Author Topic: I have been blogging for 30 years  (Read 2256 times)

Offline audacityofhope

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I have been blogging for 30 years
« on: April 15, 2022, 09:51:08 PM »
Yes there are those who says Keter under pressure to retain his CS position abandoned Ruto and sought refuge in Gideon Moi. But those who knows Charles development record - will be hesitant to hang him for some johnney come lately "Mlevi" Dr Mutai.

The way I see - Charles will win. Charles has strong support in old belgut (which are now 3 const - belgut, ainamoi & sigowet-soin) - and he has shifted his homebase to Kipkelion west. So charles start at 4 const.

Meanwhile Mutai likely to carry the day in edges - Bureti and Kipkelion East - those are two - and few Bomet(sotiek) of towns. Most of makalele is from town people - who majority are Bomet (sot) people - who hates Charles because he finished Isaac Ruto (most sot people also hate Nandis - it been tough for them because Ruto traces his ancestry to Belgut  - so they have run unsuccessfully Ruto is Nandi and we kipsigis are majority deserve to be in there - like was run against Tugen Moi.

Charles Keter is favourite for me; I saw the same Mutai kind of wave during 2016 when Kiptoiyot (Aaron) was fighting  Chaman Buch (from Bureti) over the same issues....same My Cousin/Charles favouritism...but come election day it was 35% for Chaman buch - and 65% for Kiptoiyot.

Essentially Kipsigis are split  into 3=4 - Belgut (original kipisigs) - Kipkelion (maybe called Lubwa) - both of these groups are closes to Nandis - in language and culture - Bureti are in middle with some Gusii influence - the Bomet (Sot) - south Kipsigis - are half gusii half kipsigis - the language differs, mannerism, culture.

In Kericho, Keter is perceived as softly anti-Ruto that is why Dr. Mutai, who has embraced Ruto fully is swimming well in the tide. In the end, I think Keter might eke out a victory as he try to maintain his independence from DP.
These two KK idiots suffocate us with post after post. Come Aug 10th, I have one wish, that they both go away forever. One of them lectures me how they know Bungoma better than yours truly, yet the Kipsigis with his claim to "30 years blogging" cannot correctly predict the outcome of elections in his own County!
Bure kabisa.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2022, 09:55:39 PM »
I am human - I know you' think I am freak of nature. I clearly underestimated that Mutai - I checked the results - Mutai won everywhere.

It was a rout.

Keter has to rue the day he allowed Uhuru to cow him into submission. Now he need dust himself up and run to Karen and beg for forgiveness.

The number of folks who will be taken home by Uhuru is long - starting with Raila Odinga. The skunk Uhuru has totally messed up and any association will be punished.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2022, 10:18:13 PM »
ERICK MUTAI - 126,038
NGOK LILY - 9,377
Dr. Mutai Erick KipkoechDr. Mutai Erick Kipkoech Mutai Erick Kipkoech DECLARED THE WINNER

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2022, 11:32:33 PM »
That was written before Dr. Mutai and the other guy combined votes to secure the Deputy Governor seat as well. Also, Dr. Mutai used Keter's distancing himself from DP for almost 4 years to his advantage. Dr Mutai thinks Keter should have sacrificed his position like kina murkomen, kihika et al to show his loyalty and steadfastness in defending DP. When electorates find out you are a weak Ruto support in the past or present, they will roast you at the polls. I believe that is what dislodged Keter! The interviews he did, in the beginning, coming out as pro-Uhuru than Ruto, I think also, tore his ass up!
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2022, 12:17:59 AM »
Mutai wave started and Keter could not respond effectively - they accused him of everything - bringing tea picking machines - picking cousins - not helping people - not fighting for WSR - keter was overconfident - thinking he could turn the clock- confident of kipsigis weighing stuff.

The propaganda that sunk earlier on was no way we elect Keter and Aron - the senator is incredibly popular - so it was case nephew and uncle. Charles and Aron Cheruiyot mother are siblings.

Charles himself never saw Mutai. He bribed the popular senator with 100M not to run....unaware of others.

That was written before Dr. Mutai and the other guy combined votes to secure the Deputy Governor seat as well. Also, Dr. Mutai used Keter's distancing himself from DP for almost 4 years to his advantage. Dr Mutai thinks Keter should have sacrificed his position like kina murkomen, kihika et al to show his loyalty and steadfastness in defending DP. When electorates find out you are a weak Ruto support in the past or present, they will roast you at the polls. I believe that is what dislodged Keter! The interviews he did, in the beginning, coming out as pro-Uhuru than Ruto, I think also, tore his ass up!

