD). I have seen it once or twice.  I used to think it is a joke until I cross checked some it. I did give you a hint one day about a meeting taking place. I hope you took it seriously and checked.

The bottomline is that GEMA wants a formula where they get RV votes and then exorcise both Raila and Ruto. The solution to The Dual Ruto Odinga Problem (DROP)  - they call it. It is known that only Uhuru's wife thinks Scientific exorcism can work on Raila. The others believe Raila will lose and go home a broken man. The feel there is no need to hit him on the head as he has no credible male heirs and thus will vanish along with the entire Odinga problem. That we know.

For Ruto it is Pure Scientific Exorcism following Wamalwa Kijana style. No middle line. The information we have is that the job is complete or is at 70% done. :D :D

I want to discount this talk as bad rumors. However when you are told that "we cut off the money for this week" and you confirm that Ruto is stuck, what can you say? Doubt it?

When Isaac is financed (with money obtained from a senile Moi) how do you explain that?

Ruto is playing in league bro. Ruto is struggling to survive. Like a woman who is loudly bragging about her husband but cannot explain the crashing sounds from her house every evening of the bruises on her face every morning, Ruto is keeping up appearances.

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread