Author Topic: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche  (Read 5778 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2022, 06:42:19 PM »
I deliberately ignored the whole mark too ( a foolish comedian) and Raila ( another foolish comedian) - NDP-KANU shenagians because they were frankly just DECOYS. Never did it cross moi minds that comedian like Raila would become PORK.

The real battle was btw Gideon-Uhuru-Ruto versu Saitoti-Biwott-Kamotho group.

Moi relied on Biwott brains - until Ruto arrived with even nimbler mind.

Obviously after KANU lost 2003 - Biwott had the last laugh.

You fail to mention Mark Toos role in all this , Mr Fix it(Bw Dawa) was the epicenter of all deals after 1997 - He is the reason Moi shoved the Biwotts and Chesires who were powerful back then .

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2022, 06:49:39 PM »

Mark Too became too cosy with Raila and  , Joshua Kulei , Hosea Kiplagat  who were closest Moi Confidants managed to neutralize Mark Too and convinced Moi to go with Uhuru/Gideon/Ruto axis .

I deliberately ignored the whole mark too ( a foolish comedian) and Raila ( another foolish comedian) - NDP-KANU shenagians because they were frankly just DECOYS. Never did it cross moi minds that comedian like Raila would become PORK.

The real battle was btw Gideon-Uhuru-Ruto versu Saitoti-Biwott-Kamotho group.

Moi relied on Biwott brains - until Ruto arrived with even nimbler mind.

Obviously after KANU lost 2003 - Biwott had the last laugh.

You fail to mention Mark Toos role in all this , Mr Fix it(Bw Dawa) was the epicenter of all deals after 1997 - He is the reason Moi shoved the Biwotts and Chesires who were powerful back then .

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2022, 06:53:48 PM »
Mark Too role was just to entertain Moi with jokes and like Kulei - to keep Moi wealth via proxy. The same with Hosea. They were part of the foolish crew that Moi loved to entertain himselves with - like of Mulu Mutisya and Kihika Kimanis.

Otherwise when it came to real political and governance moves - BIWOTT was the THINK TANK - and Gideon-Ruto took him down with whistle campaign - Moi loved fitinas or intelligences from the field - and eventually they started to even block Biwott from going to statehouse any time he went there.

Biwott had almost open contempt for Kuleis, Toos and other stupid people around MOi - but they could do nothing - because Biwott was very brilliant and very deadly - and total loyalty to Moi - and Moi knew Biwott for long time for his intelectual acumen.

Mark Too fell out with Moi over two land deals - EATEC in Eldoret and Kericho tea estate (KAISUKU TEA) - that Mark Too acquired via Lonro for Moi - but then refused to transfer to Moi. I think he eventually transferred Kericho tea estate - but kept 3,000 acres of EATEC - left Moi with 1,000 or so.

Kulei also went rogue after Moi was kicked out power - and refused to transfer half of Moi wealth.

Mark Too became too cosy with Raila and  , Joshua Kulei , Hosea Kiplagat  who were closest Moi Confidants managed to neutralize Mark Too and convinced Moi to go with Uhuru/Gideon/Ruto axis .

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2022, 07:04:56 PM »
Mark too was I think primary school drop out or something like that. He is like Ruto's Farouk Kibet - a form two dropout. Their role is very defined. It doesnt include THINKING. They are office MESSENGERS. To deliver messages and carry money.

Uhuru hires Nancy Gitau. Moi had Biwott. Ruto is his own thinktank. Raila has many Luos intellectual working for him.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #24 on: January 21, 2022, 07:09:52 PM »
You touch the most important aspect of Moi and why he kept what you are referring to as foolish crew . Moi only liked people with absolute Loyalty to him  . He didnt care about brilliance , schemers or intellects .
By the time 2002 elections was nearing Kulei had transffered majority of the wealth to MOI - Gideon and Jonathan told their father that Kulei is still richer than him hence the fallout . However all said and done when NARC came to power they had opportunity of seizing /freezing all the ill gotten wealth . Kibaki shielded Moi and by extension Biwott and Kulei . He told his ministers if you touch Biwott and Kulei you have touched Moi - For Kibaki Moi was a no go zone . Raila started lies that he was the one who was protecting Moi where as he was the biggest hawk on reclaiming the ill gotten wealth . Funny enough Uhuru and Moi have " decided" he is the one who can protect their wealth and they want us to believe that . Danganya wengine . 