Offline patel

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2022, 05:50:52 AM »
Energy ministry manenos, kplc token scam and fuel shortage did not help either. Keter is done.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2022, 05:52:20 AM »
Overconfidence & Pride.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2022, 07:26:27 AM »
I am human - I know you' think I am freak of nature. I clearly underestimated that Mutai - I checked the results - Mutai won everywhere.

It was a rout.

Keter has to rue the day he allowed Uhuru to cow him into submission. Now he need dust himself up and run to Karen and beg for forgiveness.

The number of folks who will be taken home by Uhuru is long - starting with Raila Odinga. The skunk Uhuru has totally messed up and any association will be punished.
Unajijua. Yes you are a buffoon.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2022, 07:40:19 AM »
Linturi and his estranged wife Maryanne Kitany will be in the NA parliament. Katiba shields what happens on the floor of the house or indeed anywhere in the precincts of parliament from ending up in court. Interesting times & drama ahead for these two.

Meanwhile yours truly, a truly humble but knowledgeable Kenyan has collated for members a summary of results from North and South Rift:
UDA Nominations Results

UG County - 027
Governor: Jonathan Bii Chelilim
Senator: Jackson Mandago
Women Rep: Gladys Boss
Kapseret MP: Oscar Sudi
Kesses MP:  Julius Ruto
Ainabkoi MP: Samuel Chepkong'a
Turbo MP:  Janet Rotich
Moiben MP: Prof. Phyllis Bartoo
Soy  MP:  David Kiplagat

Nandi County - 029Aldai MP: Marianne Keitany

Baringo County
Governor: Benjamin Cheboi
Senator: Sylas Tochim
Women Rep: Flowrence Jematiah
Mogotio MP: Kiborek Reuben
Eldama Ravine MP: Musa Sirma

Elgeiyo Marakwet County
Governor: Wesley Rotich
Senator: Kipchumba Murkomen
Women Rep: Chebaibai
Keiyo South MP: Gideon Kimaiyo Sonko
Keiyo North MP: Adams Kipsanai
Marakwet East MP: Kangogo Bowen
Marakwet West MP: William Kisang

Bomet County
Governor: Prof. Barchok
Senator: Hillary Sigei
Sotik MP: Francis Sigei
Women Rep: Linet Chepkorir Toto
Bomet East MP: Richard Yegon Unwet
Konoin MP: Brighton
Bomet Central MP: Richard Kilel
Chepalungu MP: Paul Bii Savimbi

Kericho County
Governor: Dr. Eric Mutai
Senator: Aron Cheruiyot
Women Rep: Beatrice Kemei
Ainamoi MP: Benjamin Lagat
Belgut MP: Sonko Nelson
Bureti: Kibet Sebuleni
Kipkelion West: Hillary Kosgey
Kipkelion East: Joseph Cherorot
Soin Sigowet: Justice Kemei

Maryanne Kitany (centre) addressing the press after being declared winner for UDA nominations in Aldai constituency

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2022, 07:42:28 AM »
Eldama Halima or Musa sirma.Baringo governor goes home... cheboi makes comeback. UDA will sweep the floor in almost all the 14 counties of 8 counties of central n  eastern....that almost 130 mps.It will pick a few in Nairobi, coast, western, nep,gusii and ukambani.. bringing total of 160mps.Anc and Fordk will get combined 20-30mps..taking total to 190 plus 25 women mps and 7 nominations...taking Ruto Kenya kwanza very very close to 223mps.. absolutely majority needed to ammends katiba.Across the fence..ODM is heading for disaster..not even in luo nyanza is assured of mps having chosen to mess with primaries or not conduct them..from it 62 mps and 13 women rep..I see it reducing to 40mps and 10 women rep.. Jubilee will get 20-30mps mostly from northern Kenya and wiper the usual 20mps.The Azimio as whole will struggle to get 130mps..50 from odm, 20 each from wiper and jubilee, 20 from small parties.Ruto will reap greatly from conducting credible primaries and will run Kenya they way he wants.Katiba can be ammended any day.Jubileeb20 mps will immediately abandon uhuru and cross over to Kenya kwanza...taking Ruto to 250mps plus.I hope that absolute power won't corrupt him absolutely and they use it for good of the country.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2022, 08:09:28 AM »
Eldama Halima or Musa sirma.Baringo governor goes home... cheboi makes comeback. UDA will sweep the floor in almost all the 14 counties of 8 counties of central n  eastern....that almost 130 mps.It will pick a few in Nairobi, coast, western, nep,gusii and ukambani.. bringing total of 160mps.Anc and Fordk will get combined 20-30mps..taking total to 190 plus 25 women mps and 7 nominations...taking Ruto Kenya kwanza very very close to 223mps.. absolutely majority needed to ammends katiba.Across the fence..ODM is heading for disaster..not even in luo nyanza is assured of mps having chosen to mess with primaries or not conduct them..from it 62 mps and 13 women rep..I see it reducing to 40mps and 10 women rep.. Jubilee will get 20-30mps mostly from northern Kenya and wiper the usual 20mps.The Azimio as whole will struggle to get 130mps..50 from odm, 20 each from wiper and jubilee, 20 from small parties.Ruto will reap greatly from conducting credible primaries and will run Kenya they way he wants. Katiba can be ammended any day..
I have made the correction on Eldama Ravine MP. Thanks.
Now there you go with more fake predictions. :sign0023:
You never slow down do you? I will leave it to God to judge you.

