Author Topic: Jubilee replace Ogiek with Kikuyu - Crazy!  (Read 6574 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jubilee replace Ogiek with Kikuyu - Crazy!
« Reply #40 on: September 24, 2021, 11:28:24 AM »
Jubilee is being managed by Kikuyus elites for kikuyus elites; accept and move on; the beneficiary is clearly a kikuyu; who has snatched a seat from Ogiek; it smell very bad and affect every kikuyu. That is my point. It bad optics.

If you had some brain cells - you should be in forefront castigating Tuju and the kikuyu cabal running jubilee for dirtfying kikuyu brand.

But you have a problem with truth and you rather battle me - instead of seeing and smelling this very nasty attack on our efforts to correct marginalization.

Tuju hakuna kitu naweza fanya - just titular head.

And this is not random - this almost Jubilee 2.0 Policy - consistent attack on Somalis, Turkanas and related counties - and now they are on Ogiek...running on USELESS PROPAGANDA called 1M1S - taking all development to central - all major appointments to Kikuyus - and rolling back Jubilee 1.0 gains.

We will call this out.  If you're afraid to call out Kikuyunization 3.0 under Uhuru - we will call it out. I know Uhuru think he is cementing legacy with his people - but he is undermining national unity.

If Ruto is going to develop Kalenjin land to exclusion of rest of kenya then akwende huko. We kalenjin do not want such. We no longer interested in such. We want better kenya for everyone.

Well thats your perception , from how Uhuru "runs"  parties since 2002 , everyone know he doesnt give a damn on what hsppens there , he might be involved in matters where he has interests.
Mostly before elections or the purge which happened.
Like you want us to believe he told them nominate Ngugi and not an Ogiek. He never even cared about TNA after elections reason Sakaja had to battle out alone for the Nomimation and Chairmans post. If you would have said Tuju was Kitu Kidogo to dish out that post , thats plausible or there was Kimunyas hand that would be believable.

Now Raila and Ruto they are micro managers  but still some decisions are made without his blessings like the purging of Otiende Omollo , It was Obadi who took it personal and also he went woth his collegues on trying to set up Otiende Omollo one of Railas favourite against Raila. You need to stop seeing Kikuyu ghosts in everything.
Raila runs ODM. Uhuru runs Jubilee (whatever is left of it). Ruto runs UDA. The rest are details
who makes Jubilee National Management Committee ? Is Njamba a member ?

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Jubilee replace Ogiek with Kikuyu - Crazy!
« Reply #41 on: September 24, 2021, 11:40:00 AM »

Okay name the Kikuyu cabal running Jubilee, who are the Jubilee NMC.
My point is very simple , The people who made this decision didnt make it on behalf of Kikuyus nor did they consult Kikuyus. They should be castigated as NMC. Kikuyus are busy supporting  Ruto and UDA its very evident. This is hurting everuone including Ruto opponents who thought they would tie Uhuru to Kikuyus. They tried using handshake to say Raila has supported Uhuru in Jubilee 2 and now support us in 2022 elections but Kikuyus have told them thats your deal with Uhuru our support is with Ruto.
So stop with this narrative ati Tuju and NMC is doimg it on behalf of Kikuyus.

Jubilee is being managed by Kikuyus elites for kikuyus elites; accept and move on; the beneficiary is clearly a kikuyu; who has snatched a seat from Ogiek; it smell very bad and affect every kikuyu. That is my point. It bad optics.

If you had some brain cells - you should be in forefront castigating Tuju and the kikuyu cabal running jubilee for dirtfying kikuyu brand.

But you have a problem with truth and you rather battle me - instead of seeing and smelling this very nasty attack on our efforts to correct marginalization.

Tuju hakuna kitu naweza fanya - just titular head.

And this is not random - this almost Jubilee 2.0 consistent attack on Somalis, Turkanas and related counties - and now they are on Ogiek...running on USELESS PROPAGANDA called 1M1S.