Mark Too role was just to entertain Moi with jokes and like Kulei - to keep Moi wealth via proxy. The same with Hosea. They were part of the foolish crew that Moi loved to entertain himselves with - like of Mulu Mutisya and Kihika Kimanis.

Otherwise when it came to real political and governance mois - BIWOTT was the THINK TANK - and Gideon-Ruto took him down with whistle campaign - Moi loved fitinas or intelligences from the field - and eventually they started to even block Biwott from going to statehouse any time he went there.

Biwott had almost open contempt for Kuleis, Toos and other stupid people around MOi - but they could do nothing - because Biwott was very brilliant and very deadly - and total loyalty to Moi - and Moi knew Biwott for long time for his intelectual acumen.

Mark Too fell with Moi over two land deals - EATEC in Eldoret and Kericho tea estate (KAISUKU TEA) - that Mark Too acquired via Lonro for Moi - but then refused to transfer to Moi. I think he eventually transferred Kericho tea estate - but kept 3,000 acres of EATEC - left Moi with 1,000 or so.

Kulei also went rogue after Moi was kicked out power - and refused to transfer half of Moi wealth.

Mark Too became too cosy with Raila and  , Joshua Kulei , Hosea Kiplagat  who were closest Moi Confidants managed to neutralize Mark Too and convinced Moi to go with Uhuru/Gideon/Ruto axis .

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2022, 07:14:55 PM »
You cannot survive in power for 24 years with foolish people. You not only have internal enemies and back then even bigger external enemies. Moi had brains of Biwott and employed brilliant people to work with him.

But he also kept stupid people to do for him stupid stuff - all they need to do is proof to be loyal and not greedy. That was Mark Too, Kulei and Hosea...all of them had very low education, zero understanding of complex business and international stuff.

Kibaki didnt save Moi. Brig Boinnett and the Americans saved Moi. Before Moi handed power - the Americans had Kibaki sign an MOU with Moi- that Moi wont be touched. Moi and his kalenjin elite knew with NARC coming they would be in big trouble. The Biwotts and others were working on creating chaos and then handing over the gov to the Military. Biwot was responsible largely for 92 PEV - and Kones for 97 PEV - all they needed to do is light few fires of kalenjin houses - and war cry would be sounded - violence - then kaboom military.

The CIA learnt about this - Brig Boinnet was working with CIA - and they talked to Moi - who expressed his fears. The US arranged for MOU btw Kibaki and Moi. Moi would hand over power peaceful and in return all his crimes of commission or omission would be forgiven and forgotten.

This was secret pact that Kibaki and Boinnet alone were aware - because if they had touched Moi - military was going to activated or war was going to start.

I am also very confused on Uhuru-Gideon move with Azimio :). I still insist kuna mchezo inachezwa hapa. I believe Jakom is now being used as pawn....they are certainly aware that Ruto has one leg inside statehouse. They are going to use Jakom as negotiation- and yet again the foolish comedian will not know :)

You touch the most important aspect of Moi and why he kept what you are referring to as foolish crew . Moi only liked people with absolute Loyalty to him  . He didnt care about brilliance , schemers or intellects .
By the time 2002 elections was nearing Kulei had transffered majority of the wealth to MOI - Gideon and Jonathan told their father that Kulei is still richer than him hence the fallout . However all said and done when NARC came to power they had opportunity of seizing /freezing all the ill gotten wealth . Kibaki shielded Moi and by extension Biwott and Kulei . He told his ministers if you touch Biwott and Kulei you have touched Moi - For Kibaki Moi was a no go zone . Raila started lies that he was the one who was protecting Moi where as he was the biggest hawk on reclaiming the ill gotten wealth . Funny enough Uhuru and Moi have " decided" he is the one who can protect their wealth and they want us to believe that . Danganya wengine . 

