Author Topic: I have been blogging for 30 years  (Read 2274 times)

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2022, 05:44:00 PM »
Problem with pundit is over confidence he doesn't leave room for error even a +or -1 but its typical of Kenyans who underwent 8-4-4 and haven't had any chance to interact with graduates or professionals of other countries and learn from being humbled, generally educated Kenyans are know it all and that's why Pundit makes these calls. He wakes up goes to jirani and tells himself that he will eat chapati and kuku but jirani already has githeri cooking and serves it.
Mostly he is 70-80% correct on MOAS its not a simple feat that takes alot of analytical mind and time.
UDA nominations have largely exceeded expectations however in some areas in mlima there is a fallout we have to see how that will take direction but nothing really big in my opinion.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2022, 05:46:20 PM »
I am not afraid to get it wrong. It never too serious. I make calls and share my thinking. That most important thing - to share the thought process - the analytical process leading to a conclusion. That is what education ought to impart on you. If I said Charles would win - I gave sound arguments - previous voting patterns and the configuration on the ground - of course sometimes extra-ordinary events happen - and throw all that out of the window. Mutai wave is one such and took Keter and I by huge suprises. Mutai is first time politician who just got incredibly lucky against a tried and tested Keter.
Problem with pundit is over confidence he doesn't leave room for error even a +or -1 but its typical of Kenyans who underwent 8-4-4 and haven't had any chance to interact with graduates or professionals of other countries and learn from being humbled, generally educated Kenyans are know it all and that's why Pundit makes these calls. He wakes up goes to jirani and tells himself that he will eat chapati and kuku but jirani already has githeri cooking and serves it.
Mostly he is 70-80% correct on MOAS its not a simple feat that takes alot of analytical mind and time.
UDA nominations have largely exceeded expectations however in some areas in mlima there is a fallout we have to see how that will take direction but nothing really big in my opinion.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2022, 05:52:52 PM »
I think Rv pundit has inferiority complex.Someone used to mike him while growing up or is regularly abused by the wife so he has to aways show the world he is the smartest guy in the world.Its a mental disorder.Even when hr is disapproved or meets someone smarter than him he feels so threatened.At his age,you don't expect him to change but become worse especially if Ruto looses the election.

Unlike omollo and Dear mami,He tried to summarize his points Ina brief way without long academic nonsense,emotional breakdown and being petty.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2022, 06:54:28 PM »
I think Rv pundit has inferiority complex.Someone used to mike him while growing up or is regularly abused by the wife so he has to aways show the world he is the smartest guy in the world.Its a mental disorder.Even when hr is disapproved or meets someone smarter than him he feels so threatened.At his age,you don't expect him to change but become worse especially if Ruto looses the election.

Unlike omollo and Dear mami,He tried to summarize his points Ina brief way without long academic nonsense,emotional breakdown and being petty.
Lowlife from Kiamwangi secondary...if there is one thing that I have never doubted is my mental acuity.I knew from early in my life that had special brain...when you beat best std 8 candidate as std 2 then you know it's certainly boost self esteem beyond..I have always top students..setting academic records I actually got bored.In high school not Kiamwangi day the principal nicknamed me a computer.My brain is not's memory incredible..just get used to it.I see numbers in my head..I became atheist as 10yr old having determined beyond reasonable conclusion doubt that religion was a scam.I earn more than a senator in payslip read net pay of kshs 935,009.. working mostly from Nairobi.. because I am excellent software engineer.I have started companies and sold then off

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2022, 07:04:21 PM »
And lowlife if you're coming to challenge my reading of Kenya siasa pole sana I call election to very high precision...chebukati should give me half that money and spare us the obvious.You can check 2010, 2013,,2017 And 2017 repeat.Margin of error 1 percent or less

Offline Githunguri

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2022, 07:23:19 PM »
I think Rv pundit has inferiority complex.Someone used to mike him while growing up or is regularly abused by the wife so he has to aways show the world he is the smartest guy in the world.Its a mental disorder.Even when hr is disapproved or meets someone smarter than him he feels so threatened.At his age,you don't expect him to change but become worse especially if Ruto looses the election.

