There is a popular saying. A poor man has no morals. That is whe re we find ourselves in. Those few lucky ones of us can afford to be moral or ethical but the majority of kenyans have to be literally stopped from stealing or they would steal -consequences be damned. For me morality...wrong or more about consequences of our actions. There is a lot of reward for leading a good honest ethical and moral least in the long term. That is why most folks try to keep on that lane..I included. Crime including corruption may pays in the short term but more often in the long get caught. Of course greed and temptation to steal or cut corners I think is an enduring dillemma people face through their lives.
That is theory. Let get back to the problem. We have a crime here of corruption that is has gotten out of hands. Termie & Moonki think good dictator like leadership who is extremely harsh on corruption will work wonders. How we get there? The details seem sketchy..elect good leaders
I don't think we should wait until we have a benevolent dictator who will work his magic. I think making it harder for one to steal public money or engage in corruption is the way to go. Everytime someone get away ...we need to pause and think about how he managed to get in and steal...and worry later about jailing and recovering those assets. This is especially true where corruption has permeate all sectors including the criminal and correction systems that are suppose to deal with punishing and detering such acts.
So on this case or NYS case....we need to think about what could have been done to avert this. Would CBK having being more serious about money laundering have got NYS...yeah...heck in fact they got them and asked treasury what was going on! Would M-pesa guys have caught Kyalo long time ago..yeah...but they got him 5yrs late..and now we can fire, arrest and recover monies from Kyalo and his network.
How can we stop crime from happening. Termie say strong measures will be deterrent. I say putting water tight controls all over will make corruption very hard and risky -and make prosecution a walk in the park.
And these are questions all kenyans (not only GoK) are facing. If you ran any business you know employee theft is big! so folks have all these cctv cameras and name them to stop these guys on the track..because once the money is gone; it mostly likely gone.
If I understand you correctly, Are you saying that morality does not deter us from making right decisions?
If that is correct, then how come people like the Pope can chose to be so humble while the likes of Trump use any means necessary to reap money off the poor. Who has morals? The Pope or Trump?
I agree with you though that man is inherently corrupt. What Kenya lacks is law enforcement. A regular guy is harassed left and right while the moneyed are left to roam defrauding every person, institution can then get hold of.