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2022, 07:37:12 PM »
Thats precisely how Moi managed to survive Power . After 1982 Moi never wanted any Brilliant people near him , Look at all the people he appointed from the forces to his Cabinet and yes Biwott is the same caliber like the rest  . Worse is that his opponents were more foolish that wih their might they never united to go against Moi . That was tragedy of Kenyan politics from 1982 to 2002.

So when did this secret pact happen when Kibaki was ill and in and out of the country due to the Mombasa road accident .
You and your war stories - There is noway there would have been violence in RV 2002  same as 2013  and 2017 and now 2022 . Simply because of inciting . Raila managed to do that because the Tribes living in RV were in different formations .

You cannot survive power in 24 years with foolish people. You not only have internal enemies and back then even bigger external enemies. Moi had brains of Biwott and employed brilliant people to work with him.

But he also kept stupid people to do for him stupid stuff - all they need to do is proof to be loyal and not greedy. That was Mark Too, Kulei and Hosea...all of them had very low education, zero understanding of complex business and international stuff.

Kibaki didnt save Moi. Brig Boinnett and the Americans saved Moi. Before Moi handed power - the American had Kibaki sign an MOU with Mou - that Moi wont be touched. Moi and his kalenjin elite knew with NARC coming they would be in big trouble. The Biwotts and others were working on creating chaos and then handing over the gov to the Military. Biwot was responsible largely for 92 PEV - and Kones for 97 PEV - all they needed to do is light few fires of kalenjin houses - and war cry would be sound - violence - then kaboom military.

The CIA learnt about this - Brig Boinnet was working with CIA - and they talked to Moi - who expressed his fears. The US arranged for MOU btw Kibaki and Moi. Moi would hand over power peaceful and in return all his crimes of commission or omission would be forgiven and forgotten.

This was secret pact that Kibaki and Boinnet alone were aware - because if they had touched Moi - military was going to activated or war was going to start.

I am also very confused on Uhuru-Gideon move with Azimio :). I still insist kuna mchezo inachezwa hapa. I believe Jakom is now being used as pawn....they are certainly aware that Ruto has one leg inside statehouse. They are going to use Jakom as negotiation- and yet again the foolish comedian will not know :)

You touch the most important aspect of Moi and why he kept what you are referring to as foolish crew . Moi only liked people with absolute Loyalty to him  . He didnt care about brilliance , schemers or intellects .
By the time 2002 elections was nearing Kulei had transffered majority of the wealth to MOI - Gideon and Jonathan told their father that Kulei is still richer than him hence the fallout . However all said and done when NARC came to power they had opportunity of seizing /freezing all the ill gotten wealth . Kibaki shielded Moi and by extension Biwott and Kulei . He told his ministers if you touch Biwott and Kulei you have touched Moi - For Kibaki Moi was a no go zone . Raila started lies that he was the one who was protecting Moi where as he was the biggest hawk on reclaiming the ill gotten wealth . Funny enough Uhuru and Moi have " decided" he is the one who can protect their wealth and they want us to believe that . Danganya wengine . 