Not only are you a freak of nature but I am now convinced you are deranged. Only a deranged person can wish for a constitution to be amended to cater for a 'Life President'.  :

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2022, 08:14:04 AM »
That bukusu Edwin Sifuna is going to completely damage odm including in strongholds.Last time odm won 40 luo mps and 20 coast mps... coast is gone..huge nominations.Kilifi n kwake shida..maybe Mombasa.Luo nyanza odm is going to lose half to Azimio friendly parties.So expect huge disaster.I expect odm elected mps to reduce to 40 plus 10 women rep and two nominations.Disaster considering it's largest in Azimio.Wiper usual 20.Jubilee dead apart from north Kenya.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2022, 08:23:57 AM »
If you don't believe in miracles, here is one..

In all the Luo Constituencies where ODM has done their nominations, ALL sitting MPs have been awarded certificate. In other words, All Luo MPs are very popular performers!

Isn't that a miracle?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2022, 08:31:13 AM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2022, 08:33:43 AM »
UDA will back ANC and Ford Kenya in Western plus Tranzoia.It hopeless in four Luo counties.So max it should have is 38 nominations for governor..missing five

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2022, 08:35:28 AM »
I think lamu ANC will fly the former governor.Missing four..3 ukambani..Muthama has shot..but kitui and makueni Uda will field for it's isiolo..Uda will therefore field 37 governor position...with least prospect in Mombasa, kitui and makueni..the 34 others have a shot.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2022, 10:15:09 AM »
Scratch that - ODM getting 50Mps ngori sana. Sifuna has totally destroyed the party.

All incumbents and their preferred line ups of MCAs won ODM nominations in Nyanza while others simply got direct nomination. 

Now use the normal curve of 60% firing rate of incumbents by angry voters....

Just do 62 mps times 40% (retention rate) = you'll get about 25 elected ODM Mps in 2022 - maybe 10 women reps - one nominee. Total 35.

Then add Wiper 20 Mps (they also didnt do any nomination) - make that  15mps - Total 50Mps - add Jubilee joke of 10Mps - MACHOZI - total MPS of 60 MPs - of three main parties of Azimio.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2022, 11:02:29 AM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2022, 11:18:25 AM »
Charles eat humble pie and thank the people. Generally apart from few areas - UDA nomination were conclusive - and has lessen Chebukati work in august 2021. Chebukati will help Sifuna and other Azimio parties to sort their issues by providing their supporters credible process to remove dead woods.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: I have been blogging for 30 years
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2022, 02:33:37 PM »
That was written before Dr. Mutai and the other guy combined votes to secure the Deputy Governor seat as well. Also, Dr. Mutai used Keter's distancing himself from DP for almost 4 years to his advantage. Dr Mutai thinks Keter should have sacrificed his position like kina murkomen, kihika et al to show his loyalty and steadfastness in defending DP. When electorates find out you are a weak Ruto support in the past or present, they will roast you at the polls. I believe that is what dislodged Keter! The interviews he did, in the beginning, coming out as pro-Uhuru than Ruto, I think also, tore his ass up!
Wee @RVHH, be humble like @Pundit! :shut_up: We are not interested in your excuses. Accept you got it wrong and move on, alaaah!