Well thats your perception , from how Uhuru "runs"  parties since 2002 , everyone know he doesnt give a damn on what hsppens there , he might be involved in matters where he has interests.
Mostly before elections or the purge which happened.
Like you want us to believe he told them nominate Ngugi and not an Ogiek. He never even cared about TNA after elections reason Sakaja had to battle out alone for the Nomimation and Chairmans post. If you would have said Tuju was Kitu Kidogo to dish out that post , thats plausible or there was Kimunyas hand that would be believable.

Now Raila and Ruto they are micro managers  but still some decisions are made without his blessings like the purging of Otiende Omollo , It was Obadi who took it personal and also he went woth his collegues on trying to set up Otiende Omollo one of Railas favourite against Raila. You need to stop seeing Kikuyu ghosts in everything.
Raila runs ODM. Uhuru runs Jubilee (whatever is left of it). Ruto runs UDA. The rest are details
who makes Jubilee National Management Committee ? Is Njamba a member ?

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Jubilee replace Ogiek with Kikuyu - Crazy!
« Reply #42 on: September 24, 2021, 11:46:10 AM »

Boss several times we have told you support  Raila as you did in 2005 and 2007. Honestly thats where you belong. You do not own Ruto nor do you add any value on his quest to become President Aug 2022.

Now if you can demarry Kalenjins from Ruto if he was tp make a bad decision as  below . Why tie Kikuyus to wrong decisions by Tuju and NMC ? If its logic it should cut accross board , or it can apply to one and not the other.

If Ruto is going to develop Kalenjin land to exclusion of rest of kenya then akwende huko. We kalenjin do not want such. We no longer interested in such. We want better kenya for everyone.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jubilee replace Ogiek with Kikuyu - Crazy!
« Reply #43 on: September 24, 2021, 11:49:53 AM »
Yes I am very happy Kikuyu people have refused such nonsense. Nobody is accusing kikuyu people. This time round they have generally refused to buy elite crap like 1m1s, or development, and all the machination to isolate them.

But do not deny there is deliberate Uhuru and cabal policy to promote kikuyu interest above national interest.

So understand this clearly
1) Uhuru and his elite have deliberately promoted kikuyu interest - in gov projects, appointments and patronage.
2) Kikuyu hustler nation has refused to board.

Okay name the Kikuyu cabal running Jubilee, who are the Jubilee NMC.
My point is very simple , The people who made this decision didnt make it on behalf of Kikuyus nor did they consult Kikuyus. They should be castigated as NMC. Kikuyus are busy supporting  Ruto and UDA its very evident. This is hurting everuone including Ruto opponents who thought they would tie Uhuru to Kikuyus. They tried using handshake to say Raila has supported Uhuru in Jubilee 2 and now support us in 2022 elections but Kikuyus have told them thats your deal with Uhuru our support is with Ruto.
So stop with this narrative ati Tuju and NMC is doimg it on behalf of Kikuyus.

Jubilee is being managed by Kikuyus elites for kikuyus elites; accept and move on; the beneficiary is clearly a kikuyu; who has snatched a seat from Ogiek; it smell very bad and affect every kikuyu. That is my point. It bad optics.

If you had some brain cells - you should be in forefront castigating Tuju and the kikuyu cabal running jubilee for dirtfying kikuyu brand.

But you have a problem with truth and you rather battle me - instead of seeing and smelling this very nasty attack on our efforts to correct marginalization.

Tuju hakuna kitu naweza fanya - just titular head.

And this is not random - this almost Jubilee 2.0 consistent attack on Somalis, Turkanas and related counties - and now they are on Ogiek...running on USELESS PROPAGANDA called 1M1S.

Well thats your perception , from how Uhuru "runs"  parties since 2002 , everyone know he doesnt give a damn on what hsppens there , he might be involved in matters where he has interests.
Mostly before elections or the purge which happened.
Like you want us to believe he told them nominate Ngugi and not an Ogiek. He never even cared about TNA after elections reason Sakaja had to battle out alone for the Nomimation and Chairmans post. If you would have said Tuju was Kitu Kidogo to dish out that post , thats plausible or there was Kimunyas hand that would be believable.