Offline einstein_g

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2022, 07:41:29 PM »
The fallout started early before even Ruto became MP.
After Y2k critical role in 92 election - Y2k guys became very powerful and had Moi ears.
This concided with time Biwott was publicly out of favour - having being fingered in Ouko death and fired by Moi.
Obviously Biwott was in Kitchen cabinet and running things in Kitchen cabinet -
So there was basically a clash in 1995-1996 - btw Y2k Jirong group of young guys - and Biwott group of Old Kanu.
Biwott won - Y2k were crushed. Biwott bankrupted Jirongo and the young guys - likes of KTN founder Jared Kagwana - Nyamweya
They found their loans being recalled - and contracts cancelled - auctioners on them.
Y2k guys then realized they had made big mistake - they needed to be in parliament - so they can fight the Biwott group.
So Jirongo, Ruto, and many Y2k went for election in 1997 - and most of them won - because frankly they had lots of money.
Immediately they won - they started fighting old KANU - calling for reforms of KANU - it was called KANU A and KANU B.
MOi dismissed them - and told them KANU was old party with structures - and they were speaking opposition language.
Unable to make any headway - Ruto joined Jirongo, Kirwa and Kapten to form UDM.
They had running battles with police for likes two years of 1998 and 1999 - Kapten was killed at some point.
Jirongo claims RUto killed somebody in those violent rallies by snapping the neck :) :)
Seeing how he beat Chesire in Statehouse - I cannot put it beyond him - Ruto can be ruthless
At some point - Ruto made friends with Gideon - and he took him to state house - and got him Ass Minister job.
He quit UDM - and slowly they worked on Biwott group (Saitoti).
Biwott plan was simple - Saitoti would be president - he would be VP.
Ruto, Gideon and Uhuru convinced MOi that fake Kikuyu like Saitoti - with BIwott - was bad idea compared to getting real kikuyu Uhuru with Gideon as VP.
Obviously MOi was overjoyed to hear that.
Ruto was the intellectual engine -
He also took Uhurus and Gideon through public speaking - and name it.

The fallout btw Mois and Rutos would happen post 2003 as Ruto took KANU from Gideon/Mois.
And then took that KANU to Raila.

MOis decided to go to Kibaki

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2022, 07:45:57 PM »
You're naive. Moi had very brilliant people. He appointed proffesors and phds in all critical positions. Biwott was very brilliant. Saitoti is mathematics genius - I think one of world top 1000 mathematicians who nailed hardest field of maths- topology- with phd in his 20s. Kanyottu whom moi kept as NIS head was brilliant - with photographic memory. Brig Boinnet is a genius - also with photographic memory. Dr Sally Kosgey was very brilliant - stanford university and taught pretty much most of those orengos or nyongos at UON. Moi had Prof Mbithis, Dr Karanjas. Kibaki was very brilliant.

Moi was able to identify and keep Ruto when he proved his brillaince - he even allowed him to sit in Cabinet - despite being Ass Minister

Moi was not educated to high levels but he valued intelligence. That is how he maintained power for 24yrs despite coming from a small tribe then.

You say the opposition did not unite. My friend they were MADE NOT TO UNITE. Things just dont happen- they are made to happen. You see Ruto winning PORK having demolish any competiton from Mt Kenya and you think It JUST HAPPENED. RUTO MADE IT HAPPEN.

If MOi had not secured MOU with undertaking from the Americans - kenya would have gone to dogs easily. Mois and his crew know how VERY EASY to incite Kalenji. You do not need to incite them. Just burn a few houses and pretend they are kikuyus burning them. Kalenjin will raise a war cry - and the entire Kalenjin nation will respond in matters of hours. That is how 1992 PEV was started out of nowhere. Biwott had NIS  provoke - Luos, Kikuyus, Luhyas and Gusii start the war...literally provoke the war....knowing Kalenjin would respond in few hours.

Then due to war - hand it over to military to secure peace.

That was Plan B - until Brig Boinnet and Americans convinced both Kibaki and Moi to sign MOu.

When was it signed - long time ago - Moi knew six month or about that UHURU HAD DRUNK WATER>


Once Raila said TOSHA it was OVER for Uhuru. MOi had NIS doing surveys. Those six months or so - before election - that is when PLAN B and C were kicking in - do we escape abroad? do we start secession war? do we hand over to military? to be wait to be finished?