Unlike omollo and Dear mami,He tried to summarize his points Ina brief way without long academic nonsense,emotional breakdown and being petty.
Lowlife from Kiamwangi secondary...if there is one thing that I have never doubted is my mental acuity.I knew from early in my life that had special brain...when you beat best std 8 candidate as std 2 then you know it's certainly boost self esteem beyond..I have always top students..setting academic records I actually got bored.In high school not Kiamwangi day the principal nicknamed me a computer.My brain is not's memory incredible..just get used to it.I see numbers in my head..I became atheist as 10yr old having determined beyond reasonable conclusion that religion was a scam.I earn more than a senator in payslip read net pay of kshs 935,009.. working mostly from Nairobi.. because I am excellent software engineer.I have started companies and sold then off

(1) You earn 900,000 KES a month.

(2) You have have started and sold Companies for 100MN.

And you spend all your time here?

Earth is hard.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2022, 07:33:48 PM »
I spend most of my time infront of a computer.
As programmer - I  only really work 10% of the time - when I have that super concentration.
That is where you solve really complex problems - because you're 100 percent into it - total concentration.
I do this most of early mornings - if I am lucky to get all concentration I need.
90% of the time - I am trying to get that there - or doing monkey stuff.
Your career is 100% monkey stuff...busy work..paper pushing. You rarely get to think beyond the usual.
Mine is like a muscian trying to write a song - it not easy :) and yet once you solve a problem or compose great song - you can enjoy it fruits for long time.
If you're run of the mill - doing simple website - then that monkey stuff you can do with enough time.
If you're writting algorithms - then it's bit hard.
(1) You earn 900,000 KES a month.

(2) You have have started and sold Companies for 100MN.

And you spend all your time here?

Earth is hard.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2022, 07:49:10 PM »
I spend most of my time infront of a computer.
As programmer - I  only really work 10% of the time - when I have that super concentration.
That is where you solve really complex problems - because you're 100 percent into it - total concentration.
I do this most of early mornings - if I am lucky to get all concentration I need.
90% of the time - I am trying to get that there - or doing monkey stuff.
Your career is 100% monkey stuff...busy work..paper pushing. You rarely get to think beyond the usual.
Mine is like a muscian trying to write a song - it not easy :) and yet once you solve a problem or compose great song - you can enjoy it fruits for long time.
If you're run of the mill - doing simple website - then that monkey stuff you can do with enough time.
If you're writting algorithms - then it's bit hard.
(1) You earn 900,000 KES a month.

(2) You have have started and sold Companies for 100MN.

And you spend all your time here?

Earth is hard.

The more money you have the less time you spend on your phone or computer typing stupid stuff on this forum.

9am-12pm-work and calls to shamba boy and foreman
12-2Pm-Lunch and nipate
5pm-phone calls family friends.

I haven't included time for your personal business,driving here n there,time for slay queen etcetc

The more money you have like William ruto,the more the drives or flights,More business,more friends,more alcohol,more women,more sex

But you are always here 24/7

You are a bloody liar who is an idler,Its better me who confesses am a low life criminal who posts here when not conducting armed robbery.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2022, 08:01:39 PM »
Not everyone is the same.
I derive pleasure from staying infront of a  computer.
I spend my early life indoors reading books - because I enjoyed it.
My brothers found it wierd - because I should have been out chasing girls with them - but my first love was books.
Then other half in front of computers - because I enjoy it.
This just the nature of people - some of us are introverted - I go out everyday from 6-7pm - drinking in bar until 10ish.
Now with phones - I still log in to social media and nipate.
If you're outdoor guy - good luck with that.

In life try to be happy...if politics make you it. If analyzing politics makes you it. If you like hiking mountains and seeing animals - go for it.

I make no apologies for how I live my life and my life choices. I live my life.

The more money you have the less time you spend on your phone or computer typing stupid stuff on this forum.

9am-12pm-work and calls to shamba boy and foreman
12-2Pm-Lunch and nipate
5pm-phone calls family friends.

I haven't included time for your personal business,driving here n there,time for slay queen etcetc

The more money you have like William ruto,the more the drives or flights,More business,more friends,more alcohol,more women,more sex

But you are always here 24/7

You are a bloody liar who is an idler,Its better me who confesses am a low life criminal who posts here when not conducting armed robbery.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2022, 08:18:34 PM »
Who finds pleasure being infront of a computer?Who?How many hours does zuckerberg bill gates etc spend on a computer?

I think you operate a cyber cafe in a busy town in a building owned by your father which gives you maybe 200k a month which has kept you going.

I just don't understand how someone who pockets 1MN a month can spend time arguing with people online from 7AM-10PM..No way..

Its almost 9AM.I threw a punch at you,drove home showered and rested on bed.thats why am able to post no children or wife conversation just on phone few minutes I log out but I've noted your trend today and days before you are ever online

That's not normal nobody has 2MN in the bank every month and is ever here?