Now Raila and Ruto they are micro managers  but still some decisions are made without his blessings like the purging of Otiende Omollo , It was Obadi who took it personal and also he went woth his collegues on trying to set up Otiende Omollo one of Railas favourite against Raila. You need to stop seeing Kikuyu ghosts in everything.
Raila runs ODM. Uhuru runs Jubilee (whatever is left of it). Ruto runs UDA. The rest are details
who makes Jubilee National Management Committee ? Is Njamba a member ?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jubilee replace Ogiek with Kikuyu - Crazy!
« Reply #44 on: September 24, 2021, 11:53:33 AM »
Kalenjin elite and kalenjin people right now are on the same page - they are in team Kenya.
Some kikuyu elite - not all - are in team Kikuyu. Kikuyu people are mostly in team kenya.
Refer to Revenue formuala, 1m1ms, BBI debate, Ogiek, appointments, Sijui Mau mau road, double lane to Nyeri.

Kalenjin will be very dissapointed in Ruto if they are hoping he will be in team kalenjin.

Personally I am ahead because I know Ruto will run away from Kalenjin.

So I am okay - I do not expect anything from Ruto - that he wont do to other tribes.

I know Ruto is not small minded individual like Uhuru in Jubilee 2.0 - and he will want to get bigger legacy - beyond even Kenya.

Jubilee 1.0 was doing way better - so much better - it improved nationally from 50 to 55 percent.

This one is busy dividing kenya into tribes - and favouring kikuyus only - not even Merus or Embus feel anything.

How are they able to do this - DESPERADOs called Raila, Kalonzo and maDVD have given them a leeway in exchange of PRADOS.

I am happy Ruto has refused such desperations - and has called out for win-win - and now he is not embolden to any tribe - not even kikuyus.

Boss several times we have told you support  Raila as you did in 2005 and 2007. Honestly thats where you belong. You do not own Ruto nor do you add any value on his quest to become President Aug 2022.

Now if you can demarry Kalenjins from Ruto if he was tp make a bad decision as  below . Why tie Kikuyus to wrong decisions by Tuju and NMC ? If its logic it should cut accross board , or it can apply to one and not the other.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Jubilee replace Ogiek with Kikuyu - Crazy!
« Reply #45 on: September 24, 2021, 12:05:47 PM »

Well finally you see for what it is. In the begining you resorted yo attsaking Kikuyus directly.
FYI Kikuyus are very much dissapointed with Uhuru far much than the rest of Kenyans.

Your people have no wisdom; that is why kenyans were hunting you after 5yrs of power in 2007; while Kalenjin ruled with ironfist for 25yrs without any consequences.

What message are you sending to many marginalized communities - this Ngugi dude - what is his real use in senate? It's not like Jubilee gov cannot find him another job earning 700k in parliament for the next few months.


That is why Ruto is sleepwalking to PORK

Ogiek can get their nomination from uda
Yes I am very happy Kikuyu people have refused such nonsense. Nobody is accusing kikuyu people. This time round they have generally refused to buy elite crap like 1m1s, or development, and all the machination to isolate them.

But do not deny there is deliberate Uhuru and cabal policy to promote kikuyu interest above national interest.

So understand this clearly
1) Uhuru and his elite have deliberately promoted kikuyu interest - in gov projects, appointments and patronage.
2) Kikuyu hustler nation has refused to board.