It is likely NOW - people are on PLAN B OR C OR D - others are probably buying houses abroad.

Thats precisely how Moi managed to survive Power . After 1982 Moi never wanted any Brilliant people near him , Look at all the people he appointed from the forces to his Cabinet and yes Biwott is the same caliber like the rest  . Worse is that his opponents were more foolish that wih their might they never united to go against Moi . That was tragedy of Kenyan politics from 1982 to 2002.

So when did this secret pact happen when Kibaki was ill and in and out of the country due to the Mombasa road accident .
You and your war stories - There is noway there would have been violence in RV 2002  same as 2013  and 2017 and now 2022 . Simply because of inciting . Raila managed to do that because the Tribes living in RV were in different formations .

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2022, 08:00:12 PM »
Nowayah - I dont like war - but when you're talking politics - war is it's cousin! When politics fails! War starts.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2022, 08:08:47 PM »
RV , You need to distinguish between Obsolute War and Real war.

Nowayah - I dont like war - but when you're talking politics - war is it's cousin! When politics fails! War starts.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2022, 08:31:21 PM »
Shida yako ni uoga! I am sorry if you have experienced trauma of wars.

Real war like Ethiopia is never far from Kenya. Power struggle and War are very close cousin. That is why during election year in Kenya investment dries up.

We can only prevent war by talking about it's possibility

Not burying our heads in the sand.

Kenya is not exceptional. Maybe Tanzania is truly exceptional peaceful country....ingine ni kama Rwanda...just one assisination away from genocide.

It's captured in the failed or fragile state index....Kenya iko mbele sana hapo.

RV , You need to distinguish between Obsolute War and Real war.

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2022, 09:08:10 PM »
You seem to know nothing about war studies RV . Albert Einstein said it clearly  " You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war "
You theorize alot about war .

Shida yako ni uoga! I am sorry if you have experienced trauma of wars.

Real war like Ethiopia is never far from Kenya. Power struggle and War are very close cousin. That is why during election year in Kenya investment dries up.

We can only prevent war by talking about it's possibility

Not burying our heads in the sand.

Kenya is not exceptional. Maybe Tanzania is truly exceptional peaceful country....ingine ni kama Rwanda...just one assisination away from genocide.

It's captured in the failed or fragile state index....Kenya iko mbele sana hapo.

RV , You need to distinguish between Obsolute War and Real war.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2022, 09:13:58 PM »
I was NOT talking about war in 2013 and 2017. Did you hear me say Ngwee! It depend on the actors and the factors. This one is screaming 50-50 war if mishandled. Kalenjin are warriors. It's like Somalis or Ethiopians or Sudanase. Shida kidogo ni vita kubwa. It's not Tanzania - Bantus are peaceful people - generally speaking. Lakini hii ingine ya ngombe ni ngombe sana.
You seem to know nothing about war studies RV . Albert Einstein said it clearly  " You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war "
You theorize alot about war .

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #34 on: March 04, 2022, 05:33:15 PM »
Now KRA has shut the brewery down just because of 330M Ksh debt. KRA is not serious. The firm pays up to 200M taxes in a month. So now 2.4B of taxes will be foregone in a year because of 330M.
Tabitha should have never gone into politics and of all to the opposition party UDA. Now she is busy begging for help. Only Baba would have helped her and she abandoned him for Sadakaman.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #35 on: March 04, 2022, 05:50:37 PM »
Very sad ending to great business.

Offline GeeMail

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #36 on: March 04, 2022, 06:20:47 PM »
Brewery not good business ruin many families except owner. Can open another business.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

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Re: Tabitha needs to let go off Keroche
« Reply #37 on: March 05, 2022, 03:38:52 AM »
Very sad ending to great business.

Why would anyone try to become an entrepreneur in that country? unless you had political protection? how are they ever going to build real wealth if they keep playing these games?