How do you post while in a club?With beautiful half naked women beer alcohol nyama choma nice music friends etc

Get out

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2022, 08:20:53 PM »
Lowlife - you lead low quality life - wachana na sisi - I babysit very serious systems - you think people pay me millions to sit in front of computer doing nothing.

Think for example guys who manage m-pesa where downtime of 10 minutes is serious trouble.  That is why people like us get paid top dollar. I used to manage mobile payment system where every second payment came through from 10 countries...if my system get 1hr downtime...the customer care will be inured with calls...and tomorrow I will probably face the CEO.

There are people who run this world so you can sleep - go to mpesa, atm, and etc - by ensuring 99.9999 percent reliable systems.

Safaricom probably now does 10,000 transactions per second - a minute has 60 seconds - those are 600,000 failed transactions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--> Look like they are doing 61 million per day - 15B annually - a day has 84,600 generally they  - they doing 700 transaction per second - I used to run 1 second per transaction - one man army

These are incredibly busy systems - VISA/Mastercard - worldwide are close to 70-80 billions annually - so Mpesa definitely joining world top 10 most busiest systems - it takes incredible work behind the scenes to make that happpen.

Who finds pleasure being infront of a computer?Who?How many hours does zuckerberg bill gates etc spend on a computer?

I think you operate a cyber cafe in a busy town in a building owned by your father which gives you maybe 200k a month which has kept you going.

I just don't understand how someone who pockets 1MN a month can spend time arguing with people online from 7AM-10PM..No way..

Its almost 9AM.I threw a punch at you,drove home showered and rested on bed.thats why am able to post no children or wife conversation just on phone few minutes I log out but I've noted your trend today and days before you are ever online

That's not normal nobody has 2MN in the bank every month and is ever here?

How do you post while in a club?With beautiful half naked women beer alcohol nyama choma nice music friends etc

Get out

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2022, 08:37:15 PM »
Lowlife - you lead low quality life - wachana na sisi - I babysit very serious systems - you think people pay me millions to sit in front of computer doing nothing.

Think for example guys who manage m-pesa where downtime of 10 minutes is serious trouble.  That is why people like us get paid top dollar. I used to manage mobile payment system where every second payment came through from 10 countries...if my system get 1hr downtime...the customer care will be inured with calls...and tomorrow I will probably face the CEO.

There are people who run this world so you can sleep - go to mpesa, atm, and etc - by ensuring 99.9999 percent reliable systems.

Pundit, leave this fella. Obsessed about other people's education, money, sijui class, that he keeps bringing up, and then projecting this on others. Poor people, like he pretends to be to play victim, don't have the luxury of wasting time here. They need to work or they don't eat that day. Their pastimes typically don't involve things like nipate. Most people here are professional class. Not uber rich or truly poor. Just professional/managerial class, for the most part: Doctors, Lawyers, Econmists, Computer Programmers, Accountants, etc., i.e. the people hired by the uber-rich to manage their big businesses and systems. Most importantly, it doesn't matter. So what if someone earns 200K running a cyber? Shido iko wapi?  :D I've gone stretches being unemployed. It wasn't fun. What it teaches you is not to attach personal worth (yours or someone else's) to income or status symbols, like fancy-sounding jobs.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2022, 08:43:57 PM »
Understood. I personally prefer to judge people based entirely on sound arguments they make here. These kind of personal attacks is what we hoped wont happen here.
Anyway frankly this is tame. Election time in the other years would be a war zone. You could smell blood from your computer.

Pundit, leave this fella. Obsessed about other people's education, money, sijui class, that he keeps bringing up, and then projecting this on others. Poor people, like he pretends to be to play victim, don't have the luxury of wasting time here. They need to work or they don't eat that day. Their pastimes typically don't involve things like nipate. Most people here are professional class. Not uber rich or truly poor. Just professional/managerial class, for the most part: Doctors, Lawyers, Econmists, Computer Programmers, Accountants, etc., i.e. the people hired by the uber-rich to manage their big businesses and systems. Most importantly, it doesn't matter. So what if someone earns 200K running a cyber? Shido iko wapi?  :D

Offline GeeMail

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2022, 09:13:23 PM »
If you don't believe in miracles, here is one..

In all the Luo Constituencies where ODM has done their nominations, ALL sitting MPs have been awarded certificate. In other words, All Luo MPs are very popular performers!

Isn't that a miracle?

Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2022, 09:22:02 PM »
Lowlife - you lead low quality life - wachana na sisi - I babysit very serious systems - you think people pay me millions to sit in front of computer doing nothing.

Think for example guys who manage m-pesa where downtime of 10 minutes is serious trouble.  That is why people like us get paid top dollar. I used to manage mobile payment system where every second payment came through from 10 countries...if my system get 1hr downtime...the customer care will be inured with calls...and tomorrow I will probably face the CEO.

There are people who run this world so you can sleep - go to mpesa, atm, and etc - by ensuring 99.9999 percent reliable systems.

Safaricom probably now does 10,000 transactions per second - a minute has 60 seconds - those are 600,000 failed transactions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--> Look like they are doing 61 million per day - 15B annually - a day has 84,600 generally they  - they doing 700 transaction per second - I used to run 1 second per transaction - one man army

These are incredibly busy systems - VISA/Mastercard - worldwide are close to 70-80 billions annually - so Mpesa definitely joining world top 10 most busiest systems - it takes incredible work behind the scenes to make that happpen.

Who finds pleasure being infront of a computer?Who?How many hours does zuckerberg bill gates etc spend on a computer?

I think you operate a cyber cafe in a busy town in a building owned by your father which gives you maybe 200k a month which has kept you going.

I just don't understand how someone who pockets 1MN a month can spend time arguing with people online from 7AM-10PM..No way..

Its almost 9AM.I threw a punch at you,drove home showered and rested on bed.thats why am able to post no children or wife conversation just on phone few minutes I log out but I've noted your trend today and days before you are ever online

That's not normal nobody has 2MN in the bank every month and is ever here?

How do you post while in a club?With beautiful half naked women beer alcohol nyama choma nice music friends etc

Get out

Definitely you don't work for Visa or MasterCard where a software engineer is paid KES 1MN a month in the USA or UK and this is very clear from your posting hours and dormant hours...infact Indians and Chinese who are better software engineers are paid max of 300k I think if these American companies outsource them
...To make matters worse if you are a softare engineer at Safaricom your pay mgrade is between 90k-180k max...there is an influx of these people nowadays.

To further disapprove your lies...if you have sold your IT companies to venture capitalists for $1-2MN dollars,why do you have to work many long hours for visa or Safaricom,Isn't that idiotic?Someone who earns that much would be sitting a fintech board or private equity or consultant sourcing funding for African startups and earning millions with alot of jetlag to post bullshit here.

If you sold your company for 200MN those are 3 apartment blocks earning 2MN PM and I don't think anyone earning that much would waste time here...drink upto 10PM drive home by 11PM and you are online at 7AM

Wacha mchezo wewr

Offline Githunguri

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2022, 09:24:00 PM »
Lowlife - you lead low quality life - wachana na sisi - I babysit very serious systems - you think people pay me millions to sit in front of computer doing nothing.

Think for example guys who manage m-pesa where downtime of 10 minutes is serious trouble.  That is why people like us get paid top dollar. I used to manage mobile payment system where every second payment came through from 10 countries...if my system get 1hr downtime...the customer care will be inured with calls...and tomorrow I will probably face the CEO.

There are people who run this world so you can sleep - go to mpesa, atm, and etc - by ensuring 99.9999 percent reliable systems.

Pundit, leave this fella. Obsessed about other people's education, money, sijui class, that he keeps bringing up, and then projecting this on others. Poor people, like he pretends to be to play victim, don't have the luxury of wasting time here. They need to work or they don't eat that day. Their pastimes typically don't involve things like nipate. Most people here are professional class. Not uber rich or truly poor. Just professional/managerial class, for the most part: Doctors, Lawyers, Econmists, Computer Programmers, Accountants, etc., i.e. the people hired by the uber-rich to manage their big businesses and systems. Most importantly, it doesn't matter. So what if someone earns 200K running a cyber? Shido iko wapi?  :D I've gone stretches being unemployed. It wasn't fun. What it teaches you is not to attach personal worth (yours or someone else's) to income or status symbols, like fancy-sounding jobs.

Typical nonsense

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2022, 09:26:17 PM »
Kiamwangi lowlife :) bleating like a goat - bla de bla.
I have been online with same folks for 20yrs plus.
If I was a liar - well they would already have known.

Wacha mchezo wewr

Offline Githunguri

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2022, 10:14:25 PM »
Kiamwangi lowlife :) bleating like a goat - bla de bla.
I have been online with same folks for 20yrs plus.
If I was a liar - well they would already have known.

Wacha mchezo wewr

Now they know.