Fallacious logic. They rigged - so we rigged. MOASS expected that kind turnout of Luo Nyanza based on 2005/2002/1997/1992 previous turnout.
Bottom-line. ODM might have rigged - but Kibaki Most Definitely Rigged in the CRUDEST way that sparks violent riot that uprooted 600k people from their homes or business - and let to deaths.
If rigging will happen in the future - let's hope we do not get equivalent to a violent coup.
Based on your moas and what I saw as final turnout from what Noway posted it is clear ODM rigging was worse. Unfortunately that Raila doctrine of claiming he won from 1997 was attempted again in 2013 and 2017. In 2022 he will be back again with the same claim. Watch this space. As I pointed out earlier in Kenya lies and exaggerations are the order of the day. I attended Obamas inauguration in 2009 and thought we must have been several million people at the national mall based on where we were well beyond the Washington monument. From the capital steps it quite a distance. Later that evening I was surprised to learn that the estimates put the figures under 1.5 million people. Then you have all this crap in Kenya about a million man matches and I don't know how many millions at Uhuru Park rallies. That is what causes chaos all the time. Politicians create a perception of overwhelming numbers in the cities while the majority voters are mostly rural folks in most third world countries.