Okay name the Kikuyu cabal running Jubilee, who are the Jubilee NMC.
My point is very simple , The people who made this decision didnt make it on behalf of Kikuyus nor did they consult Kikuyus. They should be castigated as NMC. Kikuyus are busy supporting  Ruto and UDA its very evident. This is hurting everuone including Ruto opponents who thought they would tie Uhuru to Kikuyus. They tried using handshake to say Raila has supported Uhuru in Jubilee 2 and now support us in 2022 elections but Kikuyus have told them thats your deal with Uhuru our support is with Ruto.
So stop with this narrative ati Tuju and NMC is doimg it on behalf of Kikuyus.

Jubilee is being managed by Kikuyus elites for kikuyus elites; accept and move on; the beneficiary is clearly a kikuyu; who has snatched a seat from Ogiek; it smell very bad and affect every kikuyu. That is my point. It bad optics.

If you had some brain cells - you should be in forefront castigating Tuju and the kikuyu cabal running jubilee for dirtfying kikuyu brand.

But you have a problem with truth and you rather battle me - instead of seeing and smelling this very nasty attack on our efforts to correct marginalization.

Tuju hakuna kitu naweza fanya - just titular head.

And this is not random - this almost Jubilee 2.0 consistent attack on Somalis, Turkanas and related counties - and now they are on Ogiek...running on USELESS PROPAGANDA called 1M1S.

Well thats your perception , from how Uhuru "runs"  parties since 2002 , everyone know he doesnt give a damn on what hsppens there , he might be involved in matters where he has interests.
Mostly before elections or the purge which happened.
Like you want us to believe he told them nominate Ngugi and not an Ogiek. He never even cared about TNA after elections reason Sakaja had to battle out alone for the Nomimation and Chairmans post. If you would have said Tuju was Kitu Kidogo to dish out that post , thats plausible or there was Kimunyas hand that would be believable.

Now Raila and Ruto they are micro managers  but still some decisions are made without his blessings like the purging of Otiende Omollo , It was Obadi who took it personal and also he went woth his collegues on trying to set up Otiende Omollo one of Railas favourite against Raila. You need to stop seeing Kikuyu ghosts in everything.
Raila runs ODM. Uhuru runs Jubilee (whatever is left of it). Ruto runs UDA. The rest are details
who makes Jubilee National Management Committee ? Is Njamba a member ?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jubilee replace Ogiek with Kikuyu - Crazy!
« Reply #46 on: September 24, 2021, 12:22:22 PM »
We have light banter with Njamba always - nothing serious man. I told you I grew up supporting a kikuyu. Dude nothing is serious here.

Njamba is the least tribal of kikuyus - but sometimes he will wear the shoes of an average kikuyu - and I also will do the same - and we engage.

If you're not tribal like me and njamba - it's NOTHING serious.

Well finally you see for what it is. In the begining you resorted yo attsaking Kikuyus directly.
FYI Kikuyus are very much dissapointed with Uhuru far much than the rest of Kenyans.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Jubilee replace Ogiek with Kikuyu - Crazy!
« Reply #47 on: September 24, 2021, 12:47:29 PM »

Nothing much to say . Its for the people to Judge.

We have light banter with Njamba always - nothing serious man. I told you I grew up supporting a kikuyu. Dude nothing is serious here.

Njamba is the least tribal of kikuyus - but sometimes he will wear the shoes of an average kikuyu - and I also will do the same - and we engage.

If you're not tribal like me and njamba - it's NOTHING serious.

Well finally you see for what it is. In the begining you resorted yo attsaking Kikuyus directly.
FYI Kikuyus are very much dissapointed with Uhuru far much than the rest of Kenyans.

Offline vooke

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Re: Jubilee replace Ogiek with Kikuyu - Crazy!
« Reply #48 on: September 24, 2021, 01:22:03 PM »
Not sure, yes they should be bound, but they say Ogiek did not make it because he was 38yrs - which is strange - because they should have asked for another dorobo of 35yrs.
Lakini Pundito,
Are parties not bound by the list of nomination candidates they forwarded before 2017 elections? I'd need to Jubilee's list. Maybe it was not tribalism

That's what I'm hearing, not sure if it's one of those peabrained excuses Uhuru spews
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.